Their True Relations?

The group of four talked to each other happily but there were some moments that they grew serious. Gazing at them, Lu AnLing frowned slightly but she tried her best to fight it.

Truthfully, a part of her was glad that Wang Tingting and Kang Jun's other brother weren't there. Knowing that Qiao Lan, Kang Mei Xue, and Rong Yue Wan were all connected to Kang Jun's family, in one way or another, she could only assume that they had come with the two.

At the moment, Lu AnLing had no idea what to do. She wanted to run away but there was no way for her to do that. This was the only exit that Lu AnLing could escape from inconspicuously.

She was in a bind…

Thinking of another way, Lu AnLing's face turned grave. Beside her, Kang Liang was no better, when he had first seen Rong Yue Wan, Kang Liang's blood had chilled.

He took a moment to look at Lu AnLing and then back to Rong Yue Wan. By the strange way, the girl looked at the woman who stood tall in the sleeveless little black dress, Kang Liang could only assume that she knew the relationship between Kang Jun and Rong Yue Wan.

Kang Liang wasn't sure about what to say or do at the moment, but once he finally decided he turned to Lu AnLing.

"Shall we go?"

Looking straight ahead, Lu AnLing swallowed hard. If she was a man, Kang Liang would have seen her Adam's apple nervously move.

Walking over, Lu AnLing put her head down. She hoped she could walk out the door without calling attention to herself. She really didn't want Rong Yue Wan to see her.

What if the woman recognized her?

When they got close, Qiao Lan looked up. As soon as her eyes fell onto Kang Liang and Lu AnLing her eyes brightened.

She immediately stopped talking to Rong Yue Wan and then closed the distance between herself and the two people, until she stood right in front of them.

Behind the beautiful woman, Kang Mei Xue stood. The mother-daughter pair wore cute matching dark blue dresses.

Qiao Lan extended her hand toward Lu AnLing.

"Hi, you must be Ning Jie, thank you for helping my daughter."

Lu AnLing froze, unsure of what to say. No, she wasn't Ning Jie but because she wore Ning Jie's dress, the woman knew she had been the one to sing on stage. Despite her fall out with the artiste, Lu AnLing wouldn't compromise her professional ideals, but neither would she lie. Though a part of her wanted to lie, because if she said her name, wouldn't Rong Yue Wan find out her identity? People's appearances change during the years but names usually stay the same.

Lu AnLing was worried, and so she decided not to say anything at all.

Realizing how awkward the situation had become, Kang Liang interjected himself in their conversation.

"What are you doing here?"

Qiao Lan turned to look at Kang Liang, but before she could speak, Qiao Jianhong did.

"Does Kang Guanting not teach his grandsons manners? Or is it because you're from the entertainment industry?" Qiao Jianhong sneered.

Raising his eyebrows, Kang Liang wanted to put the old man in his place. He knew how much this man meant to his grandfather and when growing up he had been taught to treat the man with respect but he was so unlikeable that doing that was hard.

Looking between them Qiao Lan wasn't sure what to do. Even if she could calm down her grandfather, she was never the best at dealing with Kang Liang.

Suddenly, a chuckle came from behind. A figure appeared and put herself between Kang Liang and Qiao Jianhong. "Fourth young master, please forgive him, he isn't in a good mood today."

Hearing this, Qiao Jianhong turned to glare at Rong Yue Wan. He opened his mouth to say something but then, he began to cough.

Worried, Rong Yue Wan put her hand on the old man's back. "Are you alright sir?"

"Yes, yes!" The man said between his coughs.

Lu AnLing hung her head slightly lower when she heard Rong Yue Wan's voice.

Kang Liang looked at Lu AnLing in apology. His eyes almost screamed, 'go, I'll stall' and so the girl did just that.

She bowed to the people.

"If you'll excuse me." Lu AnLing said, changing the pitch of her voice. She almost sounded like a completely different person.

But before she could leave, Qiao Lan grabbed her arm and then handed her a card with her number on it. "Call me. I would love to talk to you and I'm sure Mei Mei would like to see you again."

