Do I Have To Spell It Out?

AnLing really enjoyed her time with Kang Jun and Mingyu up until the point where Mingyu fell asleep.

The boy leaned against the back of his chair with his head laying on his shoulder facing AnLing. He was so cute that she couldn't help but smile.

Kang Jun walked towards him and picked the boy up. Taking extra care as to not wake him up. He was soft and plump like a little bun in the man's arms. AnLing wanted to reach right over and touch him but she refrained.

Kang Jun: "Sorry"

"About what? Mingyu? Don't worry about it. I love kids."

Kang Jun gave her an 'oh, do you? Are you sure?' expression, prompting AnLing to reaffirm.

"I really do. When I was young I wanted to have a huge family with lots and lots of children, good family members who would love them and a husband with a harmonious family."

Kang Jun didn't comment but something strange flashed in his eyes.

AnLing watched as Kang Jun cradled the little cutie warmly in his arms and then place him on the back seat. They looked just like father and son. If they hadn't explained their situation to her from the start she would not have doubted Mingyu's parentage.

On the way back, Kang Jun didn't speed. To AnLing's relief.

The dinner had been a great one. It was fun and relaxing and with Mingyu around she wasn't worried about awkwardness because the boy was talkative, unlike his second uncle.

Though he mostly talked about random things, AnLing didn't lack interest. The conversation ranged from music to business to school to the food they were eating and the whole time she and the boy wore huge smiles on their faces.

Thinking back at it as she looked out the window, AnLing felt her heart warm up but somewhere deep inside there was still a coldness she couldn't shake off.

It was a slight emptiness; the feeling of guilt because she was happy that night. Happier than she had ever been since coming back.

Did she deserve that?

From time to time, Kang Jun would glance at AnLing.

Seeing the way her mood seemed to drift between happiness and unhappiness, he couldn't help but look at her with a complicated expression, but he didn't say a word.

They arrived at Mingyu's home 10 minutes later than when they would have if Kang Jun had sped.

"Up." Kang Jun said as he shook the boy awake.

Seeing that he was home, the boy woke himself up completely and a strange expression came over him.

He looked at AnLing and smiled.

"Bye Auntie."

AnLing: "Bye."

Kang Jun walked hand in hand with the boy towards the door, but halfway he stopped and then ran back to the car. He ran towards the passenger seat and then opened the door.

AnLing looked at him as he tried to catch his breath.

Mingyu: "Can I see you again?"

AnLing was in a difficult position. She didn't want to immediately answer yes or no, because both answers would carry their own set of consequences so, at the moment, she was at a loss for words.

Turning to look towards Kang Jun, she pleaded him with her eyes to help her but she was ignored. He didn't make an effort to go and retrieve the boy either.

"It's okay. You can answer truthfully. I won't be angry. I understand if I made today awkward for you." Mingyu's voice sounded completely dejected.

"No." AnLing immediately answered.

'Cutie!!! You didn't make things awkward at all. You were my little savior if it had been just me and your uncle I might have died of awkwardness!'

"…" Mingyu's face darkened.

Realizing what she had said, AnLing clenched her teeth."No! I mean yes."

Mingyu: "Yes or no?"

AnLing took a deep breath to calm her nerves and then spoke, "I mean no you didn't make things awkward and yes you can see me again. Your uncle has my number anyways. So when you want to see me just tell him."

Once AnLing spoke those words Mingyu revealed a wide smile. He reached for her with his small hands, but he couldn't reach. Seeing this, AnLing bent down and wrapped her arms around him warmly.

Hugging the boy made the warmth within her grow, so much so that her eyes began to tear up.

From afar, Kang Jun stood in place hearing every word exchanged between the pair but he didn't want to be the third wheel so he just stayed put. Though hearing AnLing's last sentence his eyebrows furrowed and a smirk appeared on his face.

Since when did he become the messenger?

After their heartfelt hug, Mingyu left obediently accompanied by Kang Jun.

When he came back Kang Jun sat in the car and sank into his seat. AnLing turned her head to look at him. The car was silent for a second before he turned the car on and began to drive.

Compared to before the drive was slower and stable. If she wanted to, AnLing could lean back into her seat and sleep but she wasn't close enough to Kang Jun to attempt such a thing despite tiredness invading her eyes.

AnLing struggled to keep herself awake.

"Mister Kang," AnLing said, half yawning.

Kang Jun: "Mmm?"

"Thank you for today."

"You're welcome." There was a hint of happiness in the man's voice. AnLing detected it easily. It caused a small smile to appear on her lips.

AnLing had no idea what made him enjoy her company so much but she had no real reason to complain. It was the most at home she had felt since coming back.

Meeting Mingyu had actually been a trigger to a lot of interesting things. Not all good of course…

AnLing turned her head to stare at Kang Jun.

Not all bad either.

But there was something that was still bothering her a little bit and if she didn't ask, it might continue bothering her forever.

AnLing: "Can I ask you something?"

"Mmm." Kang Jun didn't take his eyes off the road.

AnLing pushed herself up from her seat to sit slightly erect and then she cleared her throat. "I… uh, can't remember what happened a couple of days ago… You know, when you saved me. So, can you tell me what happened when I passed out?"


