Divorce Him

Finally Lu AnLing had been able to shut her grandmother's mouth. She had the stage all to herself but now, a new problem arose. This time, within herself.

She knew exactly what she needed to say but she didn't know how exactly she was going to phrase it.

Getting annoyed at the silence, Grandma Lu said, "If you don't say anything, I'm going to continue speaking of your impending marriage."

Lu AnLing's face twisted. "No, no, no! I have something to say."

"Then say it! I'm waiting." Grandma Lu gestured as to say, 'hurry up, I don't have all day,'

Lu AnLing took a deep breath. "Why did you want me to get married?"

Grandma Lu: "It's because I wanted you to be happy and always well taken care of… AnLing, I know it's been hard living in this family. The relatives… they're insufferable sometimes, but in the end, we are all family. All I want is for you to have someone who will love you and always be by your side. Do you understand now?"

"Yes, granny." Lu AnLing said.

When the old woman heard this, she nodded happily. "So have you've finally decided to get married?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Lu AnLing touched the back of her neck and looked down for a second, gathering her courage. "I got married."

Grandma Lu's eyes widened and then a huge grin appeared on her face. "Really?"

Grandma Lu's reaction was the type which Lu AnLing didn't expect. It was a little too happy for her liking.

"Go get Chong Feng so I can give my congratulations to you both!"

When Lu AnLing heard her grandmother she immediately frowned. "Granny… when did I say I was married to Chong Feng?"

Her grandmother raised her eyebrows. "You didn't?"

"No!" Lu AnLing almost screamed. Suddenly, the girl felt a headache coming on.

Now Grandma Lu's face twisted. "Then who did you marry?"

Lu AnLing handed her grandmother her marriage certificate.

Slowly the old woman looked at it. Silence fell upon the two women. As time passed, Lu AnLing began to fidget due to how uncomfortable the silence became.

Finally, the old woman spoke.

"Y-you married Kang Jun? As in the same Kang Jun who is acting as the president if Kang Corporations?" Grandma Lu slowly asked.

Lu AnLing nodded.

Seeing this, Grandma Lu looked down at the marriage certificate once more. "Is that why you asked about the Kang's that one time?"

Lu AnLing shook her head. "Uh, no. I wasn't dating him then. But we had met—"

Lu AnLing tried her hardest to explain her situation to her grandmother in a way which showed Kang Jun in the best light possible. Not that anything the man had done was wrong, but she chose to omit the fact that by marrying her, Kang Jun was able to take custody of Kang Mingyu.

For some reason, from the last time the Kang's were mentioned to her grandmother, Lu AnLing felt as if the woman had a slight distaste for them so she didn't want to give her grandmother a reason to dislike the man.

However, nothing Lu AnLing said would have saved her from the fate that was awaiting her.

Not wanting to hear anymore her grandmother screamed.


Hearing such a loud voice coming from such a frail old woman caused Lu AnLing to flinch and then stagger backwards.

Lu AnLing gave her grandmother a strange look and then she opened her mouth to ask what was wrong but her grandmother spoke first.

"Divorce him"

Lu AnLing paused for a second and squinted her eyes in confusion.

Lu AnLing: "What?"

"AnLing, you're young, innocent and too trusting." Grandma Lu started. She didn't look Lu AnLing in the eyes, instead it seemed like she was saying this to another person. "You might have heard the rumours about that family but you don't understand them. They are much much worse than you could ever imagine."

Lu AnLings face remained confused and annoyed but she didn't speak just yet. She bit her tongue and waited for her grandmother to finish what she wanted to say.

Grandma Lu: "They're just troublesome people. The whole lot of them, even those brats that they adopted will one day grow to be just as evil at that damned Kang Guanting and his wife. In the end, by continuing to stay married to a Kang, nothing good will come out of it and I'm telling you, that man— that Kang Jun— doesn't care about you. He's just using you."

Hearing the last sentence, Lu AnLing had decided she had heard enough.

"How would you know? Where do you even get off on saying these things?!" Lu AnLing said through clenched teeth.

Seeing the girls reaction, Grandma Lu sighed. "I know these people. They've done a great many cruel things. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Maybe the rest of them have done bad things but Kang Jun wouldn't do anything that would hurt me." Lu AnLing believed this with all her heart and soul. Kang Jun had never done anything to hurt her and she would not take someone else's assumptions as a reason for why she should mistrust the man.

Lu AnLing's mind raced and she began to feel anger coursing throughly her veins. "And what do you mean by 'using me'? For what? He is already my husband, so I would appreciate it if you don't insult him like that."

Grandma Lu shook her head. The old woman's face was dark as she gave the girl a faraway look.

Grandma Lu: "Lu AnLing, please listen to common sense. He probably wants to use you to get an heir to solidify his position as the head of the family, so those two adopted children won't be able to succeed the family. "

Lu AnLings face twisted.

"Grandmother, you have a bad view of him for no real reason. Kang Jun is a great man. He treats, not only me, but the two children you mentioned, with care and respect. He would never use me like that and as for those 'two adopted children' that you keep speaking so ill of. They're just children, they haven't committed any crime so why do you keep insulting them? Is it because they have the surname Kang?!"

Lu AnLing was fuming by now

Grandma Lu sneered, "When those kids grow up they will be as cruel as any of the adults in the kang family."

Lu AnLing: "You're just being biased. Have you even met them?"

"I've met more than enough of them to know that they're all trash." Grandma Lu sneered.

Lu AnLing could no longer hold the words that were pushing their way up he throat.

"Grandmother, if a person can judge a whole family based on just a few people within it, then I'm sorry to say but the Lu family is just as much trash as you claim the Kang family to be."

With that tears streamed down Lu AnLing's cheeks and she stormed out of the room.

The girl stopped at a corner to wipe her tears away.

How could her grandmother be so closed minded. Kang Jun had never done anything to her and then she even had the courage to insult Kang Mingyu and Kang Mei Xue. Whom were not only innocent children but one of them could be Lu AnLing's child.

Lu AnLing felt rage raise her body temperature.