Nodding reluctantly, Lu AnLing accepted the card before she walked out the door. In a hurry, the girl made her way to a corner. There she gave Kang Jun a call.

"Where are you?"

Kang Jun: "I'll come to you."

As soon as she heard his words, Lu AnLing's ears were assaulted by a loud Vrooom sound and before she knew it, a black Volkswagen was parked in front of her.

Lu AnLing examined the car for a moment before she opened the door. She just couldn't believe that this was Kang Jun's car, but once she saw Mr. Long in the back seat, Lu AnLing's mouth turned into an 'o'.

This was most likely, Mr. Long's car.

But why would he let Kang Jun drive his car? By the way, the man drove, she would never let him approach her car and she didn't even have one!

Lu AnLing entered the car and once she did, Kang Jun reached over her to put her seatbelt on.

"Why do you do that?" Lu AnLing sighed.

"Don't you like it?" Kang Jun replied.

Looking at her crimson face, Kang Jun smiled, but inside, he said, 'I just love seeing the way you blush when I tease you.'

Seeing the man's ravishing smile. Lu AnLing's heartbeat quickened.

She had completely forgotten about Mr. Long who sat, completely horrified, in the back seat. She was in a complete daze until she heard a small voice call to her.


Lu AnLing turned the upper part of her body towards the back seat.

Once she turned around and saw the cute little fluff of hair, Lu AnLing felt calm. The boy stared at her with doe eyes, as if he had seen a goddess.

Kang Mingyu crawled towards Lu AnLing and then put his hands out, demanding to be held. Feeling completely tranquil, Lu AnLing carried Kang Mingyu over to her seat and then placed him on her lap.

"Honey, how have you been?"

The boy heard her voice loud and clear but instead of answering, he snuggled into the girl's armpit. His cute little nose brushed up against the side of her dress. The boy inhaled hoping to get a whiff of the girl's usual sweet scent but something else came to his nose. It caused him to cringe.

Realizing that he was on the side with the wine stain. Lu AnLing moved the boy before she turned to look at Kang Jun apologetically.

"It's just wine. He'll be fine." Kang Jun said as he reached to pat Kang Mingyu's head.

The boy looked up at his second uncle and frowned slightly.

"I want auntie to pat my head…" The little boy whined.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing let out a laugh, but she quickly covered her mouth. With her other hand, Lu AnLing patted the boy's silky hair gently. Feeling her warm touch, Kang Mingyu nuzzles her.

"Fine then," Kang Jun sighed, before bringing his hand towards Lu AnLing's head. His large hand began to caress her hair. "I'll do this instead."

Lifting his eyes, Kang Mingyu began to pout, but instead of speaking, he wrapped his arms about Lu AnLing's neck. The boy knew that Kang Jun wouldn't be able to do that.

Staring at each other, the two boys seemed to be at war, but all Lu AnLing could see was Kang Jun was teasing Kang Mingyu.

Lu AnLing gave him a playful glare.

How dare the man use her to get back at his nephew. She didn't want to be in the middle of this! But truthfully, she'd been in the middle since the first day Kang Mingyu had been saved by her. Lu AnLing was his goddess, and this wasn't any different for Kang Jun.

Lu AnLing didn't speak but her face communicated the words, 'stop being so childish' and it caused Kang Jun to smile.

From the back, Mr. Long watched the three interact. He felt like he was about to go blind due to all the cuteness.

Truth be told, when Mr. Long had received a call from Kang Jun, he didn't expect that later he would have received another one.

"Go get Mingyu at the old Kang residence." His boss had ordered.

Hearing this, the man had felt his whole body stiffen.

The old Kang residence?

He'd never been there before.

Mr. Long was afraid to go get Kang Mingyu there at first. After all, the only person from the company who had ever gone to the residence before was Secretary Rong and the man had gone on to become a type of live-in secretary for Kang Guanting.

But once he stated his name and business at the front gates, the security guard let him in with absolutely no problem.

This was because Kang Jun had called beforehand to inform his grandfather that his secretary would be picking Kang Mingyu up and Elder Kang allowed it.

