The Next 3 Years

Jin and his women all left the Brief Residence as they had just finished informing the family of their engagement, to which they had celebrated all night long

When they got home they all went to bed as they'd been up all night drinking and celebrating

The next morning they all went out to sort out the venues, dresses, the food, the flowers and more. Jin was wondering if they were moving too fast, as hey had plenty of time to do this

But when he did question them, they all gave him a look that said 'Say one more thing and we'll kill you'

After that Jin just stayed silent as he watched hem do all of the work. They delivered the invites and sorted out everything within the first week. Jin could tell that they were all really excited and couldn't wait until the wedding day

However when he found out the date of the wedding he was gobsmacked. It was to be in the next month which stunned him

Although he knew they were really excited they were going way to quick. However Jin was a bit too scared to say anything otherwise

One month later

The wedding was being held in Central City in the grandest halls ever. Many people had turned up, and most were people that Jin knew in the entertainment industry, as he was a part of it

They all came in and congratulated him before taking their seats. Jin knew that they were all trying to suck up to him as he was one of the most influential people on the earth, as he had done a lot in his years on Earth, and was hailed as a genius and was more important than Satan will ever be

The wedding went on smoothly as the girls all made their way to the front of the aisle. When the guests read the invitation they were surprised to hear that he would be marrying 4 women, however no one said anything, as someone as influential as him couldn't be argued against, so they all just went along with it

In the crowd were Beerus, Whis, Champa and Vados. All of whom had happy looks on their faces as they could smell the food waiting for them cough cough.... for everyone

In the crowd of people, were Goku and his friends and family, and also Renso who were all excited about the wedding too. Especially Yamcha as he was looking forward to hooking up with the girls at the wedding

'Wedding Music'

Jin watched as they one by one walked down the aisle in their stunning wedding dresses and stood in front of him

A few moments later....

"Do you take Jin Silver as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked them

"I do" they all replied with smiles on their faces

"And do you Jin take Bulma Briefs, 21, Caulifla and Kale as your lawfully wedded wives?"

"I do" he said with a bright smile

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your brides" the priest said and Jin then stoped forward and gave them all a passionate kiss each and everyone began to clap for them

Afterwards everyone began to sit down at their tables and began to eat the food that was given to them, which then led to a toast by Jin and a few others who congratulated him

When the wedding was over with, they headed out of the and off into their limo, as they were leaving there were lots flowers being thrown at them. Laughing they made their way into the limo, which would then take them to the airport, so that they could spend their honeymoon someplace far away from home, so that they could enjoy their time, before everything starts to go to shit

1 year later

Jin sat in his office as he finished writing the next instalment of his book. With a content sigh he placed his own down and smiled at what he wrote

He then packed up his things and left his house office, making his way done to the kitchen, he found his wives all in the kitchen as they prepared lunch

Their first year in marriage went smoothly, especially when they all decided that it was too early for them to have a child since Jin and the girls were all 18, except for 21 who was 30, but didn't mind waiting for a little while longer

Jin smiled as he sat down and began to tuck in to the meal that they all had a hand in making. Over he year they all became excellent chefs cooks

The second year went on smoothly as their company had reached an all time high in business as they had just introduced satellites, which were able to create a barrier outside of the Earth, in order to prevent any unwelcome visitors from entering their atmosphere

The third year was he most exciting as they had all planned on starting their own family together. After lots and lots of trying, Jin managed to get them all pregnant. The Briefs were all really excited as they had heard of the pregnancy and were looking forward to being and aunt and grandparents

Once the third year had ended the girls were all 2 months pregnant, and it was time for the 23rd World martial arts tournament