"No?" AnLing's face changed immediately. "Did I do something to you?"


'Oh fuck.' AnLing's heart began to palpitate hard.

Kang Jun: "Do you really want to know?"

AnLing paused for a second. Did she want to know? What if she had done something she really couldn't take back? What if she took his virginity?! Was he a virgin even?

She wasn't sure how old Kang Jun was or how many women had approached him in the past but he was so good looking that she could imagine women throwing themselves at him.

Not to mention that he was also rich and kind.

Shakily, AnLing answered, "Yes."

Kang Jun raised his eyebrow. "Really?"


"If I told you, you seduced me what would you do?" Kang Jun's words were like a bomb. It exploded in her mind causing her palms to sweat and her mouth to dry.

"D-did we do it?"

"Do it?" Kang Jun's echoed in the car with a slight amusement.

"You know… did we do it? Like, do the deed?" AnLing didn't want to continue the conversation but she needed to know.


'Don't play dumb man! Do I have to spell it out? S-E-X. Did. We. Have. Sex!' AnLing couldn't help but curse at Kang Jun in her mind. He knew how to tease her well.

Seeing AnLing's face darken, Kang Jun began to crack a smile.

"Did we do anything intimate, you mean?" Kang Jun said nonchalantly.

Kang Jun was impossible. The more he spoke to her, the more AnLing wanted to go hide under a rock. Meanwhile, amusement danced in Kang Jun's eyes. It betrayed his cold exterior.

AnLing turned to look at him drive and then nodded furiously.

"So did we?" AnLing asked. Anticipation lingered in her voice but a part of her didn't know if she was ready to hear the answer or not. Obviously, she wasn't a virgin anymore but she had abstained from sex for so long that talking about it felt embarrassing.

Kang Jun: "Answer my question first."


'What question? Wasn't I the one asking questions?' AnLing wanted to scream

"What would you do if I told you that you seduced me?" Kang Jun enunciated every word to perfection. It was as if he was whispering into her ear and It sent shivers down AnLing's spine.

"I would apologize." She said matter-of-factly.

The car went quiet for a moment.


AnLing tilted her head in confusion. "Promise never to bother you like that again?"


'And what? Why are you so talkative all of a sudden?' AnLing wanted to pinch the area between her eyebrows but she fought back the urge, fearing that it would offend him.

"Take responsibility?"

That was it. The answer Kang Jun was fishing for. It was a shame that AnLing hadn't said it sooner though.

"That's too bad." he smirked dryly.

AnLing: "What is?"

"You didn't do anything to me. All you did was try to strip in front of my eyes, hit me, pushed me down and then fainted but other than that you didn't do anything." Kang Jun patronized her

"W-what did you say?" AnLing couldn't help but stutter.

'I did what now?'

AnLing's mind suddenly broke causing her to lean back into the chair, defeated. She hated herself so much when she drank. That was only the second time she'd ever gotten drunk. She tended to avoid alchohol because nothing good ever came out of her drinking.

Reflecting upon herself, she sat quietly in the car until they arriver at Hotel Helios.

Once they arrived, Kang Jun handed his keys to the valet and then stepped out of the car with AnLing. They walked in together but it still felt as if there was some distance between them as they walked.

Though AnLing didn't pay much attention to that.

Her mind was completely immersed in what Kang Jun had told her in the car. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't even look at him. They didn't talk or look at each other at all, despite being side by side.

To the masses, they looked like strangers.

"Y-you don't have to walk me up," AnLing said to him as soon as they entered the elevator. She sounded weak, like a little girl.

Kang Jun looked at her, his eyes seemed to be smiling. Inside, they carried the hint of amusement that AnLing easily detected. The whole time they had spent alone, Kang Jun enjoyed himself immensely but AnLing couldn't understand why.

"It's convenient." Kang Jun said.

And even if it wasn't he would have still done it anyway.

"Really?" AnLing questioned.


They were on their floor. The elevator door opened quickly and then they both stepped out at the same time. Their shoulders brushing slightly against one another.

Kang Jun: "Really."

AnLing was perplexed by Kang Jun.

All day, he just said things that prompted more and more questions. AnLing wondered how others dealt with him on a daily basis.

Kang Jun walked AnLing all the way to her door, but he hadn't given her an answer.

As much as she wanted to just go into her room and die of shame in her bed, AnLing really wanted to know how it was convenient for Kang Jun to walk her up because to her it was completely nonsensical.

Why would he walk her up to her hotel room when he would need to go back to his car anyway?

It would have been more than enough to walk her to the front door of the hotel. Though in her opinion he shouldn't have had to walk her anywhere. Dropping her off at her front door, in this case, the front of the hotel, was more than any man had ever done for her.

When she'd been dating Yize he wouldn't even drive her home. Sure, their relationship had been a secret but still…

Feeling the curiosity welling up in her, AnLing couldn't help herself.

"Why did you walk me all the way up here? Isn't this a waste of time for you?" AnLing asked bashfully, tilting her body towards him.

Kang Jun laughed slightly.

Suddenly, he walked past her and over to the door beside AnLing's.

"I live right here."

He smiled at her slyly, swiped his key card. He then entered the room, not giving AnLing a chance to react.

All she could do was stand there, frozen in place.