Who Cares

"Did you just say husband and wife?" Kang Liu Ran restated Kang Jun's sentence just to make sure he didn't hear it wrong.

Meanwhile, Lu Xia looked at Kang Jun with wide eyes. She thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend, not husband and wife...

This was a huge development!

Lu AnLing herself had to look at Kang Jun in disbelief. Here she thought that they were going to keep their marriage secret for a while. Lu AnLing couldn't understand why he had spilled the beans so easily but seeing the way Kang Jun reclined himself in his seat, the girl believed that the man had a completely logical reason for doing so.

When Lu Xia saw Lu AnLing relax beside the man, mirroring his calmness, her inner voice cheered.

"When did you guys get married?" Lu Xia didn't care that she was talking to the legendary Kang Jun.

She knew that Kang Liu Ran was the man's brother but by the stories she had heard of him, she would have been a fool not to be at least a bit afraid of the man, but ever since she had seen the way he looked at Lu AnLing, Lu Xia just thought of him as a normal man.

"Not too long ago," Lu AnLing answered nonchalantly.

"Does granny know? I heard she's been pestering you to get married."

To this, Lu AnLing looked away. Noticing what she had just said, pain was seen manifesting in Lu Xia's eye. She had just said those words on instinct.

Seeing the painful look flash between the two cousins, Kang Jun interrupted.

Kang Jun: "We're keeping a low profile for now."

Lu Xia began nodding furiously. "That's a good idea. There are so many pesky people nowadays who would kill to mess up another person's relationship. It's just disgusting."

Suddenly, Lu Xia gazed at the Feng sisters out of the corner of her eyes. At that moment, a thought came to mind that made her chuckle. "That Yan bitch is really going to be face slapped when she finds this out... Hell, even Jiayi. I heard from my mom that she's been trying to marry before our other cousins so she can have the manor."

Lu Xia wanted to explode from laughter but she held herself back. "Imagine when she finds out that you got married first. She's going to be so mad, I think she might die."

Lu AnLing gave Lu Xia a confused expression. "What does the manor have to do with getting married?"

Lu Xia gave Lu AnLing a look that mirrored her own but then, remembering something, Lu Xia snapped her fingers her cousins way. "I'm stupid. I forgot that this wasn't common knowledge!"

Now everyone at the table looked at the girl curiously.

Now that the stage was fully prepared for her, Lu Xia cleared her throat. "The Lu family is kind of weird. The head of the family, which usually ends up being one of the guys, don't get the manor. You should have noticed this, cousin."

Lu AnLing thought about it for a second and she quickly noticed that Lu Xia was right. Ever since she entered the Lu family, she had always lived in the manor but it was her mother, not Lu Shuya's father who was a Lu.

Seeing the realization dawn in Lu AnLing's eyes, Lu Xia was please and then she continued to speak.

"Your mom, is the owner of the Lu manor, and my father and our family live in another villa. This isn't because daddy wanted a bigger house, though, mind you, he is fairly materialistic. But It's actually because the manor goes to the first daughter who marries."

When Lu Xia had first heard about this, she thought that it was ridiculous but according to their grandmother, this was a way for the Lu's to assure that the daughters would marry.

"So that means the manor belongs to me?" Lu AnLing asked just to clarify.

Lu Xia: "Yup. You won the rat race without even knowing it."

Kang Jun and Kang Liu Ran had matching blank expressions but in both of their heads they thought of the battle of succession they faced.

The Lu family wasn't the only one with strange traditions and the two men couldn't help but allow their minds to linger on the impending battle.

Because of this, their time spent after that was slightly awkward. Unless Lu Xia started a conversation the table stayed relatively quiet and then once the four had finished their meal, they headed out.

Outside, Kang Liu Ran lit his cigarette and then he took a drag of it. He stared at Lu Xia and Lu AnLing as they walked into the distance and spoke privately. Then the man turned to Kang Jun who stood by his side staring in the same direction he had been, a moment ago.

"Did grandfather force you to get married?" Kang Liu Ran asked.

The question had been burning at the inside of his throat since Kang Jun had admitted to being married.

"No." Kang Jun said without even thinking of explaining his situation.

Kang Liu Ran furrowed his eyebrows and took another drag of his cigarette. Once he felt the smoke fill his lungs he held it in for much longer than he usually did. Once he exhaled, Kang Liu Ran felt much better, and so he asked, "So you married for love?"

Kang Jun: "Mmm."

"Do the elders know? I know father and mother don't. They're in the process of choosing a wife for you."

Kang Liu Ran had remembered going back home and seeing Kang Mu And Mo Ruyi conversing with a couple of candidates. They were all 'exceptional young ladies befitting of being Kang family brides' but seeing that kind of stuff made him glad he wasn't Kang Jun.

Kang Liu Ran much preferred the freedoms he had in hand.

Kang Jun: "Anyone who needs to know, knows."

"What if Grandfather and Grandmother don't approve?" Kang Liu Ran asked.

Kang Liu Ran sounded concerned but he actually wasn't. He was just curious what was going on within his perfect elder brothers mind.

Getting married so quickly? Did he get the girl pregnant?...

He doubted it.

Was the girl somehow threatening him?

No way. That was even more impossible.

Kang Liu Ran wasn't stupid. He saw the look in his brothers eyes. The man was in love... but even that, it was hard for him to conceive.

To the boys question, Kang Jun answered, "Who cares."

Kang Liu Ran's face darkened. The boy didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Who cares?

Only Kang Jun had the courage to answer that way.