Put Everything Out On The Table

A small while before the slap, Lu AnLing had quietly gone to the bathroom. Sitting on the stall, she took out her phone and began to text Kang Jun.

Lu AnLing: [Do me a favour, stay away from women. Okay? I trust you, you know I do but I don't trust them. Ever since your face was revealed to the public, there have been too many flies with your name on their tongues.]

King Kang: [Are you saying I'm handsome?]

Reading this, Lu AnLing tried to contain her giggle.

Lu AnLing: [No.]

King Kang: [...]

Lu AnLing: [I'm saying you're sexually appealing to the eyes and a lot of girls want to be in your bed. So make sure none of them touch you.]

King Kang: [The only one allowed in my bed is you.]

King Kang: [Speaking of beds, get ready for tonight. You won't be getting off the bed for days.]

Lu AnLing blushed but then she smirked.

Lu AnLing: [Only on the bed? Hmmm how about you be a little more creative?]

Suddenly, her phone began to ring. Lu AnLing was so shocked that she almost dropped her phone.

"Darling?" She said when she picked up her phone.

Kang Jun: "Where are you?"

Lu AnLing was a bit apprehensive. She didn't know if she should answer or not, but she did in the end. "....Washroom. Why?"

"No need to wait for tonight. Do you want to do it now?" Kang Jun said with complete sincerity.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing almost puked out all the blood from her body. What had Kang Jun just said...?

"Darling, we'll do it at home... no need to come just for that." Lu AnLing was so shocked that her words came out low and confused. "Just enjoy the party."

"I'm not at the party anymore." Kang Jun said.

Lu AnLing frowned. She had noticed that it was unusually quiet in the background.

"Why?" She said.

Kang Jun: "My team have found Chong Wei, I'm going to go have a chat with him."

For some reason, the words 'have a chat' had never sounded so deadly. Swallowing her saliva, Lu AnLing took a deep breath.

Lu AnLing: "Do you want me to come with you?"

Kang Jun's voice suddenly became warm and sweet.

"No. Just relax. I'll pick you up later or if I'm held up, Rong Xin will be around." There was a slight pause where Lu AnLing acknowledged what he said, but then, Kang Jun said, "I'll finish up as soon as I can."

"Alright, please be careful." Lu AnLing said in a low whispering tone.

Hearing her so low and far away, Kang Jun felt his heart clench. "I love you."

Lu AnLing didn't say anything for a second. She just felt the reverberation of the man's words in her ear.

No matter how many times Kang Jun told her he loved her, her heart would always do a summersault.

"I love you."

After this, Lu AnLing spent a little more of her time talking to Kang Jun on the phone. Not much though because if she ended up staying in there too long people would start gossiping about more stupid things.

After saying her goodbyes to Kang Jun, Lu AnLing finally left the bathroom. There, she suddenly met with a figure she didn't fully expect to see.

"We keep meeting like this..." Yang Yize said to her with a seductive voice paired with a cold smile.

Lu AnLing rolled her eyes and then tried to get around him but Yang Yize kept blocking her path.

Tired of being civil, Lu AnLing pushed him out of the way. Taken aback by the sudden action, Yang Yize stumbled back a few steps.

This gave Lu AnLing time to walk down the hall but Yang Yize quickly caught up to her and grabbed her hand. He ran his thumb on her wrist lovingly and began to say,

"Lu AnLing... I..."

His voice was loving and caring...

Hearing this, Lu AnLing felt a headache coming on.

"For fuck sakes, Yang Yize, back off!" Lu AnLing slapped the mans's had away hard. So hard that it stung and he was forced to wince. Looking at him with complete annoyance, Lu AnLing whipped her hand on her jumpsuit. It was as if she had just touched trash and said, "If you don't stay the hell away from me, so help me god, I will destroy you."

Hearing her threat, Yang Yize frowned. Lu AnLing had always been a sweet girl, who was soft spoken. She had always portrayed herself as being calming and pure and it wasn't like she wasn't like this. A part of her truly was. But there were other parts of her who were vulgar and merciless.

