Relationship With Tang Bingyi

Just as Kang Jun was about to head to the airport he got a sudden call from Mr. Long. Looking at his phone, Kang Jun had a bad feeling so his gut told him not to answer, but thinking that something could be wrong with the company, he reluctantly answered.

Kang Jun: "Mmm..."

Mr. Long: "I'm sorry to disturb you President. I hope you haven't taken your flight yet..."

"Why?" Kang Jun asked coldly.

"Umm, well, a couple of your business partners have heard that you're in Paris and they want to discuss a couple of things with you." Mr. Long's voice was a bit low as if he didn't want to tell Kang Jun any of this but he had no choice.

Kang Jun pinched the space between his eyebrows. "Tonight?"

"I'm afraid so, sir."

Hearing this, Kang Jun felt his head begin to throb. He wanted to get out of Paris... but he now knew he wasn't going to be able to go home to Lu AnLing tonight. This thought depressed him.

"Fine. After today, for the rest of the week, don't allow anyone to reach me."

"Umm, of course sir."

Kang Jun: " Now, explain to me who I'm meeting and about what,"

Mr. Long: "Ah yes. Of course, sir..."

Kang Jun sat in his parked car and listened to Mr. Long speak, but then, from the corner of his eye, Kang Jun saw Tang Luoyi and Tang Bingyi's little Secretary talking at the corner of the street. They were arguing and Kang Jun couldn't help but get out of the car to listen in.

The two spoke loudly despite there being people on the street but this was because they spoke their native language. They didn't expect anyone to understand them.

"You just want me so you can use me to get the Infinity Project back from your sister!" Tang Bingyi's Secretary whined.

"No. I'm not." Tang Luoyi said as he reached for the girl's hand.

The girl didn't spare him a moment to listen. Instead, she slapped his hand away and said, "You joined the entertainment industry, Luoyi. When will you understand that there's no point in seizing the Infinity Project."

Tang Luoyi opened his mouth to speak but the girl put her hand in front of him to shut him up.

"As your friend," the girl specified the word friend, which caused Tang Luoyi to frown. "I recommend that you give up. Miss Bingyi is the right person for the job."

Tang Luoyi: "No. She isn't."

Tang Bingyi's Secretary massaged her temples. "Tang Luoyi... listen to me! Mr. Kang already visited today and everything has been settled. Please give up. If you do I won't tell the elder about your plans or your constant harassment."

At the mention of 'the elder' Tang Luoyi's face darkened.

Kang Jun couldn't explain the way he felt right now, as he listened to them, even if he wanted to. He was completely shocked by how stupid the two were for talking so loudly, in such a public place, about such important information.

Knowing the Tang's, if this information was exposed, it would destroy Tang Luoyi. Elder Tang had a huge dislike for dirty tricks, even if he never said it. It was already common knowledge that his two sons were exiled after they both committed a grave error which went against the moral code of their family and right now, Tang Luoyi had broken them both.

Not only that but the boy had foolishly treated Kang Jun like trash. This was something Kang Jun could get over. After all, why would he need to lower himself to fight on Tang Luoyi's level? But the boy had also insulted his wife, so he wouldn't just let him go unscathed.

As he thought about what to do, Kang Jun suddenly interrupted Mr. Long mid sentence.

" Long Rui," Kang Jun said calmly.

Hearing the man's voice, Mr. Long was worried about what Kang Jun was about to say. Every time Kang Jun's voice sounded as such, Mr. Long knew that he was in for a long and hard task.

Kang Jun: "Find out all you can on Tang Luoyi. Concentrate on his relationship with Tang Bingyi and Elder Tang."

Mr. Long internally groaned. He hated doing background checks on people of such high status. Now, he would need to, not only, do research but also hide his tracks.

Despite his distaste for the task ahead, Mr. Long said, "Of course, President Kang."

