You’re So Shameless

Outside Kang Jun's home , a taxi was waiting. Inside, Mr. Long tapped impatiently on the steering wheel as he watched the door.

He wanted to go home. He was suppose to be enjoying time with his wife. It was a Saturday and the two had planned on going on a date but last minute, Kang Jun had called needing his services.

Mr. Long was annoyed but nothing could be done about it. What Kang Jun wanted, Kang Jun got and Mr. Long had no right to complain to his boss.

His job was to do everything Kang Jun needed from him.

Mr. Long sighed and closed his eyes for a second as he waited for Kang Jun to arrive.

Suddenly, he heard the door open.

Getting in the car, Lu AnLing, Kang Jun and Kang Mingyu greeted Mr. Long.

Seeing them all dressed up, the man greeted them and then said, "I didn't know that the mistress was going to the party too?"

Lu AnLing waved her hand in front of her face. "I'm going to my high school reunion."

Hearing this, Kang Jun turned to her and said, "It's never too late to change your mind."

The man sounded desperate but not pushy. He wanted to be with his wife. And Lu AnLing understood this but she couldn't go with him so she touched his white suit and said, "Next time, darling,"

Quickly, Kang Jun became dejected but he didn't show it on his face. Feeling this, Lu AnLing laid her head on his should.

Kang Jun touched her lips with his finger, feeling this, Lu AnLing raised her head. As soon as she did, Kang Jun's soft lips were placed on hers and they began to kiss her gently.

From the rearview mirror, Mr. Long stared at the two in disbelief. He then turned his head to look at Kang Mingyu who stared at the two intensely.

'There's a child present! How shameless can you two be?' Mr. Long internally screamed but he would not speak those words.

Meanwhile, Kang Mingyu watched for a small while. His eyes boring holes into the two lovers. He then said,

"Why do people kiss?"

Kang Jun and Lu AnLing stopped kissing and then they turned to Kang Mingyu.

Kang Jun and Lu AnLing didn't want to tell the boy any lies, but they were in an awkward position. So they looked between each other and thought for a moment about what to say.

Kang Mingyu knew what kissing was, he was already 6 years old after all! Plus, Lu AnLing and Kang Jun were no strangers to flaunting their physical affections.

Lu AnLing laughed awkwardly and allowed Kang Jun to explain this one on his own.

"Kissing is something that people do when they're attracted to another, or to show affection or as a greeting in some cultures, but that's usually done on the cheeks, not the lips..." Kang Jun said and then trailed off.

Hearing this, Kang Mingyu wasn't satisfied so he frowned and said,

"I know but why?"

Kang Jun was at a loss for a moment before he spoke again.

"I'm not quite sure why we do it but..."

As Kang Jun spoke these words Lu AnLing was extremely amused. Kids asked a lot of simple questions but those questions seldom had any simple answers. She was really curious about what Kang Jun would say, but allowing him to take the stage would be something she would regret.

Glancing slightly at Lu AnLing, Kang Jun said, "For couples, kissing is a warm-up for sexual intercourse."

Those words were like a slap in the face of every other person in the small vehicle but Kang Mingyu was intrigued.

Hearing Kang Jun say this, Lu AnLing almost puked out blood. Even Mr. Long who had been driving almost slammed on the breaks.

Kang Mingyu: "What's sexual int... inter...?"

"Intercourse. You're too young to learn about that."

Lu AnLing looked at Kang Jun with disbelief as she internally screamed. 'Why would you even mention that?!'

Truth be told, Kang Jun had only said it to tease Lu AnLing. And looking at her crimson face, he could see he had succeeded. She'd been drifting back and forth from normality to sudden unhappiness for the past few days now and Kang Jun didn't know what to do about it. He didn't want to outright ask her what was wrong because it seemed to be something she wanted to keep to herself, at least for now, but Kang Jun loved her and her wanted happiness for her, always.

Saying and doing shameless things were the only ways Kang Jun knew how to snap her out of her pained daze...

Kang Jun opened his mouth once more as if he was about to say something.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing was about to stop the man from speaking but then, she heard her phone ring.

She was not going to pick up because she was too busy staring at Kang Jun in disbelief but then, Kang Mingyu said,

"Are you going to get that?"

Lu AnLing came back to her senses. She looked at her phone and saw that Manager Hong was calling.

Lu AnLing raised her eyebrows before she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Lu AnLing didn't know why, but her body reacted as if it was expecting a disaster.

Hearing Lu AnLing's voice, Manager Hong said, "The results for Trailblazers have been posted..."

Usually, Lu AnLing would have been thrilled but the tone of voice Manager Hong employed just made her body stiffen even more.

"So... what happened?"Lu AnLing asked.

There was a sudden pause before Manager Hong answered.

"Well... we didn't lose." Manager Hong's voice was as confused as Lu AnLing felt at the moment.

Because of the way Manager Hong has said this, Lu AnLing raised her eyebrows and said, "That's amazing... right? Why do you sound so weird?"

Manager Hong gave a dry laugh. The woman had no idea how she felt about what she was about to say.

"Well Yes... it was a tie." Manager Hong said.

Lu AnLing had many questions swirling around in her head after she had heard this but her mouth moved faster than her brain.

"A tie?" Lu AnLing asked in disbelief. How could there be a tie? She looked out the window in pure confusion. "What happens now?"

Manager Hong sighed. "Well, we've been asked to meet the organizers."

Lu AnLing brought her left hand to her mouth and strokes her wedding band on her top lip. "Alright. I'll discuss it with Sheng. Just tell me when and where."

With that, Lu AnLing hung up and resumed looking out the window. She sincerely hoped that the day she had to visit the organizers didn't confound with the day Grandma Lu was coming home, they had finally found a date where everyone was free, she didn't want to ruin this plan.

Meanwhile, Kang Jun looked at her. The man had heard the whole conversation. This was a good thing! Yet seeing how unhappy she was, Kang Jun took her hand and said,


Hearing this, Lu AnLing frowned but she wasn't unhappy, her eyes contained a hint of amusement.

"You realize I haven't won, right?" Lu AnLing asked him with a hit on self-deprecation on her tongue.

Kang Jun smirk and pinched her nose. "You mean you haven't won yet? If it's you, I'm sure you'll win." Kang Jun said this with all honesty, and then he turned to Kang Mingyu and asked, "Right?"

Seeing that he was asked to give his opinion, the boy raised both of his hands in the air and said, "Of course! Auntie is the best!"

The boy had heard Lu AnLing sing and hum many times. She would sing for him before bed and as they took baths and he always loved her songs. Lu AnLing was passionate about music but it was not only this that attracted people to her songs but the pure emotion she would put into them.

He loved the way she sang to him.

Seeing how the boy had completely forgotten about the conversation of before, Lu AnLing smiled. But to show her annoyance to her husband from the ordeal he had caused before, she pinched him on the thigh.

She didn't pinch him too hard because hurting him broke her heart but this was a mistake.

Feeling the light pinch, Kang Jun leaned into her and whispered in her ear,

"If you want to touch me," Kang Jun started as he touched the hand that law close to his lap. "Touch me a little bit higher."

As soon as he was finished saying that he pushed her hand towards his zipper.

Realizing what he was doing, Lu AnLing immediately retracted her hand and began pouting at then man.

Seeing this Kang Jun smiled.

His utter enjoyment of her embarrassment infuriated her, but inside she couldn't help but feel full of energy.

Looking into his eyes, Lu AnLing shook her head from side to side in disbelief.

"You're so shameless."

"This is what you've done to me my darling." Kang Jun replied cheekily.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing was speechless and she gave Kang Jun an expression as if she'd been wronged.