New Artist Who Used To Be An Assistant (3)

No matter how many times Lu AnLing laid eyes on Kang Jun, she had never gotten use to how much the man attracted her. His manner, his looks, his voice... all of those things drew her to him and her heart never stopped beating for him.

Looking at how the swooning women in the room looked at the man with heat, Lu AnLing felt a bit annoyed but just as the feeling appeared, Kang Jun's eyes found their way to hers.

He held the gaze for a millisecond, but for Lu AnLing it was enough to calm the flames of jealousy and ignite another flame which Lu AnLing knew well...

She wanted to touch him.

Just the thought of it sent her heartbeat into a frenzy.

Beside her, Yang Yize, Xiao Mian and Lu Shuya looked over at the two men in shock. They didn't know that Kang Jun and Mo Yichen were friends?

Though what really drew their attention was the fact that Kang Jun had actually revealed himself in public. Since his scandal with Tang Bingyi, the man had gone into hiding. As they understood, he had barely been showing up at Kang Corporations also.

Meanwhile, Grandma Lu's gaze moved between Kang Jun and Lu AnLing. While the others focussed their whole beings on the godlike man's appeared, Grandma Lu had her eyes analyzing his manner.

As soon as the old woman had spotted him, she had noticed the look which was exchanged between the couple and she couldn't help but feel her heart squeeze.

Ever since she had first met the girl, Grandma Lu had never seen true happiness on Lu AnLing's face, but seeing the way her aura changed completely with one glance from Kang Jun, the old woman knew that this was the closest she had ever gotten to see Lu AnLing truly happy.

She was glad but at the same time, she still hated the Kang's. Though even if this was so, the old woman couldn't deny that the two young people had a connection.

As the two men continued to walk to the door, Mo Yichen scanned the room. Suddenly, his eyes fell on Lu AnLing. Seeing the girl, an idea popped into his head.

Touching Kang Jun's shoulder, Mo Yichen whispered something into the man's ear.

When he was done, Kang Jun looked up to Mo Yichen and then he frowned. This caused Mo Yichen to laugh.

Seeing their handsome faces show emotion, the girls in the surrounding area began to squeal again. Everyone was extremely curious about what the two were talking about, but no one heard a thing.

Everyone was ready to watch as the two walked out of the building but then, suddenly, Mo Yichen turned around and gestured to Kang Jun to follow him. Reluctantly, the man did just that.

Seeing how obedient Kang Jun was, Lu AnLing began to become curious about her husband's relationship with Mo Yichen. At the Starlight Event the two seemed to be close, but she had never thought she'd see the day when someone could order Kang Jun around!

The thought played in her head for a moment, but then, Xiao Mian's voice broke through the walls of Lu AnLing's mind,

"Oh my god, I think they're coming here!"

Hearing this, Lu AnLing started straight ahead.

Seeing Kang Jun's handsome figure stride towards her, Lu AnLing felt her heart beat faster and faster. Her eyes met the man's and they communicated emotions that she didn't mean to show; fear, confusion, lust, love, longing, etc.

They mixed and mingled in her heart and soul and exposed themselves to Kang Jun's periphery. They were so visible to the man that he began to reciprocate the look. It was affectionate and beautiful, though this was something only the attentive eye would have been able to see and even if a person in the room did see it, they would deny it; for how could the mighty Kang Jun be feeling such emotions for a random girl?

Though, lucky for the two, the only people who noticed these looks were those who already knew of the pair's marriage. Apart from them, the rest were captivated by the presence of Mo Yichen and Kang Jun.

Stopping in front of the five people who sat stiffly on the couch, Mo Yichen smiled.

Seeing this, everyone felt as if spring had come to envelop them, but then when they turned to look at the stern-faced Kang Jun, the cold immediately swept over them.

Kang Jun and Mo Yichen were as close to opposites as could be.

Kang Jun was known to be cold and scary. Many people knew this for a fact and felt it as soon as they were in his presence but they didn't know much about him personally. All that was certain was that the man disliked physical contact and idiotic people. It had always been clearly stated that he had a quick temper too.

