I Won't Eat Her Up

As they looked at both children, complicated emotions grew inside Lu AnLing and Kang Jun.

For once, the two little ones smiled from their hearts. This was because it was the first time that they had felt the warmth of what parents should feel like. This was unlike anything they'd ever experience. Sure, while growing the children had had Kang Jun and Qiao Lan as acting father and mother figures. However, something never felt quite right.

Maybe it was because Kang Jun and Qiao Lan hated each other... Sometimes children could sense these things. Sadly, even the kids themselves weren't sure why they were never completely happy, but right now, the two were being enveloped in a sweet scent, which emanated from Kang Jun and Lu AnLing.

As the couple caressed the children gently, a cozy feeling began to grow at their cores.

All four of them felt the situation was perfect, but for Kang Jun and Ku AnLing there were still things haunting them.

They were happy at the moment, how couldn't they be? They were standing by the side of the person they loved and their possible children but, at the same time, the many mysteries that surrounded them brought crippling questions to their minds.

When he had first read the paternity tests, Kang Jun wasn't sure if he should tell Lu AnLing what he had discovered. He wanted to find out the truth before giving her any kind of hope but since he had had Mr. Long arrange another paternity test in France, then he couldn't hide the information in fear of seeming suspicious so he decided to just show it to her.

"H-how is this possible?" She had asked, stuttering.

"I don't know. But I'll find out," he said to her as he held her in his arms.

Kang Jun had shown her her own results but not his because this was what complicated the situation the most and deep inside he feared what she would think of him.

He knew that he was just delaying the inevitable confrontation but the feeling in his gut that told him to confirm with 100 percent certainty that the results weren't forged first, trumped everything else.

In the background, watching as the family of sorts interacted, was Elder Kang. He was happy about their sweet interaction but he wasn't okay with being ignored.

Though the only person he blamed was Kang Jun.

The elder cleared his throat attracting all eyes to him. Hearing the sound, the four turned to look at the entrance of the dining room.

Seeing the old man, who was practically pouting, Kang Jun sighed.

He had not forgotten his grandfather, it was just that at that moment, the man had been much more concerned with his family.

Kang Jun: "AnLing, let me introduce you to my grandfather, the current family head, Kang Guanting."

Lu AnLing bowed without looking at the man's face, "I'm pleased to meet you..."

Upon hearing Kang Jun's explanation, Lu AnLing was embarrassed and worried. At first, it was since she hadn't noticed the man and that was rude, but when, she lifted her head up and she saw who the man at the door was, her eyes widened with shock.


Hearing Lu AnLing say that Kang Jun frowned.

"You've met," Kang Jun asked suspiciously before he gave his grandfather a look.

When Kang Jun had seen his grandfather in the Hotel Helios lounge he had just assumed that the old man was stalking the girl. But seeing the way his wife reacted he quickly deduced that this wasn't true. He was just waiting to hear the things the girl would tell him before he made up his mind about how he would feel towards his grandfather. Though, in the end, he felt as if he was going to remain annoyed.

Lu AnLing nodded her head.

Kang Jun frowned.

"..." Kang Jun had no words to say. All he did was stare daggers at his grandfather.

Quickly, the old man noticed the look so he changed the conversation almost instantly.

"Come come," he said to Lu AnLing and the children. "Let's go sit and have a chat in the living room."

The three followed him without complaints leaving Kang Jun alone in the dining room. When they were all gone, the man pinched the space between his eyebrows and sighed before he followed them.

From the kitchen, Rong Lihua and Rong Xin had heard everything. They sighed simultaneously. The two couldn't help but feel wronged for Kang Jun. His grandfather had just stolen his wife.

In the living room, they all sat cozily on the couch. The places by Lu AnLing's side were taken by Elder Kang while Kang Mingyu stuck to her other side.

Ever since his grandfather had come the boy was on high alert. Kang Jun had always told the boy to never reveal that he knew Lu AnLing in front of the family and after many mentions, this thought was heavily ingrained in the boys head. In his mind, if Elder Kang were to try anything, he would protect his auntie.

Seeing this look in Kang Mingyu's eyes, Elder Kang turned to look at Kang Jun who frowned at him. Due to both boys holding ill feeling towards him, the elder felt wronged.

"I won't eat her up," He said with annoyance lingering on his tongue. Then he took Lu AnLing's hand and looked at her happily, which cause both Kang Jun and Kang Mingyu to flinch. "I just want to speak to her."

Lu AnLing wasn't feeling too comfortable in this situation either but there was nothing she could say or do to get herself out of it.

The two boys continued to glare at the old man.

Slowly but surely, the room began to grow awkward and quiet. Feeling the uncomfortable feeling crawl up his spine, the man frowned and looked between the two boys. "Why are you being selfish? You two have been keeping her all to yourself. Now it's My and Mei Mei's turn."

Hearing this, Kang Mingyu turned to Kang Mei Xue who was pressed by his side. Looking between her and Lu AnLing, who had her head turned to look at the girl, Kang Mingyu felt that sting in his heart once more but this time he cleared his head and said,


After speaking, the boy jumped off the couch and headed straight to Kang Jun. Kang Mingyu gestured to the man to pick him up. Seeing this action, Kang Jun did as the boy wanted but he couldn't help but internally scoff.

'Now you want me?'

Though, at the same time, he felt great pride in the boy's actions. Kang Mingyu might not have been his biological son, but he was surely the son that he had raised.

On the couch, Kang Mei Xue didn't move from her original position. Seeing this, Lu AnLing scooted over to her, leaving a little space between them. At first, Kang Mei Xue wasn't sure what to do. So she looked up to Kang Mingyu Who was being cradled by Kang Jun. The boy's features were calm but when he saw that she wasn't moving he frowned at her and then he moved his head to the side quickly, his eyes almost screaming, 'get closer.'

Kang Mei Xue did just that.