Decision Making

Shen Yue started thinking about how the original storyline progressed. According to the story, Nie Li should have gone back home to visit his family after the school break. He will gain influence in his family with the help of Alchemist Guild. But since Nie Li didn't antagonize Shen Fei and made a bet with him, he will not be invited to the martial arts tournament Sacred family held where he manipulated Sacred Family elder Shen Ming into losing money.

As the story progressed further, Nie Li was supposed to be invited to City Lord's mansion for protection due to his performance in the tournament but since he didn't participate that will not happen now. But he will get invited to set up an array inside the mansion at some point. But he should now be going to Heaven's Sacred Border to meet Founder Ye Yan and pick up the Thunder God's meteorite sword with murderous aura.

'Right, on his way back he was supposed to be ambushed by a group led by my family elder Shen Ming because they thought he recognized them during the trip to the ruins. I don't know if that still happens now that I have changed certain things but I can't be sure. But this will be a turning point. Now is the time to make a decision on how to survive. I will betray my family and cooperate with City Lord. Yes, that is the only way because I am not willing to let Glory City be destroyed. I don't have close feelings to my family anyway.'

Shen Yue decided to go seek City Lord as soon as he can. But to not raise suspicions, he told his family he is going to visit his fiancé Ye Zi Yun.

He arrived at the City Lord's mansion and told the guard he is here to visit Ye Zi Yun. A moment later, Zi Yun came out with a serious face. Zi Yun has noticed Shen Yue's behavior change over the last few weeks. He used to pester her by always following her around but since over a month ago, he completely stopped bothering her. She was glad of this change but also curious as to what brought it on. Also the other day she saw it when Ninger gave him red jade which symbolizes a girl's love. This made her extremely agitated. She has no feelings for him despite him being her fiancé but she couldn't understand how Ninger could like a guy like him.

"Shen Yue, what are you doing here?"

"Hi Zi Yun, can I talk to you for a while?"

"Yes, come in. I will walk you to the courtyard."

"Zi Yun, how are you doing? I have come today to ask a favor." Zi Yun was confused. What could he possibly want with her? She became a little vigilant.

"Huh? What is it?"

"Can you ask your father to come? I want you to personally go and tell him. I need to talk to him about something very important. You can listen in too." 'I hope she does what I say and not question me further.'

"What? Why do you need to meet my father?" Zi Yun thought he came here to see her and when he asked to speak to her father she was feeling agitated.

"It's very important that I meet him. Please do me this favor. I know your father is very busy but I need to tell him this."

"Oh..Ok. I will go and check. Wait here." She left Shen Yue and went into the house. A few minutes later she came back.

"Father said to come into his office. Come, I'll lead you to him."

Shen Yue followed ZI Yun and arrived at the office of City Lord. The City Lord, Ye Zhong was sitting behind a big desk piled with books and papers. He looked tired and impatient.

"Shen Yue pay respects to City Lord."

"Why do you look for me? Make it quick. I am busy." Ye Zhong was disgruntled. He was busy looking through documents for city supplies when his daughter came to interrupt to say young master from Sacred Family, Shen Yue has come to look for him. If it's business, why would Sacred Family send a little kid even if the kid is unofficially engaged to his daughter.

"My lord. It is important information. Is this room secure enough? May I ask the lord to check the surroundings using your spiritual sense?" Actually, Shen Yue could sense it himself since he was already at the pinnacle of gold. But he chose to ask the lord to make him pay serious attention.

"Yes, it's safe. Speak." Ye Zhong was now vigilant. Zi Yun became alert.

"My lord, I have come to believe that my family is betraying Glory City." Shen Yue got straight to the point and let the sentence hang in the air.

Ye Zhong was shocked and Zi Yun stunned. The whole atmosphere became tense.

"What have you learned? Speak fully." Ye Zhong's authoritative voice sounded out after some time.

"I overheard some conversations between elder Shen Ming and some people. From what I heard, these people were from the Dark Guild. It seemed they were planning for large-scale monsters' attack against Glory City. I have seen these people before. They work at Sunflower restaurant my family owns."

There was silence for a full minute. Ye Zhong who seemed furious a moment ago has calmed down.

"Why are you telling this to me? It's your family."

"My lord. I struggled a long time before I arrived at this decision. I would rather let my family fall than see destruction of Glory City." The word 'destruction' hang in the air. Shen Yue was trying to stress the severity of the matter but it seemed unnecessary. Ye Zhong already had a very grave look and gave a subtle nod. Shen Yue saw Zi Yun tremble in the corner.

"Right now, we have no evidence against your family, so I can't act. Keep watching your family and try to get into the inner circle. If you tell them you know something, I am sure they would bring you in their circle instead of silencing you."

"Yes, my lord. I shall do my best." Shen Yue made a pained expression as if betraying his family was difficult for him. Ye Zhong gave a nod.

"My lord. How do you want me to contact you?" Ye Zhong seemed thoughtful for a moment. It was important to not raise any suspicions otherwise he would lose the advantage of having an inside man.

"My lord. I have a suggestion. I do not know if my lord agrees."

"Speak freely."

"I think we could have Miss Ye as our point of contact." She Yue said it while he glanced at Zi Yun. Ye Zhong frowned. Zi Yun looked up and became alert.

"My lord. Let me explain. Publicly it is known that Zi Yun and I are engaged. If we meet outside in public as an engaged couple, people will have no suspicions. My family would also encourage it."

Seeing Ye Zhong frowning further, Shen Yue hastily added. "Of course, my lord. I dare not have any intentions. I understand that when this crisis is averted, I will be in no position to have any relationship with your daughter. I only thought the best place to hide is in plain view." Ye Zhong's eyebrows seemed to relax a bit.

"All right. I agree. Zi Yun, meet with Shen Yue outside in public every other day. Relay me any information he gives you." Zi Yun nodded, "Yes, father. I will fulfil your orders." Zi Yun was still stunned after everything she heard.

"I shall now take my leave my lord." Shen Yue bowed and waited for permission to leave.

"Zi Yun, go see Shen Yue out and plan for the outing in two days."

"Yes, father." Zi Yun glanced at me and led me out of the office.

When Shen Yue was out in the courtyard, he asked Zi Yun for his second purpose in coming here.

"Zi Yun, if possible can I visit your family's library? Since I am looking for a particular book, I only need to go through some books."

"If you are just taking a look, I think it's fine. But if you want to borrow some books, you will have to speak to my father." Zi Yun knew that her father treasured the family's library a lot. But since Shen Yue was about to help his father, visiting the library seemed like nothing. She then led him to the library. She stayed outside the entrance to see him flipping through some books without taking a careful look. It looked to her like he didn't find what he was looking for. When he came out, she led him out of the mansion.

When Shen Yue neared the entrance, he said. "Can you meet at the east end of the city square in two days around six? There should be many people there and the place is safe enough for a small walk."

"Okay. I can do that." Zi Yun replied quickly. She now had a respectful gaze as she looked at Shen Yue. She couldn't imagine what he must be going through to betray his own family. Was this why he changed recently? She immediately steeled herself to stop thinking about it. It was the first time she felt useful to be able to do something for her father.

Shen Yue then said goodbye and left. He was feeling pleased as he managed to fulfil both his objectives. He now has enough books to form a perfect book for Black Gold rank through his Library.