Buying A Wife

At Kang Jun's villa, Kang Mingyu sat comfortably in the living room eating lunch. By his side, there was Rong Xin and Mr. Long who sat silently.

Since they had picked up Kang Mingyu and arrived in Kang Jun's home the boy had not spoken a word and this was beginning to scare the pair. Kang Mingyu was never a talkative child but ever since Lu AnLing had arrived the boy was getting better and better when it came to interpersonal relationships. With the boy going back to his past state, Mr. Long and Rong Xin exchanges worrying looks.

Mr. Long prayed that Kang Jun would come home soon so he could be freed from the horrid job known as babysitting.

Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening was heard.

The three men in the room reacted to the sound and walked towards it. As soon as they arrived, the first thing they saw was Kang Jun carrying a light pink suitcase and—


Kang Mingyu screamed before he ran straight towards Lu AnLing, who picked him up and kissed him on the forehead.

Kang Mingyu smiled sweetly as Lu AnLing radiated an aura of pink and happiness.

From the side, Kang Jun watched them and he couldn't help but feel the same as his new wife.

Meanwhile, Rong Xin and Mr. Long froze.

When Kang Jun had walked through the doors, neither Rong Xin nor Mr.Long expected to see Kang Jun with Lu AnLing. Especially not Kang Jun carrying a pink suitcase, but no matter how much the pair wiped their eyes, the scene was real and it quickly engraved itself into their brains.

Their daze was only interrupted by the voice of an old woman.

"Master, you're home!"

Quickly, the housekeeper walked towards them. She was a woman of short stature with slight scars on her face which she covered with her long bangs.

When Lu AnLing looked at her properly, she had also noticed that the woman had had heavy plastic surgery. Probably to fix the damage previously done to her face.

Seeing the woman, Lu AnLing didn't know how to react, so she just stood calmly, cradling Kang Mingyu.

Kang Jun touched Lu AnLing's lower back intimately.

Feeling this, she flinched slightly and she began to blush. Everyone in the room noticed the man's action and the girl's reaction but they didn't say a thing.

Kang Jun: "AnLing, meet Rong Lihua. She's my housekeeper and Mingyu's nanny. If you ever need anything, she will be at your service."

Kang Jun waited until Lu AnLing nodded before he turned to look at Mr. Long.

"I need to go somewhere, come with me." Feeling as if he had forgotten something, Kang Jun paused, before he said. "Please."

By now Mr. Long was used to it but Rong Lihua and Rong Xin's eyes widened slightly.

Lu AnLing grabbed onto Kang Jun's sleeve and gave him a look of worry. "You're not staying?"

"No. I need to go to my grandfathers."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing froze before she nodded. She wasn't ready to meet Elder Kang, but she understood why Kang Jun had to go there. For a moment, Lu AnLing looked at the little darling in her arms and smiled at him sweetly.

Looking at them, Kang Jun couldn't help but feel his heart warm.

Kang Jun touched the girls cheek. "I'll be back soon."

His response prompted Lu AnLing to smile softly before she whispered, "I understand."

Lu AnLing was much more docile since they had had sex. She was even beginning to wonder if she was the same person as she was before they'd done it. Thinking about it made her blush crimson.

"Uh… I mean, good luck." Lu AnLing changed her way of speaking back to her original one. Her heart palpitated hard in her chest.

Seeing her cuteness, Kang Jun wanted to laugh but he held himself back because he could feel the stairs of the people in the room.

Everyone in the room noticed how intimately Kang Jun had spoken her, and they all felt how the mood had completely changed. Even Mr. Long who had been force fed dog food, a few times now, felt way too stuffed by their public display of affection.

It had reached a whole new level.

From the side, Rong Lihua watched the interaction between Lu AnLing and Kang Jun suspiciously. She had never seen the young master act with such emotion before, except when it came to the children.

Rong Lihua: "Master… if you don't mind my asking, who is this?"

Kang Jun looked Rong Lihua in the eyes.

"She's my wife."

Hearing him say this, everyone became shocked. Even Lu AnLing.

"Your wife… I see… I see," Rong Lihua said with calmness before her eyes widened. "When did you get a wife?!"

"This morning."

Rong Lihua put her hand in front of her mouth in shock.

Rong Lihua: "She's not one of those mail order ones, right?"

Kang Jun glared at the old woman but she was not scared. She had been working for Kang Jun for years and Rong Lihua understood that Kang Jun only attacked when someone deserved to be attacked.

At this point in time, the woman was just concerned. Kang Jun was like a grandson to her, she'd practically raised him.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing didn't feel offended, more than that, she wanted to burst out in laughter.

'Would Kang Jun really need to resort to buying a wife? Is his luck with women actually that bad…' she internally laughed.

Seeing Lu AnLing's expression, Kang Jun's face turned dark. He could only guess what she was thinking, but it annoyed him anyways.

He gave a look to Rong Xin and Mr. Long. His eyes almost screamed, 'speak!'

"Nanny Rong, Miss Lu is a fine woman from a well-off family. She's educated and she's a good person…" Mr. Long began to report. He only said the good things he knew about Lu AnLing to increase her status in the old woman's eyes.

Rong Xin, on the other hand, tried to confirm the sanctity of their union.

"Yeah, granny. She's a completely real person. Nothing suspicious about her. Our master wouldn't chose just anyone!"

Hearing them, Lu AnLing frowned.

"So you guys all did research on me?"

This caused Mr. Long and Rong Xin to freeze. They suddenly turned to the girl with worried expressions and began to explain.

Mr. Long: "No! I mean, yes… I did do research on you but you must understand…"

Rong Xin: "I didn't do any snooping. I swear, but I heard some things. You should know, it's part of my job. It's best to know who exactly I'm protecting."

Both of them blabbered in unison.