P.O.V Mothers mc

"Five hours ago I learned that I was pregnant,

everyone could not believe it

because during the mission we fell into a trap, the toxin did not kill me or my husband, but it caused that we can not have children

That is why it is the happiest moment in our lives, until the moment when our child's soul suddenly began to go crazy

we began to worry about our child when suddenly the soul calmed down"

in the meantime, the doctor came

"Congratulations, your child has a powerful soul. The state is very happy, children with such strength become great warriors"-doctor

(what a happiness my child will become a great warrior)-my husband

"This is my child"-with cold eyes

(Emilia, I'm sorry, I wanted to say our child)-husband

"I know, I'm just teasing you.better let's think about the name for a child"-Emili (mother MC)