How Did You Get Invited?

Arriving at the Halo Stars Entertainment building, Lu AnLing couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Like usual, there weren't many people there but the number of people present didn't change the eyes that stared at Lu AnLing.

Many stars, managers, and assistants were now familiar with Ning Jie and those who surrounded her. And that included Lu AnLing. So when they laid eyes on her, they couldn't help but whisper amongst themselves.

As Lu AnLing waited for the elevator, the voices of two girls and a man suddenly made their way into her ears.

"Have you heard? Junior Sister Ning Jie got invited to the Starlight Event!" The man said. He sounded excited and proud of the girl.

His voice contained something strange, which Lu AnLing could only pinpoint as being lingering affections. It was most probably one of Ning Jie's exes. They always broke up amicably, so Ning Jie never ended up with any scandals.

"The goddamn bitch! The Starlight Event, seriously?! I'm so pissed." One girl sneered.

To her friends statement, another girl couldn't help but whine."I've been in Halo Stars for eight years and I've never gotten an invite. I really wonder who she slept with to get that. I wouldn't mind sleeping with him too."

"Do you think you're young enough for anyone to still be interested?" her friend laughed. "Wait, you don't think it was Mo Yichen, do you?"

The girl gasped. Hearing this, even Lu AnLing couldn't help but gasp slightly.

"Hell no! President Mo is married."

Why would President Mo be interested in Ning Jie, anyway? He wasn't the kind of person who would do something scandalous. He was known as a kind and family oriented man.

The girl shrugged. "Marriage is but a legal affair, it doesn't stop a person from having a real affair."

Having heard enough, the sole male of the group hushed the girls.

"Don't let anyone hear you say that, or else! You know that's not possible anyways. The one hosting has always been hush hush. If Ning Jie was able to find out before it's announcement then that means one of two things; either she already knows the person hosting it or she is not your typical star..."

The man was right…

The Starlight Event was a charity event. Every year, a highly influential individual would be chosen to organize it. The one who would be hosting the event was always kept secret until the day of, so to not allow anyone to bribe themselves onto the guest list.

So if sleeping your way in wasn't an option then the reason must have lied in Ning Jie's, now assumed to be extremely strong, backing…

Lu AnLing had always believed that Ning Jie was your typical artiste but at the same time, she could feel that there was something special about her.

The difference really stemmed from Ning Jie's attitude and free spirit. Most people in the industry tried their best to avoid scandals and make sure to be on the good side of the powerful men and women that ruled the industry, even if that meant giving them their bodies. But Ning Jie didn't seem to give much of a care.

She dated whomever she wanted and she wouldn't allow herself to be sullied by anyone.

Sometimes AnLing thought that the girl was the secret love child of a powerful man but it was only Manager Hong and Ning Jie herself who knew the truth.

So, how Ning Jie had gotten them invited? Lu AnLing didn't know. As she went upstairs, she wracked her brain trying to figure out the answer

One could only imagine her shock if she ever found out that it wasn't due to Ning Jie at all but herself!

Arriving at the room Ning Jie usually occupied, Lu AnLing stepped in. Inside, she came face to face with three people she knew well. They all giggled and discussed the event. Despite Lu AnLing being happy for Ning Jie herself, she couldn't stop her curiosity from taking her over.

"How did you get invited?" There was not even a greeting, only a question.

Ning Jie and the rest weren't shocked by this. They knew Lu AnLing and the girl was usually quiet with them but still, this was a shock even for Ning Jie herself, so despite the rudeness, she didn't feel a slight bit of anger.

"Actually your question should be how did we get invited?" Ning Jie accentuated the 'we'. Hearing this, Lu AnLing's eyes widened as she gasped.


"Yes. On the invite, it says to bring my 'people' with me." Ning Jie handed the red envelope to Lu AnLing.

Once it was in her hands, Lu AnLing peeled on the red wax seal to open it and then pulled out a pure white envelope with gold trim.

AnLing began to read through the contents of the letter.

It was like an invitation a person would receive to go to a ball but that wasn't too far off from what the event was.

The Starlight Event was a place where influential people from the entertainment industry and the companies that sponsor them gathered for charity. Though for most of the people attending, it became more like a type of mixer or networking event.

Lu AnLing: "Don't you find this strange?"

"Yes, but at the same time, I'm not going to question it. I'm so happy!"

Seeing Ning Jie's bright smile, Lu AnLing felt glad for her but still, she felt like something wasn't right. She knew that Ning Jie was talented but at the same time, she wasn't sure if the girl was talented or influential enough to be invited to such a high profile event.

Even so, she couldn't bring herself to say anything more so she kept her mouth shut.

All she could do was be happy, and help prepare for the event.

From afar, Liang Ke, who had just exited the elevator immediately saw Lu AnLing chatting away with Ning Jie and the rest. A part of him wanted to go over there and congratulate them on being invited but he knew how strange that would be so he fought back the urge.

The girl didn't know that he had pulled some strings to get them invited and neither did she know what awaited her at the Starlight Event...

Liang Ke couldn't help but feel his body become lighter and lighter.

He was excited about what was ahead.

The Starlight Event couldn't come fast enough.