Lu AnLing had hidden this from Yang Yize ever since they had first begun their relationship. She wanted to suit the man who was known as a kind prince and she knew that other than her personality, her pauper status would only cause him shame.

Though now, Lu AnLing was no longer affected by trivialities of the past. She was free from all feelings concerning Yang Yize, all except annoyance. So without another word, Lu AnLing continued to walk away.

Looking at her now, Yang Yize wasn't sure who she was anymore, but even so, he found himself more and more interested in her.

"Stop! Listen to me. I have something to tell you and you need to listen." Yang Yize said, his words stopped Lu AnLing dead in her tracks.

Lu AnLing turned to him with eyes full of ice and said, "I don't need to listen to a word you have to say."

Yang Yize's heart tightened until he could no longer breath. He knew that what he felt for her were residue feelings that hadn't been resolved from when he was still completely in love with her.

He knew he acted stupidly then and he knew he was acting stupidly now but he couldn't stop what he felt and he wanted to resolve it.

He loved Xiao Mian, he really did. But for now, he still loved Lu AnLing and he had to deal with it. They had to talk.

Before today, Yang Yize thought that he could slowly forget about Lu AnLing and be happy with Xiao Mian but he had seen a scene he never thought would ever see. Lu AnLing kissing another man, exuding heat and love as she had never before...

And as much as Yang Yize wanted to be happy for her, he wasn't, the only words that came to mind were, 'she's mine!'

Lu AnLing was Yang Yize's, first love. She had left a mark on his heart. There would never be a day when he would be able to forget this. But he needed peace.

Today the small semblance of indifference within him had evaporated and he had decided that he needed to put everything out on the table.

"Lu AnLing, I still love you."

His words hit Lu AnLing like sudden rain in the middle of a drought. Completely unexpected but totally necessary to survival. Lu AnLing had always acknowledged how much she had hurt due to Yang Yize.

Lu AnLing was sure that, with time, Kang Jun would be able to wipe Yang Yize out of her mind but closure would never come unless it was between Yang Yize and Lu AnLing herself.

To his words, Lu AnLing couldn't help but laugh. She turned and gave the man the most heartfelt smile she could muster.

For a moment, Yang Yize felt as if she was going to run into his arms and hold him tight, because she had waited for him to say those exact words, but instead, she walked straight up to him and said.

"You remember the first day I met you? You were in the only library in my stupidly small town and you asked me if I could help you. From that moment I loved you..."

Lu AnLing's voice was full of sincerity and reminiscence. By listening to her words Yang Yize saw the scene unfold in from of his eyes.

"Yes..." Yang Yize said to her with his heart in his throat.

He felt warm, but then, Lu AnLing spoke once more,

"And do you remember when I came here and saw you with another woman?" Lu AnLing laughed and Yang Yize's face paled. "I came to book a room for the both of us. I wanted to celebrate getting into the top university in the city, you know, the one you were staying at, with you... but we all know how that ended up."

"But you know what?" Lu AnLing sighed and looked away for a moment but then her eyes met Yang Yize's once more. There was no longer pain or hate, just serenity. "Because of that one moment, I met the man I'm with now. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Lu AnLing: "So, I'm sorry Yize... I can't love you. It took me a long time to even forgive you for cheating on me, but now I do because I have a man who loves me without restraint and trusts me."

Lu AnLing touched the wedding ring on her finger. Seeing it, Yang Yize was brought into a daze. It was very subtle so he hadn't noticed it at first...

Then something else suddenly caught his eye. On her breast, he could see a mark that the man could not confound with anything but a hickey.

Yang Yize felt hurt but looking at the way Lu AnLing shone, the man could tell that her husband was treating her well.

Lu AnLing: "What we had is all in the past... but there are two things I want you to tell me."

Listening to her words, Yang Yize's heart broke into a million pieces but he couldn't say anything. He was the one who had messed up their relationship...

"What do you want to know?" Yang Yize said weakly.

Lu AnLing crossed her arms over her chest, took a deep breath and then said, "Who did you cheat on me with and why?"