Sexual Frustration

It had been a long time since Kang Jun had last been aroused. For a while now, he'd begun to wonder if he was impotent. But now, feeling his body stiffen as he kissed the girl, he knew that that wasn't the case.

Kang Jun continued to kiss her for a small while. At first, his kisses were soft and sweet as if he was touching a precious object, but as the lust intensified he began to nibble harder.

Even if Kang Jun had tried his best to control himself, something inside his body urged him on until suddenly, he felt her face slightly twitch.

Kang Jun opened his eyes just in time to see the girls eyes flutter open.

Kang Jun froze.

He didn't know what to do; he had been caught red-handed.

Various scenarios were being played in his head. He tactically analyzed what to do as his lips still laid, squarely on hers. He feared she would cry out and slap him or that worse.

And yes, he might deserve it but still, he feared that she would never want to see him again…

But to his surprise, the girl wrapped her arms around his neck and began to kiss him with much more force. Her kiss more passionate than the one he'd given her. Her tongue slipping past his teeth into his mouth and swirling around with his.

What technique!

Kang Jun felt his blood rush. An uncontrollable urge awakened within him as she pulled him closer and closer until he laid almost right above her.

Just like he had gotten one sweet taste of forbidden nectar, he couldn't stop himself anymore. He continued to kiss her, his action becoming more and more fervent as the seconds went by.

Lu AnLing reciprocated without care, matching him kiss for kiss.

Tasting the familiar taste of alcohol that lingered between them, Lu AnLing felt as if she was back to the night of her one night stand. As much as she didn't remember it, she remembered how it felt and she couldn't deny that it had felt good.

Though right now, the man in her dreams wasn't some random man…

It was Kang Jun she was kissing.

Lu AnLing knew. She could tell as soon as the scent of fruit and flowers; Kang Jun's own special smell, filled her being.

The physical memories seemed to overlap with the present, as she felt one hand slipped behind her to grab her waist while the other went behind her head, gripping her hair.

She felt herself moan.

It was a dream…

It had to be a dream…

Yet why did this dream feel so real?

Maybe her grandmother was right… maybe Lu AnLing really was sexually frustrated and it was just a matter of time before she exploded.

And this was it…

The explosion.

There was no other way to explain the extremely vivid feeling being produced and the feeling that grew inside her. If it was just a dream, then she could admit that she wanted the man in front of her and give herself.

Lu AnLing could feel Kang Jun's kiss and touch perfectly. They sent electric shocks through her entire body, causing her to shiver in his embrace.

They continued to kiss intimately for a moment, indulging themselves in the pleasure of the others touch. Feeling themselves drop into the deepest sanctuary of pleasure.

Soft sounds filled the room, but lucky for them, it was not enough to wake up the boy sleeping in the bed beside them.

The boy sleeping beside them…

Kang Jun gazed towards Mingyu and felt his heart drop.

Shit! What was he doing? Taking advantage of a sleeping woman?

Despite it sometimes seeming like the other way around.

Kang Jun tried to stop, but Lu AnLing was unwilling. Their lips parted with a smack and a gasp but, just as soon as they parted, Lu AnLing wrapped her arms around his neck with considerable strength pushing his lips onto hers.

"More…" AnLing moaned.

Hearing her plea, Kang Jun's eyes widened.

He was reacting hard below the waist and it pressed up against AnLing's leg. A blush appeared on her face but because it was dark, Kang Jun didn't noticed. He just allowed himself to be kissed by the girl until his body could no longer hold itself back.

He wanted to bury himself within her.

If she didn't let go he began to fear how far they'd go. It wasn't that he didn't want it, his erection clearly proved that he did but still, he couldn't just sully her like this…

If she wanted to be tainted, he would love to do it when she was completely aware of what was going on not drifting to and from a dream state.

Kang Jun forced himself out of her embrace and the bed before quickly making his way into the bathroom. Once he entered, Kang Jun saw his reflection in the mirror. It was a mix strange mix of emotions the man couldn't understand but he couldn't help but compare himself to a hungry beast. Though the thought disappeared from his head when he looked down to see the bulge in his pants. Kang Jun frowned. He would have to take care of it himself.

Kang Jun could still feel the lingering feeling of the girl's lips on his and her arms wrapped around his neck. He could feel her warm breath and he could hear the sound of her voice calling out for more.

Kang Jun gripped his phallus and began to take care of it himself. His breath becoming quick and shallow as he continued on.

In the bed, Lu AnLing lay on her side missing the warmth that was by her side. She opened her eyes for a moment and then turned towards Kang Mingyu.

The boy was sleeping soundly on his bed.

Seeing that, Lu AnLing sighed with relief as she began to blush hard. She turned back into the position she was in before, bringing her knees to her chest. As she did, she felt a wetness between her legs.

Her blush instantly worsened.

She couldn't believe she'd just had a wet dream about Kang Jun on Kang Jun's bed!

Goddammit… was she a pervert?!

She had no idea how she would face the man when she saw him. She was so embarrassed she could cry.

A part of her even wanted to run away but she decided against it. She'd promised to stay until Kang Jun came back and as far as she knew, he wasn't back yet.

So she tried to control her breathing and go back to sleep.

By the time Kang Jun came back, Lu AnLing had fallen back into a deep slumber. He laid back beside her on the bed and then he gazed at her for a moment with loving eyes. She looked so calm and serene as she slept

Seeing her beautiful sleeping face, he felt himself harden once more which caused him to slightly groan.

He refused to take care of it again and he no longer understood his body. After years of celibacy and practical impotence, a mere woman's face sleeping face was able to turn him on to such an extent. He was seeing it with his own eyes and feeling it with his own body but he couldn't believe it.

But really, who knew that when Lu AnLing was asleep she would turn into such a beast herself. When she became his wife there would be no doubt that their sex lives would be amazing.

Though suddenly a painful thought came to mind...

A part of him began to wonder about who the girl was thinking of when she was kissing him. Was it the ex he had met? Her first love? A man she had dated while abroad? His heart began to squeeze. He didn't like the emotion growing at the pit of his stomach, so he immediately wiped the thought from his head. No matter what, he would erase any man who occupied her heart.

There was only room for one.

Looking at her face, Kang Jun fell asleep.

They were both satisfied, wearing tranquil looks on their faces as they rode the waves of slumber but, the next morning, when they woke up a big surprise would be waiting for them at the door.