The Free Fall

In front of me, and quickly moving towards me was a full-formed clown. The hollowed-out eyes were still gushing red liquid that carved a vicious path down it whiten cheeks that were gaunt and bony like the clown had been starved and then dried. Its body reeked of a putrid smell which reminded me of the stench of death and decay.

Within its hand it held an Ax, a twisted smile adorned its face, its teeth were pointed like spikes and black tar was leaking from the side of the clown's mouth.

All of a sudden it made a mad dash towards me, brandishing the ax in its hands over its head. Reaching on pure instinct, I drew the blade from its sheath and parried the overhead blow from the ax.

The muscles in my arms flexing as I shrugged the blow-off. Swinging my hand forward I grabbed the neck of the clown and twisted the katana in my hand and drove the blade through the clown's heart.

Blood ran down the blade and onto my hand, a torrent of blood was gushing as I withdrew the blade and released my grip on its neck. The clown crumpled to the ground as if it was a ten-pound sack of meat.

At the same time, another clown had approached during my alteration with the other one. This clown had an ax and was bringing it straight towards my head.

It was trying to hew my head clean off of my shoulders. But before it could reach my neck a flash of purple shot by my head and the clown was blown away. Blood splattered across my face as the clown was cut clean in half.

Glancing over my shoulder I found that the snake had lashed out and saved me. Bringing its tailback I noticed that the clown had been turned into nothing more than paste along with a few other clowns that had been in the way of that death blow.

Although it was no time to be awestruck, more and more clowns were crowding the hallway. Trying to get their grimy bone hands on me.

The hallways were starting to be constricted with all the clowns that were pouring out of the panting.

What to do what to do?

Then as if a light bulb had gone off I turn towards the snake.

"Can you clear a path for me?" I ask. Its amber eyes narrow with a vicious gleeful look. Without wasting a second the snake slithers around me, wrapping around me, it gives me a backward glance as if telling me to hop on.

Without a second of delay, I throw myself onto its body, wiggling a hand under one of its scales to hold on.

Once, I was on it didn't waste a second in expanding its body and darting forward with the strength of a train.

Soon the sound of cackling and the sound of things being squished was all that I could hear. It was like the hallway went on forever.

It felt like forever, once we were finally out of the hallway and instead of a room, we arrived at the edge of the hallway that leads to open air.

Before, I could protest or caution the snake to stop. It picked up some speed and we plowed forward at an alarming rate. Then we were freefalling, I wrapped my body tighter to the body of the snake.

Looking around, I find that I was free-falling towards the ground.

"Do something!" I yelled as the free-fall descent ripped the air out of my lungs. Without a second of delay, the snake began to grow again.

Which caused us to fall faster and faster, soon the ground was only a few meters from the ground and I felt my heart rate quicken at the impending crash I was expecting. I couldn't help but squeeze my eyes shut. But it never came, instead, we landed light as a feather of the ground.

"What the hell…" I breathed out opening my eye and looking around.

Here we were a giant snake and woman, probably taking an easy couple hundred freefall and there wasn't a scratch on either of us. That was insane!

How in the world was that even possible?!

I slide my way off the snake, at the same time coating my body in a disgusting amount of blood and gore. But I didn't care I was just happy that we managed to escape that death trap. Leaning against the snake, I hang my head between my legs, trying to suck in air.

After a couple of minutes of being in that sorry position, I raise my head and look around. Other than the edge of the cliff that we jumped off of. It looked like we'd ended up in a gorge of sorts.

The cliff itself was the color of water and almost as clear as water too. I hadn't noticed it when I was freefalling.

There were a fair number of trees and even a stream to the far left of me, but the world was a little weird. In the sky hung a moon that had the face of a smiling man, except that the moon had no eyes they were stitched together, and it was the color of blood.

Which made the whole world have a sort of red hue to it. I glance back towards the cliff, but it's still a vibrant blue it looked like the moon didn't have any impact on its color.

The ground was black, completely void of any other color than black.

But the strangest thing about the whole situation I found myself within was the huge gate that was to the far right of me. A random gate that was in the middle of a random gorge.

