The whole city was in an uproar as the news of the attack spread through town. It all calmed down after a few days as there was a report the City Lord didn't incur many losses. Also, the news spread of the ten thousand demonic array repelling the attackers and the reputation of its creator Nie Li went up in the city.
Since it's been a week since last time, Shen Yue went out for his appointment with Zi Yun. She was waiting on the same spot and smiled as soon as she spotted him. Shen Yue offered his arm to walk towards the park and she accepted without hesitation. When they reached a quiet spot, they sat down on a park bench and Zi Yun spoke first with a smile.
"My father wishes to thank you for your information. Because of our preparation, there were only a few serious injuries but no casualties during the attack last week." As Shen Yue had never seen Zi Yun smile at him like this before, he was feeling warm inside. He was staring at her with his mouth open. He came back to himself when Zi Yun tore her gaze away with a slight blush.
"I am glad that is the case. Cough..cough. I heard the demonic array set up by Nie Li helped a lot."
"Yes, the array set up by Nie Li was very helpful." Zi Yun seemed to become tense in a moment.
"Zi Yun, I have more information I need to share." Zi Yun nodded with a serious face.
"I have found the benefit the dark guild offered my family in return for cooperation. First, they wanted to control Glory city by helping my father fight for City lord's position. If that doesn't succeed, they want to destroy Glory city and my family is promised a place in a new realm called Abyss Prison realm. You must know ruins at the north of city with a big seal that seemed unbreakable. The dark guild seemed to have broken the seal and there seemed to be a whole new realm inside."
"So it's like this. My father will be glad to have this information."
The duo became silent after this as neither felt compelled to speak and enjoyed the quiet atmosphere.
Soon a couple walked towards their path followed by their laughter that ended the silent atmosphere.
"We should go back now." Shen Yue said as he became sensitive to his surroundings.
"Yes, of course." Zi Yun took the offered arm and walked back towards to the square from where there is direct path to the lord's mansion.
"Let's meet up again next week if nothing happens." Shen Yue knew that according to the story timeline, she would go with Nie Li to visit Abyss Prison Realm and stay there for two weeks. If that happens, their next meeting would be in two weeks instead.
"Ok. I'll see you next week." Zi Yun smiled at him and turned back to walk to her home.
Shen Yue looked at her back for a moment before turning back to go home as well.