
for 4 days I have a test Matura(false matura), that's why 3 chapters on Saturday


after waking Kronos, he remembered everything that was going on. not wanting to wake Cella, he asked the system

"system, was it real?"

[yes, do you want to explain the prize?]

"explain and tell me how many points I have"

[1.points 0

2. hacking technique of human shadow

explanation: the technique is to help you get combat experience for each subsequent shadow 1000 times more points

3. force field

explanation: A + rank technique every ten levels of additional ability, and reduces all attacks by 10%. Note! if the attack has a force 100 times greater than the capacity, the technician can reduce it by 10% (the level of technology is not important)

4. activation system

I had to change. Do you have any problems with this?

change check in {statistic}

"this is done. {statistic}"

Name: Kronos Set

bloodline: ancient dragon lord

Strength: Normal: Jonin .

Dragon transformation:?

Speeds: Jonin / max Kage

endurance: fight with an equal opponent for 10 hours

understanding: good

rating [you are weak as hell. your father's shit is stronger than you]