Help Her

Elder Kang had had a good morning.

He had heard that the company stock was improving and the old man was sure that this was because Kang Jun had made progress on the Infinity Project. Day's ago, Kang Jun had contacted him about setting up a meeting with the new person in charge of it. Elder Kang was never the type to micromanage but the Infinity Project was all too important so he liked to know about it.

But that wasn't all... There was a more pressing matter that Elder Kang liked keeping tabs on, and this was Kang Jun's relationship with his wife and so, the man had been— reluctantly— keeping Elder Kang updated on how well his relationship with Lu AnLing was going.

Everything seemed to be proceeding smoothly. Elder Kang was glad and he couldn't wait until the two had a child. Not that he didn't like the two grand children he had. He loved them to death but for the elder, the more the merrier.

As he thought of this, Elder Kang had a sudden urge to tell someone but no one was around, so the man headed to his study and began to write a letter.

The old man wrote of what had happened these few weeks and the happiness he felt. All of this was addressed to 'My Li'.

At one part he wrote, "My Li, I wish you were here to see this. I wish you were still by my side."

As he continued to write, Elder Kang lost himself and suddenly wet droplets fell on the letter.

The old man reached a shaky hand to his eyes and wiped the tears away.

Elder Kang's heart and head hurt simultaneously. He couldn't stand this feeling.

As he continued to wipe away his tears, there was a sudden knock at the door. Quickly, the old man put his letter in a fake bottom of his desk and completely wiped his tears away so that not even residue was visible.

"Come in," Elder Kang said firmly.

When the door opened, Secretary Rong walked through and he handed Elder Kang the phone.

"It's Rong Yue Wan."

Hearing this, Elder Kang was worried. Had something happened to Qiao Jianhong?

He prayed that this wasn't so.

Quickly, Elder Kang put the phone to his ear and then he dismissed Secretary Rong. The man left the room reluctantly but he had no reason to reject his master's orders.

Elder Kang spoke to the girl a bit. She made a small bit of small talk and then she said,

"Grandfather Kang, I need to ask you something..."

Elder Kang furrowed his eyebrows. "What wrong?"

"I heard that Kang Jun will get married soon. Is that true?"

Elder Kang held his breath for a moment but he was able to choke out, "... yes."

"I know who his marriage candidates are but... it makes me really sad because I wasn't chosen as a candidate. Did I do something wrong?"

If any other woman had said this, it would have sounded like whining but Rong Yue Wan's voice was calm and collected. As if she was just collecting information.

Elder Kang, not knowing what to say, sighed. "You haven't."

He had completely forgotten that that stupid son of his was finding bride candidates for Kang Jun.

At this point in time, that was unnecessary since Kang Jun had already married but Elder Kang had no idea how he would convince Kang Mu to abandon his search for brides without mentioning that fact.

Rong Yue Wan: "Really? Well then... if possible could you speak to Kang Jun's parents so they would allow me to have another chance with him. Grandfather Kang, I truly love Kang Jun and I will work hard to be the best of wives for him."

Suddenly the line went dead.

Hearing this, Elder Kang was tongue-tied. He couldn't say he already had a granddaughter-in-law so he couldn't help her but neither would he tell Rong Yue Wan that he would help her. That would be unfair to both Kang Jun and Lu AnLing. So instead he said,

"I'm sorry Yue Wan. This has nothing to do with me."

When the old man spoke those words, there was no pause. Only a question escaped Rong Yue Wan's mouth.

"Why not?"

Elder Kang paused. 'Why not indeed...'

For a long time now the elder had been known as someone who meddled in the affairs of his children and grandchildren so it was strange that he would stop now.

Elder Kang needed to find an excuse quickly.

"Uhhhh," Elder Kang started, his brain raced to find any viable excuse. "I made a deal with Kang Mu... yes... I told him that he could choose Kang Jun's next bride. You know Yue Wan, I'm tired. So I gave my son the task and I promised him I wouldn't interfere. I'm sorry."

A quiet settled between them, but then, Rong Yue Wan spoke once more.

"Oh okay... I understand. Thank you for taking my call."

"No problem," the elder said guiltily.

He felt really bad that he had to lie. Mostly when it came to lying to someone he had known so long like Rong Yue Wan but in the end, he wanted to respect Kang Jun's choice to have a temporary secret marriage and he didn't want to cause trouble for the boy.

As soon as Rong Yue Wan hung up, Elder Kang dialed Kang Jun's number on his phone.

When the boy picked up, Elder Kang said,

"You have a problem."

Hearing this, Kang Jun frowned on the other end.

Kang Jun: "What now?"

"Your parents... they've been interviewing potential brides for you."

Kang Jun sighed. "I'll take care of it."

Kang Jun was about to hand up the phone but the elder stopped him.

"When are we going to arrange a formal meeting between me and Miss Lu?" The elder asked firmly.

At the other end of the line, Kang Jun was quiet.

Kang Jun didn't understand why Elder Kang liked his wife so much but at the same time, he wasn't complaining. It had hurt Lu AnLing when her grandmother didn't like Kang Jun so, Kang Jun believed that the way Elder Kang was acting should please the girl.

Kang Jun gave a small laugh

This caught Elder Kang off guard.

Kang Jun: "I'll ask my wife."

Hearing this, Elder Kang was positively elated but also shocked. His grandson hadn't been married love and yet, Elder Kang could see that he would be a wife slave. But he quickly forgot about that when he thought of his formal meeting with Lu AnLing. He knew that she would probably be shocked to see him, but he didn't care. He had many things he wanted to talk about. He wanted to get to know the girl and dote on her as a grandfather should.

When Qiao Lan had married into the family he had tried to do the same but in the end, he had known the girl all her life so she just acted as normally as she usually did... and when it came to Kang Nianxi's bride, Elder Kang hadn't accepted her yet because he didn't quite like her, but with Lu AnLing it would be different.

Elder Kang liked the girl and she was a completely new family member.

Anticipation filled the old man.