As far as I could see it was just a gate that was standing, there isn't a town behind the gate nor a house. But maybe that would have been stranger for there to have been a house or town out in the middle of nowhere.

Sucking in a deep breath, I waved my hand and open my skill menu.

To my surprise, another new thing had been added to that menu screen.

It was my level.


It looks like after my tango with the clowns that I'd leveled up, I wonder if that meant that my skill points also went up.

「Skill Point: 40」

I'd gone up by 20 points, which must mean for every level that I increase I get ten more skill points to spend. Biting my lip, I look at the twenty points and then my skills.

「Intelligence (MP): 150(+120)(+40)


Luck: 10

Health: 345(+450) (+40) 」

I'd gotten forty extra HP points and MP points for the two-level gain as well.

At the minute the most prudent thing to invest points in would probably be HP, I hadn't taken any damage from those clowns, but if I did then I would lose HP points. I didn't want to think about what would happen when I hit zero.

But now there was also MP, Strength, and Luck.

Plus, how many points I wanted to invest in each, I could go all-rounder and add ten points to each skill. But I don't think that would be the wisest usage of the skill points.

It would make sense that the more levels that I increase the harder and harder it would be to advance, and the fewer skill points I'd get. Right now, it was the critical point.

Placing a hand underneath my chin, I try to think this through.

After a few minutes of deliberation, I decided what I would do.


「Intelligence (MP): 190(+120)

Strength:15 (+5)

Luck: 10 (+15)

Health: 385 (+450) (+20) 」

A message appeared as I was trying to put the remaining twenty points into my HP.

「For every skill point, your HP is increased by 4. By depositing 20 skill points you'll get an extra 60 HP. Would you like to do that? 」

Well, that was lucky, wasn't it? I couldn't help but smile at the message that means I was getting more than I expected.

「Intelligence (MP): 190(+120)


Luck: 25

Health: 445(+450) 」

Meaning that I was only five HP short of having the same HP value as the clothes that I had on.

I maybe shouldn't have invested fifteen points into Luck. But at the same time, with my skill summon familiar it wasn't a bad investment. It would be smart in the long run, it was practically a freebee on a test.

It said the better my luck was the more likely I would be able to summon the soul of a monster I defeated.

For now, I wonder which direction I should head in. Standing up I look back towards the gate that was standing all by itself and then to the left where there wasn't anything at all other than some water and trees.

Maybe for now I should go check out the gate, I can always turn around and head back towards the trees and water if there isn't anything over there.


I look back towards the snake, it had a complex look in its eyes.

"What's up snake?" I ask.

Seeing that it had my attention it began to bob its head. I raise an eyebrow at its behavior.

With a puff of the glittery purple smoke, it changes its size and lands on the ground and then began to slither around in the dirt of the ground. It began to quickly carve out a word.

「N A M E」

I glance at the now miniature snake that's sitting proudly next to its handy work.

"Do you want me to give you a name?" I ask the snake. It jumps into the air and I can't help but laugh a little.

I think I'll take that as a yes.

Looking at the little fellow, I try to think of a name.

"Royal?" I ask it.

Its little body began to vibrate as it twisted around in the dirt with a gleeful look.

"Well, I'm glad that settled then your name is Royal," I smile reaching my arm out. The little fellow shoots up my arm and slithers up to my shoulder.

"Shall we head off to the gate?" I ask the little one.

It didn't take long to reach the gate at all, instead, it was like it was moving towards me. It took roughly a minute or so to reach the gate.

Getting up close to it I noticed that it was a well-maintained looking gate, the door on either side of it was open. But there wasn't any dust or rust build up on the gate, it was like someone regularly cleaned it.

Did that mean that there were people out here?

I placed a hand on the gate, and all of the sudden a loud boom sounded it was enough to blow out my eardrums. But it wasn't an explosion that had gone off but rather the gate, the space behind the gate was a swirling vortex of color.

A sinking feeling started in the pit of my stomach.

It only got worse as I felt a sucking sensation and soon I was being dragged into the swirling vortex.