It had been weeks since the boy had seen Kang Jun, and for the first few days, he had been pretty friendly and outgoing but as the days went by, Kang Mingyu began to become less and less cheery.

Sending him back with Kang Jun was a type of well-deserved recharge.

Although, little did the man know that what truly recharged the boy wasn't only Kang Jun but also, a woman.

If Elder Kang had been there to witness what Mr. Long was seeing, he would probably puke blood and begin to wonder what their true relations were…

That was exactly what Mr. Long found himself doing.

Mr. Long knew that Kang Jun and Kang Mingyu were uncle and nephew, he knew that the relationship between Kang Jun and Lu AnLing was, something along the lines of, soon-to-be boyfriend and girlfriend and he knew that the relationship between Lu AnLing and Kang Mingyu was along the lines of that of a child and his babysitter, but what he was witnessing made him feel different.

To Mr. Long's trained eyes, Kang Jun seemed like a husband and father, Lu AnLing seemed like a wife and mother and Kang Mingyu seemed to be their love child.

As he thought this, Kang Mingyu kissed Lu AnLing on the cheek and Kang Jun pursed his lips before he touched his neck and then he smirked.

Mr. Long's heart skipped a beat as nephew and uncle alike showed their unabashed affections for the girl, and the girl took it all in, though she only reciprocated to Kang Mingyu's affection, she couldn't help but react to Kang Jun's by blushing hard.

Mr. Long found his boss getting more and more sly in the presence of Lu AnLing.

It was getting so bad that the happy family began exuding a fluffy pink aura. At some point it had become so overpowering that Mr. Long stopped breathing.

He really didn't know if he could take all this dog food.

Meanwhile, from the corner of her eye, Lu AnLing looked Kang Jun's way. The man had a slight pout on his lips, but then he began to smirk. Seeing his mischevious expression, Lu AnLing felt her heart beat louder.

Lu AnLing: "Thanks for the surprise"

Kang Jun gave her a strange look and then he tilted his head slightly. He pointed towards the boy with a smirk.

"You think he was your surprise?"

Lu AnLing nodded.

Seeing this, Kang Jun chuckled. The girl was actually a surprise for Kang Mingyu, rather than the other way around, but now, he understood that it was very easy to cheer the girl up.

"I guess you don't need my surprise then." Kang Jun teased.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing couldn't help but pout.

Looking at her from the side, Kang Jun saw the cute expression on her face and couldn't help himself but to smile more.

"You want it?"

Lu AnLing wanted to scream 'yes!' but she held herself back. Instead, she just began to nod.

Reaching for his jacket pocket, Kang Jun pulled out a piece of paper and then gave it to Lu AnLing. She looked at the paper strangely for a moment.

Unfolding it, Lu AnLing wasn't too curious about what was on it. In fact, she was slightly worried. She could only imagine what would be said on it but if it said something like 'I love you' she swore she would puke out blood.

When she finally got around to reading it, her face turned from blank to amused.

From the back, Mr. Long was curious about the surprise Kang Jun had planned also so, he leaned to his side in order to see what was written. When he saw it, he became dumbfounded.

"You'll grand me 3 wishes? What are you a genie?" Lu AnLing couldn't hide the amusement in her voice.

"Mmm." Kang Jun answered.

Hearing such a response, Lu AnLing giggled. Kang Jun the Genie? Maybe she should change his name on her phone.

"Why only three wishes though? Can't I ask for more wishes?" Lu AnLing titled her head curiously.

"Of course you can, but..." Turning to look her in the eyes, a devilish smile played on the man's lips, and once he spoke Lu AnLing felt her whole world shrink. And for a moment, it was just her and him. "You'll have to become my wife."

Watching him for a moment, Lu AnLing was speechless but she quickly snapped herself out of it.

"I-I never knew husbands were genies."

"Not all of them, only me. So you better marry me quickly before someone tries to steal me away."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing couldn't help but burst out in laughter. What he was saying was already ridiculous but the fact that he had said it in an almost monotonous voice, made her lose her self-restraint.

Mr. Long who sat silently at the back wanted to puke out blood. What a shamelessly sly boss he had...