Of Course, My Sweets

Finally it came the day when Kang Jun and Lu AnLing were headed to France.

Since their flight to France would last around 10 to 11 hours and the time in France was behind by 7 hours, Kang Jun decided that it was best to leave the country at around 12am. So they would arrive in Paris at around 1 or 2 am.

The hotel that Mr. Long had booked for them wasn't too far from the airport so Kang Jun thought that this would give the two enough time to get a good nights sleep.

Usually people slept on planes but for Kang Jun it was different. The man didn't know about Lu AnLing but he was never able to sleep on planes. So he planned on spending his time either working or enjoying his time with Lu AnLing.

Though even if she did sleep during the whole plane ride, he still believed that she would be able to sleep for more that 10 hours. For these last few days, the girl had barely been sleeping. She would just look at messages on her phone until she passed out. This usually gave her only a couple hours of sleep.

So, in Kang Jun's mind, she needed a rest and hopefully, when they were both finished with their business, that was what they would get.

That day, both Lu AnLing and Kang Jun woke up early in the morning to finish a couple of things and then they planned on having a nap mid day so they wouldn't be completely drained when they boarded the plane.

Around when they had planned to sleep, Kang Jun was still in his office preparing a couple of things.

At this moment, Lu AnLing suddenly knocked at his door. The man was on a call.

"Come in," Kang Jun said after he muted his side of the phone call.

Quietly, Lu AnLing walked into the room. Seeing her, Kang Jun moved a few documents around and then he Uh-muted the phone call.

"Give me a second," Kang Jun said to the person before he muted the call again. Once he was done doing this the man's undivided attention was on Lu AnLing.

No matter how many times Kang Jun would do these things for her, Lu AnLing would still feel touched.

Lu AnLing: "Granny Rong is telling you to come down for lunch."

Lu AnLing flashed Kang Jun a smiled. "I made tangyuan for desert, so you better come down and eat."

Hearing this, Kang Jun's face softened and then he began to wrap up his phone call.

"I'll wait for you outside." Lu AnLing said.

Ever since Lu AnLing noticed that Kang Jun liked eating sweet things she made an effort to keep making them for him.

At first she didn't know how to make deserts. The girl barely knew how to make Chinese dishes. She had lived abroad for so long that she had gotten used to western food. But still, even that she barely knew how to cook.

Though, Lu AnLing was lucky for Rong Lihua.

After a while of living in Kang Jun's home, Rong Lihua, who also lived there but in a wing specifically made for her, Rong Xin and any other servant Kang Jun trusted enough to hire, and Lu AnLing had become close. Almost like family.

The old woman liked Lu AnLing and the girl's 'willing to learn anything' attitude, and because of this, the old woman would always teach her how to cook a great many dishes.

When Kang Jun was done with his call, Lu AnLing accompanied him down. At the table, Kang Mingyu was sitting silently having a staring contest with Rong Xin, seeing this, Lu AnLing frowned.

"What's going on here?"

Hearing Lu AnLing's voice, Rong Xin turned to look at her. As soon as he did, Kang Mingyu ducked under the table. Feeling as if he had messed up, Rong Xin looked back to where Kang Mingyu was supposed to be sitting. When he saw that the boy wasn't there, Rong Xin looked under the table.

When he saw the boys smug face, Rong Xin scoffed, "You're not going to trick me."

To this, Kang Mingyu couldn't help but giggle.

Both Kang Jun and Lu AnLing were happy to see Kang Mingyu smiling despite the both of them leaving that night but as they looked at the boy and man do, whatever it was they were doing, the couple just stared with confusion.

Seeing as Rong Xin didn't answer her previous question, Lu AnLing opened her mouth once more but before she was able to speak, Rong Lihua entered the room and said,

"Xin, stop acting so immaturely."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing asked, "What are they doing, exactly?"

"Nothing important," Rong Lihua sighed as she placed the dishes on the table. "Mingyu was bragging that he could escape Xin and my foolish, childish grandson took the boys taunting as a challenge."

"Granny, I'm not being foolish or childish! Unlike those incompetent body guards who watched over him before, I'm highly trained. There is no way I gave into his taunting and, more importantly, I won't let him escape." Ring Xin tooted his own horn. Though he truly believed in what he was saying.

Hearing this, Kang Mingyu gave Rong Xin a 'you're so going down,' look. Looking between them both, Kang Jun sighed.

Kang Jun: "If Mingyu escapes you this week, I might have to rethink your salary."

When Lu AnLing had heard what Rong Lihua and Rong Xin had said, she wanted to giggle but then, hearing what Kang Jun had to say made her internally die from laughter.

Looking at Rong Xin, whose face immediately paled, made Lu AnLing feel bad for him but not enough for her to plead his case to Kang Jun.

Rong Lihua felt the same as Lu AnLing and so, she said, "Enough talking boys. Let's eat."

Listening to her, all five of them sat at the table and began to eat. The food was delicious so everyone on the table ate like gluttons.

Once it was time to eat Lu AnLing's tangyuan, the three boys looked at it in awe.

Kang Mingyu, Kang Jun and Rong Xin were like Lu AnLing's personal guinea pigs but they didn't mind. If Lu AnLing was the type of person who was bad at cooking, they internally would have, but lucky for them, Lu AnLing was a quick learner.

With one bite, the boys tasted the delicious sweetness on their tongues. To show how tasty the tangyuan was, Kang Mingyu exaggeratedly leant his head back and moaned.

Hearing this, Rong Lihua tapped him on the nose.

"Use words." She said scoldingly.

Kang Mingyu nodded and said. "This is super delicious auntie! Could you make some more for me when you come back?"

Seeing the boys soft cheeks fill as he ate the food, Lu AnLing smiled.

Kang Jun: "I would love some more too."

Lu AnLing turned to look at Kang Jun who was eating the last of his sweet dumplings.

Lu AnLing: "Of course my sweets! Anything you want."

Rong Xin was going to say that he wanted some more too but seeing as how a soft and fluffy familial aura spread through the room, Rong Xin didn't dare interject.

As they continued to eat and chat, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Ring Lihua excused herself from the table and went to answer the door.

Looking back at the table where the group sat and ate happily, Rong Lihua smiled.

The whole lot of them were having good weeks and today, was an extremely good day.

Rong Lihua was excited for Kang Jun and Lu AnLing to go on their honeymoon. The two hadn't been able to spend too much quality time together since they got married, and this was partially because of Kang Mingyu but Rong Lihua couldn't blame the little boy for craving love.

In the end, she knew a bit about Kang Mingyu's family situation and it was unfortunate that nothing had been done until now.

Thinking back at this, Rong Lihua hoped that soon she'd be taking care of another little one. The woman was sure that Kang Mingyu would be less lonely if there was another little rascal running around the house with him.

As she continued to walk to the door, Rong Lihua smiled widely. Though, her smile immediately disappeared when she opened the door.