At this point in the story, Nie Li would go to Alchemist Guild to form a partnership. He will give them many high rank pill formulas and split the profits. Shen Yue decided to expand his knowledge by going to Alchemist guild as well. He had already taken in all the books in his family's library and academy's library. He has very basic knowledge on alchemy, inscription and various cultivation techniques. But compared to mc his knowledge is very much lacking. Although his power level is much higher now he knows the mc will catch up easily.
Shen Yue decided to change his hairstyle and wear normal commoner clothes when he arrived at the alchemist guild alone. He is still trying to keep a low profile until he figured out how to deal with incoming crisis involving his family. He arrived at a front desk where a young girl in white robes with alchemist emblem greeted him.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes, I am trying to take an alchemist exam. "
"The primary alchemist exams are already done a few days ago. If you still want to test, you will have to pay ten thousand demon spirit coins."
"I am willing to pay for that. Can I ask if you have books related to the exam?"
"Yes. The exam will be ready in about four hours. The books for studying for primary exam are in the first floor in the west wing. For the guild library, you can only go in there if you have passed the primary exam and obtained the alchemist license."
"Thank you."
Shen Yue went to the area where the basic materials for the exam were kept. He found there were about a hundred books in the bookstall. There was only an old man sitting on a desk at the entrance. He told him he's here to find books for the exam and started flipping through the books. His speed has increased after getting used to the Library, he was able to flip through all the books in three rows of book stalls in over four hours. The old man at the desk was looking at him with disdain in his eyes. In his eyes, Shen Yue seemed to be just showing off.
Shen Yue went back to the front desk to take the test. The girl guided towards a room where two elders with white robes were sitting on a desk. They gave him a short glance and pointed at the test papers on the small table in the center. He grabbed a chair and started going through the problems. After he has assimilated all the knowledge through the Library, he was able to figure out most of the problems on the test. They were all dealing with fundamental principles in alchemy and instructions on concocting low level pill formulae. He finished the test in an hour half the assigned time and gave the papers to the elders. The elders gave a sigh when they saw him finish early and thought he had given up.
"We will let you know the result in an hour. Please wait outside."
"Thank you elders."
Shen Yue went out to wait as suggested. He was very tired at this point. He has absorbed a lot of information during the four hours before the test and had to utilize most of them during the test. He is pretty confident of his performance in the test.
The elders came out after an hour and congratulated him.
"You had a perfect score. Congratulations, you are now a primary alchemist. May we ask your name? Who is your teacher?" The elders were surprised. Just a few days ago, a young boy named Nie Li and came and surprised them all with his brilliance at the tests as well as his high ranking pill formulae.
"Thank you elders. My name is Yue Shen. My teacher is not from Glory city. He doesn't like to tell others his origin." 'He decided to just reverse his name and formed an imaginary teacher like Nie Li did to cover up his performance. Although passing the primary test is not as impressive as Nie Li had done by giving them high rank pill formulae, he still need to be careful to avoid any suspicions to his identity. A young man like him cannot become primary alchemist without a strong backing behind him.
"We understand. No need to worry about it. Here's your badge."
"Thank you elder."
Shen Yue walked out and went to the direction of the Guild's library. With the license, he entered the library and started flipping through the books. There was a beautiful matured woman in the library but he couldn't pay attention to her. She seemed to be looking at him from time to time as she read a book.