Fuck You, You Talentless Whore!

It was late in August and the Starlight Event was taking place at 8 pm that night. A great many people were looking forward to this event and those who couldn't enter crowded at the venue as early at 12 pm, according to what the news was reporting.

Checking the news on her phone, Lu AnLing frowned. This event was going to be chaotic, which was why she couldn't say with sincerity that she was looking forward to it.

Events always made her uncomfortable. Though this one made her even more uncomfortable because of the strange circumstance of Ning Jie and their invitation…

Thinking about it made her stomach stir.

The previous two weeks had been really busy for Lu AnLing but it was not only because of her investigation concerning her child.

After finding out that Ning Jie and her 'people' were going to go to the Starlight Event, many people, which Lin Li, Manager Hong and Lu AnLing believed to be artists, from within Halo Stars Entertainment began sending threatening mail to Ning Jie and gossiping.

Even if they weren't directing their comments at Lu AnLing, hearing their voices wherever she went, the girl felt disturbed. The words burned in her ears, making her feel as if she had a target on her back.

It bore striking similarities to what she'd experienced when she'd first entered the Lu household.

The worst part of all of this was that the more days that went by and the closer the Starlight Event became, the more ridiculously shameless the attackers and gossipers became.

The day of the Starlight Event Lu AnLing, Ning Jie, Manager Hong and Lin Li were all told to come and get their makeup done at Halo Stars.

Heading there, Lin Li softly elbowed Lu AnLing.

Turning her head, Lu AnLing was slightly annoyed.

"Look at this." Lin Li whispered.

It was a text message sent to Ning Jie's phone. Manager Hong had given Ning Jie a new phone but she had decided to still keep the old one. So now it was under Lin Li's care.

####: [ Fuck you, you talentless whore! I bet you slept with all the higher-ups in Halo Stars. What a dirty company! Mo Yichen is so stupid for sleeping with someone as ugly as you. I bet a bitch like you even got your assistants and manager to screw him too! I'm going to kill you! A bitch like you deserves to die!]

Lu AnLing cringed as she read the message but she forced herself to quickly wipe the expression off her face.

Peering at Ning Jie who was staring out the window, Lu AnLing gave a relieved sigh before her phone suddenly buzzed.

Just as she looked down, Lu AnLing noticed the pale face of Manager Hong, who starred at her with nervous emotion in her eyes. This was beginning to have a really big effect on the mental states of Ning Jie and Manager Hong but also on Lin Li and Lu AnLing who were forced to deal with everything.

LoverBoyMS: [???]

LoverBoyMS: [What do you deduce my lady?]

Lu AnLing rolled her eyes. She was going to ignore his message but she knew that if she did he would harass her until she did.

Lu AnLing: [Sheng, I'm working. Talk to you later.]

LoverBoyMS: [Work? Now?]

Sheng was used to Lu AnLing only working in the mornings and finishing work at around one, but t the moment it was 4 pm.

Lu AnLing: [Yes. Bye.]

Lu AnLing put her phone in her pocket, relaxed in her seat and then looked out the window tiredly.

Since Sheng had accused Kang Jun of being a villain, she didn't know what to answer him. There were possibilities there but still, Kang Jun just didn't seem like the type. Then again, she'd only known him for a small amount of time, so really, what did she really know about the man…

Due to her own deduction, Lu AnLing was at a loss for words.

Arriving at the Halo Stars Building, the group of girls entered through the back entrance. They didn't have time to be stressed by out so they had all decided that this was the best choice.

Upstairs, they made their way to a room which was prepared for them.

Inside, there were a couple of makeup artists and four decently sized white boxes on a table. Each box had name cards on it.

Walking over to the box that had her name on it, Lu AnLing frowned. She could guess what was inside. She traced the corners of the simple white box with her middle finger but she hesitated to open it.

When she did, it revealed a dazzling red, that sparkled under the bright lights. Lu AnLing pulled the dress out of the box. The fabric cascaded down slowly and beautifully until it stopped, slightly brushing the floor with its hem.

It was a long red empire waistline dress that reminded Lu AnLing of something from a Roman myth. Right below where her chest would be, there were three silver bedazzled bands.

Looking at the dress, Lu AnLing held her breath, but she let it out with a gasped when she heard someone scream.


Lu AnLing turned to see the three other girls holding their own dresses, though the only one who reacted vocally was Ning Jie.

The girl was holding a simple white lowcut dress with red trim. The dress had a glossiness to it that made it look like water as it flowed elegantly down.

The girls were all in shocked, but when the makeup artist called to the girls to sit down to get their makeup done, they snapped out of it and followed orders obediently. Lin Li, who had just taken a seat, starred at her own dress from the corner of her eyes and then frowned.

She turned to the makeup artists who was rummaging through her makeup bag. "Isn't this a little too much. I understand Ning Jie but the rest of us are just a manager and two assistants..."

The makeup artist shrugged.

"It doesn't matter to me. I was given a job, so I'll do it well. It's not something I would question if I was you."

Lin Li frowned but she took the woman's words to heart.

For the first time, Lin Li believed the situation to be all too strange. But seeing that no one seemed to be their normal selves today, Lin Li didn't want to worsen the mood with her concerns.

It didn't take long for the makeup artists to do their jobs. In about an hour the girls were perfect and then they went to go change into their dresses and heels.

In the small dressing room, as Lu AnLing was finished putting on her dress, but she didn't want to get out of the dressing room.

Lu AnLing starred at herself in the mirror.

Long wavy black hair pulled neatly into a low bun. She wore no glasses today and because the dress was so bright and eye-catching, there was only a light layer of makeup on her. But because of her naturally sexy features, the dark eyeliner she wore gave her a seductive glance and the light lip tint made her have a permanent pout.

The last time she found herself feeling like this was when she'd gone on that date with Kang Jun and Kang Mingyu.

On that day she had looked pure and innocent but today, if she had to describe herself she'd say she looked more like a seductress or a villainess.

It made her feel rather uncomfortable.

Lu AnLing sighed at herself, and then walked out.

"Woah, who knew you were so pretty?" Ning Jie said with a gasp.

Lu AnLing frowned. "Uh, Thank you…?"

"You're welcome." Ning Jie said before turning to look herself in the mirror.

When they wore their dresses, Ning Jie looked like the complete opposite of Lu AnLing. She looked like a pure celestial figure that had descended from the heavens. The off-white dress suited her complexion and the bright and bold red lipstick drew everyone's attention to her naturally beautiful face.

Lu AnLing was going to compliment Ning Jie also but she was interrupted by Manager Hong.

The woman put her hand on Lu AnLing's shoulder.

"Don't take her to heart. She's just like that sometimes… But she's right. You're really pretty. Have you ever thought of joining the entertainment industry?"