He Had Met Her First

Kang Jun had rewinded the video a good five times before he confirmed with 100 percent certainty that the person who the Lu AnLing of the past had bumped into was him.

Though even after confirming this, he still couldn't believe it. He didn't remember this moment at all.

It was true that upon first meeting, Kang Jun had had the strange sensation that he had met her before, and then, before long he became more and more interested in her but still…

This was not the kind of turn of events Kang Jun had expected in his head.

Kang Jun concentrated on the computer screen once more.

He saw himself hold onto Lu AnLing's waist. She was completely wasted so she leaned her head against his should and then seemed to mumble something but Kang Jun wasn't sure as he watched.

There was no sound in the video but Kang Jun could read lips so he could easily understand what he said to the girl.

"It's alright," Kang Jun said.

Noticing the slur on his lips, Kang Jun cringed.

Was he drunk back then? Is that why he didn't remember anything?

Kang Jun frowned but he continued to watch as they began to converse within the video. Then, one thing led to another and they ended up sitting at the bar and talking.

Their conversation wasn't anything extraordinary. They were both drunk out of their minds after all, so Kang Jun brushed over it and began to speed through the video until he saw them leave the lounge.

Hurriedly, Kang Jun looked through the video files until he found the cameras located in the lobby.

There he saw himself supporting Lu AnLing by holding her arm over his shoulder until suddenly, Kang Jun saw Kang Zhi appear from the side of the footage.

Kang Zhi quickly stopped Kang Jun from leaving the Hotel with Lu AnLing and then he told the man to go up to his room while he would go bring Lu AnLing home.

Reluctantly, Kang Jun agreed. For some reason, he was already protective of the girl.

Once Kang Jun was gone, Lu AnLing stopped Kang Zhi from bringing her outside.

She then said, "I have a room here..."

Kang Zhi paused for a second. Frankly, the man seem cool and collected which wasn't how the man usually was. He was usually a bright light in the lives of others.

Quickly Kang Jun realized what was wrong.

Only Kang Jun and Kang Liang knew this, but their older brother would only get this way if he had drank...

Watching, Kang Jun massaged his temple.

Kang Zhi asked Lu AnLing for her room number. To this, Lu AnLing quickly answered and the two headed to the elevator.

Kang Jun continued to watch the footage until the elevator doors closed behind the two.

Seeing this, Kang Jun felt his heart squeeze. He knew what came after this and he didn't want to think about it.

What pained him the most was that he had met her first… yet he was so wasted that he didn't have the ability to bring her to where she was staying and so he willingly gave her up to his own brother…

Quickly, Kang Jun closed his laptop and then the man began to massage his temple.

He got the gist of how Lu AnLing's children were conceived but now he needed to find out who the children were.

Kang Jun closed his eyes and he leaned back into his chair. He allowed himself to sleep a bit, but he woke up moments later much more tired than he had been before he had fallen asleep.

"Jun?" He heard a voice say.

Looking straight at the door he saw Lu AnLing peering through the door.

The girl wore a frown on her face. "You didn't work all night did you?"

Kang Jun didn't answer her. Instead, he looked away.

Unlike usual, Kang Jun looked dead tired. Lu AnLing didn't like this. She wanted to ask what was wrong but she just assumed it was work related and she didn't think she would be able to understand even if Kang Jun explained it to her in simple terms.

Lu AnLing wanted to scold Kang Jun for working through the night but she began to feel as if it wouldn't be the best alternative.

She herself had been in a state of mental distress before she had fallen asleep and the man had comforted her so she thought it would be best to do the same.

Not hearing her scold him, Kang Jun snuck a gaze but he still didn't speak. His eyes were completely bloodshot.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing frowned harder and then she barged into the room. The girl walked over to the man until she stood just a few inches away from him and then she touched his silky hair for a second. Kang Jun smiled slightly and was about to ask the girl what she was doing but before he could, she pulled him into her chest.

She held him lovingly as she patted the man on the head.

It was warm, soft and Ku AnLing smelled nice. He could not help but close his eyes and then drift to sleep.

He felt like a child being soothed and Kang Jun felt like being in her arms was the safest place in the world.

'I guess this is how Mingyu feels.' Kang Jun couldn't help but internally laugh.

Lu AnLing: "If you ever need me, I'll be there for you. I can't really help you with work but I can do anything else."

Kang Jun looked up.

"Anything?" Kang Jun teased.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing blushed hard. Feeling her face warm up she frowned and then she flicked Kang Jun's forehead. The man winced but he didn't get angry at her. Instead he wrapped his arms around Lu AnLings waist and brought her closer to him.

He held her as if she would disappear at any moment.

Looking down at him, Lu AnLing blushed hard. "W-what are you doing?"

Kang Jun snuggled up to her.

Kang Jun: "I'm tired and you said you'd do anything."

Lu AnLing began to pout but her face didn't represent her true feelings. She was happy to see Kang Jun like this. She felt needed with him, even if she wasn't doing anything special.

Despite the fact that she was pouting, Lu AnLing continued to play with Kang Juns hair lovingly.

The two just stayed silent as their held each other.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Kang Jun didn't say a word but Rong Lihua still entered without a care.

Seeing the two holding each other Rong Lihua gave a slight smile and then she contemplated leaving, but remembering why she had come, the old woman turned to Lu AnLing and said,

"Um young mistress... your phones been ringing nonstop."

It was early in the moment at that moment and Lu AnLing had previously awoken and gone downstairs to find Kang Jun.

When she had noticed that he wasn't there she went to the study. It was the only other place that he could be.

There, Rong Lihua was left alone to set the table and ever since Lu AnLing had left, all she heard was the woman's phone buzz.

At some point Rong Lihua could no longer take the sound. It even caused her to contemplate throwing the woman's phone out but there was no way she was going to do that. So her best bet was to go find the woman and so she did.

Hearing this, Kang Jun turned to Lu AnLing.

"Will you answer today?"

Lu AnLing gave Kang Jun a soft smile and then she gave him a peck on the lips and said,

"I'll be back."

Kang Jun watched her as she walked out the door.