At first, Kang Jun wasn't planning on doing anything to the Trang's. Like the Qiao's, they had a history with his grandfather so they were practically untouchable but it seemed like Tang Luoyi had something planned that could jeopardize the Infinity Project so it was in Kang Jun's right to attack.

Though the man wasn't going to make a move just yet, he needed to gather some pertinent information first.


Kang Jun had spent a long part of the night with his business partners. They spoke about business but their favorite topic of conversation was Kang Jun's impending marriage.

Everyone in the higher echelons of society knew about the fact that his parents were looking for suitors so the men who sat at the table pimped out their daughters like objects to be ogled by Kang Jun's mind. Sadly for them, Kang Jun showed no interest.

The man just wanted to go to his hotel and sleep until he caught his place to his wife. The only reason Kang Jun wasn't leaving was because each of the men sitting at the table were prominent business partners and he couldn't afford to be too rude to them.

"You know, since the news of your marriage has surfaced, the stock of Kang Corporations has skyrocketed!" One man said in awe.

'Has it? I wonder what would happen if they found out I have long since married' Kang Jun wanted to answer nonchalantly.

Another man ignored the comment of the other, took a sip of wine, turned to Kang Jun and said, "When are you leaving Paris?"

Kang Jun: "Tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, the man's face darkened and his features twisted to make it look as if he was horrified. "So soon? Please stay! My family would love to invite you for dinner."

"So would mine!" Another said.

After that, the other gentlemen said the same.

They all wanted to have a chance to bring Kang Jun to their homes so they could officially introduce their daughters or nieces to the man.

Being part of the Kang family would be an honor not many had. It was said that most of the Kang boys were extremely picky when it came to choosing girls.

Kang Jun shook his head, "My apologies but there are many pressing matters I must attend to. I'm afraid that, when it comes to things such as this, my parents are taking the lead without my input. So feel free to contact them if you have any suitable marriage partners in mind, but I will say this, the woman who I marry will be the most exceptional person on this earth."

Hearing this, the men laughed but their voices lacked true happy emotion, instead, they sounded a bit awkward.

"Hahaha yes... only the exceptional can be part of your family."

For a second the men had forgotten their place. The women of the Kang family were always special in some kind of way.

Mo Ruyi was a certified genius.

Qiao Lan was the daughter of a military legend.

And they wouldn't even start explaining the exceptional woman Old Mistress Kang was.

This quickly shut them up. The rest of their time together was spent in awkwardness until Kang Jun finally decided to excuse himself.

When he was gone, the old men spoke amongst themselves.

"That man is truly something else..." one man said as he downed his glass of wine and then poured himself another.

"What do you expect? It's Kang Jun! His achievements, at such a young age, already prove that he is not a normal man." Another answered

Suddenly, one man spoke up. "I wouldn't be so sure about that..."

The others on the table turned to him with confused expressions, waiting for him to explain his reasoning but the man just stared at his phone with confusion.

Some began to get annoyed and told the man to show them what was so shocking.

Hearing this the man quickly handed his phone to the closest person. They all took their turns.

Looking over the picture they all frowned. The picture had been taken that day, it was one which showed a smiling Tang Bingyi exiting Kang Jun's car. The man wasn't frigid, he was like a spring day as he stared off into the distance.

One man handed the phone to another and then put his hand on his head. "Tang Bingyi... my niece has no chance competing with Tang Bingyi!"

Another man laughed dryly. "As much as I hate to admit it, neither would my daughter..."

By the time this conversation started, the phone had already gone full circle and so, the man who had started all of this sighed.

"No one has a chance. Don't you see? These two would be perfect together!" He said.

These men were not the only ones who believed this. Suddenly, someone posted the image to social media causing the post to go viral. No one knew before who Kang Jun was but now, his face was plastered everywhere.

As this was going on, Kang Jun, who had blocked all calls and messages except for those from Lu AnLing, had no idea. He just went to his hotel room and fell asleep, anticipating the moment when he could finally feel Lu AnLing by his side again.

However, Lu AnLing wasn't quite as ignorant as Kang Jun was.