I’m Sorry

As soon as the door opened, Lu AnLing came face to face with a blank-faced Rong Xin and the shocked face of Grandma Lu.

As soon as the old woman walked through the front door, she said, "It sure is great to be a Kang."

Not knowing if her grandmother was being serious or sarcastic, Lu AnLing frowned.

Kang Jun was a hard worker, whatever he bought had to do with his abilities. If the man hadn't taken over the company after Kang Zhi's death, Kang Corporations would have surely gone bankrupt. Lu AnLing knew about this and she wanted to scold her grandmother, but she decided against it when she saw Kang Jun approach.

As soon as he was close, he spoke, "Hello grandmother, welcome to our home."

Hearing this, Grandma Lu didn't know what to say but when she saw Kang Jun wrap his arms around Lu AnLing, creating a protective barrier of sorts, around the girl, Grandma Lu felt herself open up and so she said,

"Hello, Thank you for inviting me," she tried to say those words as nicely as she could.

Kang Jun gave a business smile. "It's our pleasure. You're an important part of AnLing's life, it's only natural to build a relationship with you."

Kang Jun's words seemed sincere enough so Grandma Lu did not say another word. Instead, she just followed the couple towards the living room.

Realizing that Rong Xin wasn't coming, Grandma Lu frowned. Rong Xin wasn't much of a talker, even when he was accompanying Grandma Lu from the house. Not being in much of a mood to talk herself, Grandma Lu appreciated that he wasn't the type of person who tried to kiss ass.

But that wasn't all...

There was something about Rong Xin that looked a bit familiar but grandma Lu did not pry into her own feelings.

She turned and said, "Are you just going to stand at the front door like a bump on a log?"

Hearing this, Ring Xin's body straightened and followed them.

Meanwhile, walking, Kang Jun tried to organize his emotions in order to properly interact with Grandma Lu in a way which would make it so the woman liked him.

Usually, he wouldn't care but the woman was someone Lu AnLing cared about.

Though, In truth, Kang Jun didn't know what he felt for Grandma Lu. He knew that the woman had been responsible for Lu AnLing entering the family, and because of this, having a home but he had also heard a couple of stories about how Lu AnLing spent her days in the Lu Family and it didn't seem to him like the old woman did anything to stop the bullying...

This angered him but he didn't have the right to say anything about it. He hadn't been there and he had no idea what was going on in both Lu AnLing and Grandma Lu's minds at the time, so he left it at that.

But even so, he felt the need to comfort Lu AnLing so he continued to touch her at any instance he got.

Before they entered the room, Grandma Lu's eyes landed on the children first. The two ran up to Kang Jun and Lu AnLing with big bright eyes.

Seeing the kids, Grandma Lu looked at them with shock filling her face. She could only assume that these kids were the adopted children of the Kang family but Grandma Lu saw something strange in their features...

Both Kang Jun and Lu AnLing noticed this look and they could basically assess what the old woman was thinking, but even so, Lu AnLing still said,

"What's wrong?"

"They just..." Grandma Lu trailed off as she looked closely at both kids. The old woman frowned a bit as she did this. It was so strange...

They bore some of the same features as Lu AnLing... Features of the Lu family...

Grandma Lu didn't utter those words. It was impossible. Lu AnLing had not given birth yet and these kids were so old.

As Grandma Lu continued to contemplate possibilities, Lu AnLing patted both Kang Mei Xue and Kang Mingyu on the head.

"Say hello to my grandmother... I guess that would make her your great grandmother." Lu AnLing said this seriously and so the children both turned to Grandma Lu and gave her their biggest smiles and said,

"Hello, great granny!"

Their voices were so small and high pitched, displaying the interest and happiness they felt meeting a new person.

Hearing this, every fiber of Grandma Lu's body softened. She looked down at them and smiled as she gave her hellos.

Seeing how nice the old woman was, the kids approached her and began to speak to her.

The kids weren't always talkative, but in Kang Jun's house, they were free to do as they pleased and so they did.

Listening to them, Grandma Lu's heart grew warm as she examined their little features.

She couldn't believe what she was experiencing right now...


The old woman wanted to cry. She wanted to see some great-grandchildren before she died, and seeing these two, for some reason, it opened her heart, even if she knew that they weren't related.

Watching, Lu AnLing could see the sparkle in the old woman's eyes and she couldn't help but smile. Beside her, as soon as Kang Jun saw his wife brighten, he grasped her hand and held it tightly. Kang Jun gestured to the living room, remind Lu AnLing of a battle yet to come.

Remembering this, Lu AnLing said,

"Come sit down and let's have some tea."

Her grandmother nodded and walked side by side with the children but before they did, Lu AnLing told the children to go upstairs a play a bit. Grandma Lu did not want this. She wanted to enjoy her time with the little ones but Lu AnLing insisted.

Lu AnLing didn't know what would happen as soon the two elders met, and she didn't want the kids to see something painful.

Watching as the two kids fled up the stairs, the old woman was pretty happy but as soon as she stepped through the threshold of the living room, she heard a voice say,

"Lu Lili?..."

Hearing this, Grandma Lu's head shot up and she laid eyes on a man she hadn't seen in a long time.

