Chapter Fourteen

Yesterday was a little surprising, it didn't feel real at all in fact I don't even think that it actually happened. Well at least I wasn't sure until Christian called and made sure that I didn't forget or think that it was a dream. Since I wasn't from earth I wasn't sure about these things, in heaven we don't date. Depending on our rank(I will explain later on in another chapter) we get appointed life long partners, sometimes however you get to choose your partner. The way it works is that we feel a strange tingle with a person we call that feeling link. Usually if it's meant to be both parties feel the same link for each other in which case they get married and become what we call bonded. If you ask me our way of doing things is much easier than the way humans do. But it's not like i'm complaining about anything because the way things are i'm actually very happy. The only bad thing is that now that me and Christian are officially dating, I have broken one of the sacred rules(Will also explain this later). Well technically I only break the rule if I give even the slightest clue that I am not from this world. Not only the rule thing is bad though, I have approximately five or six months left before I will no longer exist here or in heaven. I am not really worried or anything because this way is much easier than the other way's I was going about the mission. Christian now should be able to tell me everything about why he swayed paths, and I should be able to put him on the right one. You know helping their boyfriends stay on the correct path is the job of a faithful girlfriend. Right?