Unlike him, Mo Yichen despite being the head of Halo Stars and ruling it with an iron fist was known to be kind and wife doting. He never seemed to get mad at anyone, even if people did things wrong. He was very patient and calm, which made him a very appealing man. If only he didn't have a wife, many women would have flocked to him.

Looking at Mo Yichen's face, Lu AnLing was finally able to examine him properly. He was a good looking man with soft features. She understood why many were interested in him. But for some reason, Lu AnLing found him no match for Kang Jun...

'Is Kang Jun really that hot or am I bias?' Lu AnLing's mind couldn't help but whisper to itself.

As she thought this, Mo Yichen began greeting them all. Behind him, Kang Jun didn't say a word.

One by one the group began to greet the man, Yang Yize and Xiao Mian went first, then his eyes landed on Lu AnLing.

He looked like he wanted to say something to her, but he didn't so Lu AnLing said,

"Hello President Mo, it nice to see you again."

Hearing this, Yang Yize, Xiao Mian and Lu Shuya turned to look at Lu AnLing with pure shock.

Lu AnLing wasn't going to hide the fact that she had met him, even if the people around her found it strange. She didn't want to risk offending him.

Seeing this, Mo Yichen cracked a smiled. "Yes, It's been quite some time Miss Lu, but I'm glad that you made the decision to sign with us."

Lu AnLing bowed, "To tell you the truth, I wasn't planning on signing, but a friend of mine insisted."

Mo Yichen smiled once more and said, "I see I owe this friend quite a bit. Since you're arrival I've heard from Miss Hong that you've written a few songs you're willing to give to some of our other artists?"

Lu AnLing nodded. "The songs I write suit different people. Keeping them for myself would just make them go to waste."

Hearing this, Mo Yichen couldn't help but laugh. Glancing at Kang Jun from the corner of his eye, the man internally said,

'You've found yourself a good woman, Jun.'

As the two continued to speak, the faces of the others around them turned either pale or dark.

While Xiao Mian and Lu Shuya were shocked, Grandma Lu and Yang Yize were slightly annoyed.

Grandma Lu didn't understand why a random, married man was being so amicable with her granddaughter. Ever since she was young, the old woman had been wary of overly nice people because those were the ones who would end up hurting you the most and this man seemed like the type to her.

Little did the old woman know that Mo Yichen was just assessing the girl.

Yang Yize, on the other hand, was beginning to get jealous.

Was Mo Yichen flirting with Lu AnLing?

Of course not! But deep in his heart, Yang Yize believed this. It didn't matter to him that Mo Yichen was head over heels for his own wife, or that the man hadn't done anything suggestive. To Yang Yize, Lu AnLing was charming, and because of this, men seemed to flock to her like flies.

She was too open with men, in comparison to women and this had always made him uneasy. To him, Lu AnLing had to learn to control herself.

If only she would learn how to be more observant.

Men are wolves. The lot of them. And there was no way for women to be friends with them.

In the pit of his stomach, Yang Yize felt a fire ignite. He had half a mind to pull Lu AnLing away from Mo Yichen's sight but, glancing at Xiao Mian at the corner of his eye, Yang Yize understood that all he could do was watch.

Noticing the way Yang Yize looked at Lu AnLing, Kang Jun felt annoyance grow within him. Every single time this annoying person would always stare at Lu AnLing as if she belonged to him. This man who Kang Jun knew had hurt her, had the courage to show such a thing...

Kang Jun wanted to destroy him! He wanted to go up to Lu AnLing and kiss her in front of him as he had done at Hotel Helios. He wanted to show that the girl was his and his alone but he knew couldn't. For now, they were a secret but soon a day would come where they could freely show their affection for one another.

Gazing at Lu AnLing, Kang Jun smirked. Then he dusted off his suit, before Kang Jun's eyes ignited with ice.

It was time for a little fun.