Examining him in his old age, Grandma Lu felt her jaw clench.

"You..." she said lowly with venom lacing her tongue. "Why!?"

Hearing this, Elder Kang felt as if it was a mistake uttering her name. The old woman looked at him as if he was her biggest nightmare manifested into reality.

Elder Kang: "You're AnLing's Grandmother..."

The elder said this to no one at all.

Grandma Lu frowned at the sound of his voice.

Elder Kang hadn't expected the Lu Lili he had known in high school to be Lu AnLing's grandmother.

In the Lu family, there were many men who married into the family rather than not.

Looking deeply at Grandma Lu, Elder Kang felt his mind race. He didn't know what to do or what to say so all he was able to utter was a nervous apology,

"I-I'm sorry. About back then... I didn't mean for that to happen..."

Watching this, Lu AnLing had a strange thought.

We're Grandma Lu and Elder Kang lovers in the past? Lu AnLing looked at Kang Jun with questioning eyes but the man could not answer her questions. He just looked between the elders and listened.

"Sorry? I've had enough of your sorry's! Back then, that's all you've ever said to me, but you never offered any kind of compensation!"

Elder Kang's face paled as he looked down to the floor. He looked as if he was about to go down on his knees and beg the old woman to forgive him.

"I'm so sorry... What can I do?" the elder repeated again but hearing this once more, Grandma Lu's mind turned red with anger.

"Will your apology bring her back to me?! I want her back!" Grandma Lu wanted to cry but she couldn't. Instead, she held onto her anger. Looking at Elder Kang with eyebrows furrowed and a frown, she felt her lips tug up. She looked sinister, as she said shakily, "Why don't you die instead... back then, it should have been you!"

Elder Kang's gaze became faraway as he looked at Grandma Lu. But it was as if he was looking right through her to a time in which Kang Jun and Lu AnLing could not penetrate.

The old man's face was pale as he rubbed his thumb on his cane. "I know..."

Hearing their conversation, Lu AnLing, Rong Xin and for the first time, even Kang Jun were completely confused with what was going on.

Though Lu AnLing most of all. She knew her grandmother didn't like the Kang's but she never expected her Grandmother and Elder Kang to be on such horrible terms.

Not understanding why, Lu AnLing stepped up and asked, "What's going on?"

Hearing this, both Grandma Lu and Elder Kang turned to her.

"I... well..." Elder Kang said unsure of where to start. He was ashamed of what had happened in the past, and now, he didn't want this to affect Kang Jun and Lu AnLing, in the present. Then thinking back to better times he felt tears sting his eyes. "When I was younger I was in love with a girl called Lu Li Jing—"

"You have no right to say her name!" Grandma Lu sneered.

'Who is this her?' Everyone wondered in their own words as they gave all their attention to the two elders. In a split second, Lu AnLing repeated the name Lu Li Jing in her head. She knew this name... but who was it...

Elder Kang: "I'm sorry..."

Grandma Lu could no longer stop her emotions. "I'm not my sister. I'm not kind. I can't forgive you... no, I won't!"

Even if he kept apologizing, Elder Kang did not expect or want to be forgiven. It had been so long since Lu LiLing had been killed and ever since that day, he didn't even have the strength to forgive himself.

This has all been his fault...

Why had he fallen in love?...

As the old man felt his heart crush within him, Lu AnLing began to remember who Lu Li Jing was... Back at the Lu family, there was a person who no one was allowed to mention in front of Elder Lu, and that was Lu Li Jing... The daughter the old man had loved the most and lost.

Looking at Elder Kang, Lu AnLing began connecting the dots.

Meanwhile, as Grandma Lu cursed Elder Kang out, Rong Lihua was arranging the afternoon tea in a tray. She could not hear the argument happening in the room at all so unlike the rest in the house, she was completely relaxed.

Once Rong Lihua was finished her preparations, she smiled triumphantly before she walked into the room,

Grandma Lu practically screamed, "This bastard is the reason why my sister is dead!"

The words came at such a shock to everyone, but mostly Ring Lihua who had just entered the room.

But not only the words spoken bothered her, but... how come she knew this voice?

Looking over the room, her eyes landing on Grandma Lu, Rong Lihua's heart skipped a beat and she could no longer feel a thing.

Due to this, her fingers loosened their grip on the tray she held causing it to crash onto the floor spilling tea and sweets everywhere.

Hearing the crashing and crackling of the fine china as they collided with the floor, everyone turned Rong Lihua's way and saw that for the first time, the woman looked withered and weak.

"I-i'm so sorry!" Rong Lihua said with a stutter as both Rong Xin and Lu AnLing went to help clean up the mess at the old woman's feet.

Seeing what had just happened, Kang Jun walked over to Rong Lihua. He examined if she had any woundsa and then said,

"Is everything alright?"

Rong Lihua tried to nod but her body wouldn't let her. She then opened her mouth but words wouldn't come out. The woman had no idea what was going on.

She tried her hardest but couldn't until she said,

"I think I am... thank you for worrying young master...."

Hearing this, Grandma Lu's eyes, which were transfixed on Rong Lihua, widened and she said, "Li Jing?"