Mo Xie's Alchemy Skills (1)

Mo Xie made his way to one of the Tu Clan's alchemy facilities, it's actually the biggest one they had and only the clan's main alchemists can use it. But Mo Xie and Tanya came as a special guest today.

After leading Mo Xie to this place, a few elder alchemist of the Tu Clan immediately made their way to Xuanfeng filled with annoyance.

"Sect Master, what's the meaning of this?" Truth be told, their annoyance is justified, after all, this place is filled with their hard works, notes can be seen everywhere. Problems they've encountered, theories to solves them, and many more.

Even special pills and potions that are exclusive to the Tu Clan, one of their businesses are present together with their recipes.

Xuanfeng smiled wryly at them, after all, this person, although his authority is above him, he's a real alchemist and the head of it in the Tu Clan. 

"Actually, this friend is here due to my own request."