She's Going To Be My Sister

Before Kang Jun and Lu AnLing had parted, Mr. Long had been forced to gaze at the couple from the rearview mirror begrudgingly.

He was supposed to go on a date with his own wife that day. He had asked for a day off three weeks in advance! But of course, his boss couldn't care less and now, here he was getting served dog food.

Mr. Long rested his tired head on the wheel of his taxi. Seeing this, Kang Mingyu sighed. He was about to comfort the man but then, Kang Jun suddenly entered the car

The man had a large smile plastered on his slightly flushed face. Mr. Long and Kang Mingyu couldn't stop themselves from staring at him as if he was an exotic creature.

Catching Mr. Longs gaze, Kang Jun's expression turned serious.

Kang Jun: "Drive."

Mr. Long did as told but he couldn't help but look at the back seat, here and there, to check Kang Jun's expression but it didn't change. He looked serious, but something about his expression gave off a tranquil vibe.

"Shall I call a stylist to meet you somewhere?" Mr. Long questioned.

Kang Jun: "No. just pass by a place to get me a new shirt and some hair gel."

Mr. Long's expression became worried. He was about to insist on calling a stylist but then, Kang Jun said,

"Take the car."

Mr. Long looked at the rear view mirror with his eyebrows raised. "What? The taxi?"

Kang Jun sighed.

"No. Go to my garage. Take any car you want. You can have it for the night." Kang Jun was not an inconsiderate man. He knew what Mr. Long had posponed on in order to come here but the night was still young so, to make it up to him, at least slightly, Kang Jun had decided to dismiss him early. It was the least he could do.

With confusion still surrounding him, Mr. Long's face twisted with happiness and shock. He was about to question Kang Jun, but knowing that it would put the man in a sour mood, all Mr. Long said was, "Yes, president. Thank you, president!"

Mr. Long couldn't help but smile

With that said, the car fell silent until they reached the meeting place.

There Rong Xin was calmly sitting in the black Maybach.

Before he left, Kang Jun thanked Mr. Long for his hard work.

With that said, Mr. Long wondered if he had accidentally slipped into an alternate universe.

Though in truth, this was reality.

Since that morning, Kang Jun had not forgotten that Mr. Long had a date with his wife that night. He had needed the man but he wasn't going to keep him for long. Happy wife, happy life, it what people said and Kang Jun believed this to be true. This is why he had arranged for Rong Xin to drop he and Kang Mingyu at the party.

Kang Jun appreciated Mr. Long, albeit silently. The man also knew that he would probably never find someone who was so good at their job and so passive when dealing with him as Mr. Long was.

Kang Jun knew he was hard to deal with but Mr. Long never complained and followed his orders to a T. This was exactly what Kang Jun needed of him, so sometimes, Kang Jun needed to spoil Mr. Long; and treat him better.

This is something Kang Jun truly believed he needed to get better at, but he would never admit this with his own mouth.


Meanwhile, at Hotel Helios, looking at how Sheng and Lu AnLing high fived, Kang Liang couldn't help but feel completely confused.

"Is this the friend you were talking about?" Kang Liang's question cut through the bubble Lu AnLing and Sheng had created.

Hearing the man's voice, Lu AnLing frowned. She didn't notice Kang Liang when she had entered. It was mostly due to the fact that the man's hair was not bleach blond as it usually was but it was black like everyone elses.

Lu AnLing starred between Kang Liang and Sheng.

"You guys know each other?"

The two boys gave each other a look and then they answered in unison.

Sheng: "Yeah but barely…"

Kang Liang: "I guess.."

Sheng then gave Lu AnLing a look. "How did you get to know Liang Ke?"

Sheng emphasized the man's stage name. If Lu AnLing knew him, Sheng believed that she would only know him under that name. Little did he know Kang Liang had already been completely exposed to Lu AnLing...

Kang Liang was thinking about saying something but then he gazed between the two and smiled. It was much more fun to leave things at that, is what the man thought, and so he did.

Lu AnLing: "I met him while working as an assistant. Remember I told you that a weird guy tried his best to get me to join Halo Stars,"

Lu AnLing pointed to Kang Liang, "This is the weird guy."

Hearing Lu AnLing refer to Kang Liang as a 'weird guy', Sheng frowned. "Aren't you being a bit rude?"

Lu AnLing frowned.

She had acted more respectfully with Kang Liang before because he was high above her in the food chain at Halo Stars and because it could have affected the status of her artiste, but now it was completely different. She was Kang Jun's wife; meaning that she was Kang Liang's older sister-in-law. The man might not know it yet, but when it came to family matters he would have to respect her. Though it wasn't like Lu AnLing planned to hold that against him.

Now that she was married to Kang Jun, Lu AnLing felt as if a weight had lifted off her shoulders and she was free to be herself. No more controlling her personality to the point where she suffocated, no more treating others as if they're better than her and most of all, no longer living her life in shame of being just the adopted daughter of the Lu's.

Lu AnLing didn't care how others saw her but somewhere deep inside she had always felt lesser than the rest of the people in her life and as life went on, this feeling only grew inside her heart. But for once someone had seen all her dirty laundry and hadn't pitied her for it. Kang Jun, unlike anyone before, was okay with just being there for her and loved her just as she was. This gave Lu AnLing the confidence to break out of her shell.

"Not in the slightest." Lu AnLing answered seriously with a shrug.

Hearing this, Kang Liang couldn't help but laugh.

Like everyone else in the room, with the exception of Sheng who had completely missed it, Kang Liang had seen the intimate scene Lu AnLing had had before but unlike the rest, he knew who Lu AnLing was having that intimate scene with.

Kang Liang knew his brother's figure anywhere and even without being in the same room as the man he could feel the possessive coldness emanating from Kang Jun's back.

Kang Liang wasn't sure about how far his bothers relationship with Lu AnLing had gone but one thing was for sure, they were close and so, Kang Liang thought Lu AnLing's more open attitude was justified.

"It's okay Sheng, she going to be my sister-in—" Kang Liang was just about to finish his sentence but Lu AnLing elbowed him in the stomach.

Feeling such sudden pressure, Kang Liang began to cough.

Sheng bent slightly and looked at Kang Liang worriedly before he turned and frowned at Lu AnLing. "Why did you do that?"

But before Lu AnLing could answer, Kang Liang put his hand on Sheng's shoulder and said. "No, no… that was completely my fault…"

Sheng couldn't understand how exactly it was his fault, but he felt as if even if he begged for the two to explain what was going on he would only get some useless dodging so he didn't even try.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" Lu AnLing asked Kang Liang before she put her hands on her hips. "You weren't in our class, If you were, I would have remembered and plus, you're too old."

Kang Liang frowned and then let out a dry laugh. "I'm not that old, kid. I'm only 29, thank you very much." Then, Kang Liang signaled to the bartender to come their way. When the tall man came, Kang Liang wrapped an arm around the man and said. "This is my old friend Zhao Hao, today, I'm here as a helper."

Lu AnLing and Sheng said their hello's to Zhao Hao who then quickly left to do his job. After the man left, Lu AnLing frowned once more.

"You know that you're a popular artist right? How can your manger even allow you to do such a menial thing?"

Kang Liang: "It's not a big deal. Hotel Helios is safe. There are barely any paparazzi around. Plus, It's not like I stand out too much. I mean, I'm still handsome but I'm less flashy."

Now Sheng frowned. "You… don't tell me you came here to pick up girls."

Hearing this, Kang Liang felt a bit hurt. "I just wanted to help a friend."

And that friend was himself!

The true reason why Kang Liang had come was that he had heard from Zhao Hao that he was forced to bartend at a reunion party for his sister, Zhao Fei's, class. And if Kang Liang remembered correctly, he had seen Lu AnLing's picture in Zhao Fei's yearbook...

Sheng and Lu AnLing gave Kang Liang a similar look, then they spoke in unison.

"Then shouldn't you be helping him?"

Kang Liang turned to Zhao Hao who was serving a group of girls. Seeing this, he scratched his head and then he approached his friend. After having a small conversation, Zhao Hao dismissed him and Kang Liang walked back to Sheng and Lu AnLing.

The pair gave Kang Liang a curious look.

Kang Liang laughed awkwardly. "He said I would be useless, so I'll just stay with you guys."

Both Lu AnLing and Sheng couldn't help but burst out in laughter.