Kang Jun Didn’t Care About His Responsibilities

A couple of days had passed since her breakdown and Lu AnLing had not so much as spoken about the matter.

It was as if she was pretending it didn't happen but Kang Jun knew better.

As the two lay in bed, and the morning light penetrated the window curtains, Kang Jun could see that Lu AnLing was fast asleep.

She had been sleeping a lot for the past couple of days. Her mind and body where tired after all the overthinking she'd done. Kang Jun wished he could held her but he knew that she would continue the same routine until everything was solved.

But still the man feared that Lu AnLing was shutting herself down... Only every so often, mostly when the kids were around her, he would see a glimpse of happiness penetrate her clouded eyes.

Thinking about these past few days, Kang Jun caressed Lu AnLing's head gently with one hand and his other hand pulled her closer to him.

As per usual, he did not say much, he just remained by her side, his warmth penetrating her body; giving her time.

Kang Jun did not know if it was the right way to love her or help her with her problems but if there was one thing he knew, it was that he did not want to make her feel any negative emotions for the time being.

Kang any! Looked into the distance and allowed himself to be consumed by thoughts until he heard her voice.

"You're not going to work today?" Lu AnLing asked curiously as she peered up at the man.

Sighing, Kang Jun kissed her forehead and then he said, "No."

Lu AnLing: "You know... you don't need to stay with me. I'm fine."

Lu AnLing did not mean this. She wanted Kang Jun to stay with her but she did not want to impose on him.

Seeing a strange look flash across her eyes, Kang Jun held her much tighter.

Kang Jun: "The company doesn't need me but you do."

Kang Jun did not care about his responsibilities at Kang Corporations, mostly if they affected his responsibilities to his family.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing instantly felt better but at the same time she felt bad. Lu AnLing knew that Kang Jun would do anything for her because he loved her but she didn't want his love for her to jeopardize anything for him, including his future...

Thinking of this, Lu AnLing felt extremely bad but then, Kang Jun said, "Are you ready for tonight? Any advice for when I meet your family?"

Lu AnLing laughed. "I think the majority of them might drop dead at the sight if you."

Hearing this, Kang Jun didn't know what to say. He didn't know whether he should laugh or feel offended.

Seeing his perplexed expression, Lu AnLing touched his face lovingly and said, "All you need to do is be yourself. The majority of them will hate you anyways, but who cares about them? I will always love you."

Lu AnLing kissed Kang Jun on the cheek.

Kang Jun looked at Lu AnLing with love and without another thought, he wrapped his arms around her, allowing his whole being to surround her.

"Me too. I will always love you." Kang Jun said warmly.

Lu AnLing snuggled up to him and smiled. This was where she was meant to be...

Suddenly, Kang Mingyu And Kang Mei Xue pushed through the door.

It was still super early but since Lu AnLing and Kang Jun weren't going to be home that night, the two kids wanted to spend some time with the two.

As soon as Lu AnLing saw them, She opened her arms wide allowing the two to climb onto the bed.

Kang Jun moved slightly and allowed the two to come between them.

Feeling the warmth of the kids between them, Lu AnLing smiled and hugged the two.

Lu AnLing then sat up and held the kids in an embrace. As she did this, Kang Jun watched her and smiled.

Seeing Kang Jun's smile, Kang Mei Xue, whose eyes looked between the two, said, "Can we come with you tonight?"

Hearing this, Kang Jun patted her head, "No."

"Why?" Kang Mei Xue said as she looked at the man's with puppy dog eyes.

"Because it revolves around inheritance." Kang Jun replied simply.

"Inheritance? What's that?" Kang Mingyu asked this time as he leaned against Kang Mei Xue's shoulder.

Lu AnLing and Kang Jun laughed.

Kang Jun: "I'll explain it to you properly when you're a little older so you can understand. Now, let's go get some breakfast."

Kang Jun lead the kids and Lu AnLing downstairs.

There, Rong Lihua set the table. Seeing the couple and the kids walk down the stairs. Rong Lihua hurried to the kitchen.

Because of what had happened during the week, Rong Lihua had insisted on coming to Kang manor to help out but Rong Lihua had asked for Elder Kang not to be there.

She still felt very awkward with him, after all.

Elder Kang did not want to accept this, but when Kang Jun had pleaded him, the old man could not help but accept...

Once down, they all took a seat at the table.

Then Rong Lihua walked in and began to serve them breakfast.

Seeing Rong Lihua, Lu AnLing said, "Are you coming tonight?... Grandma told me that she wanted to give you your rightful inheritance..."

Lu AnLing felt a bit awkward saying this because of how confused Rong Lihua still was about their familial relations but at the same time, it had to be discussed at one point or another.

Hearing what Lu AnLing had said, Rong Lihua scratched her nose awkwardly.

"Yes... she told me but I refused her. I don't need anything from the Lu family. I don't remember anything and... I left them before. So there must have been a reason much more pertinent than my love for a man." Rong Lihua said as she put glasses of milk in front of Kang Mingyu and Kang Mei Xue.

Lu AnLing and Kang Jun nodded simultaneously and then Lu AnLing looked at Rong Xin who stood erect near the doorway.

Seeing her gaze, Rong Xin was confused so Lu AnLing said,

"Technically, you get inheritance too, you know..."

Hearing this, Rong Xin frowned. "I prefer to earn money, not inherit it."

Lu AnLing: "Frankly, I don't care about my inheritance either... but I care about my brother, so I need to go."

Kang Jun looked at her with slight confusion. "What does this have to do with your brother?"

Lu AnLing frowned slightly.

"My brother is on his way to become the next head. Every grandkid has a chance but my brother is expected to succeed. The biggest problem is that he's young... too young... the second best in the race is my cousin, Jiayi. She's is not stupid, and she's also older than Duyi and she had experience in the work place. I doubt Duyi can win against her. Jiayi is getting married also. So this just means that she has an edge on the rest of us." Lu AnLing explained this as if she wasn't involved in the situation. As if it wasn't her family.

Rong Xin frowned. "That doesn't make sense... you're the eldest right? You're also smart. And you should have some type of workplace experience? And you're married too..."

Lu AnLing gave a dry laugh. "Yes but my status within the Lu family is... complicated."

Rong Xin was going to ask another question, but seeing Kang Jun's uncomfortable expression as the man looked at Lu AnLing, Rong Xin had stopped talking.

Not hearing another word, Lu AnLing said, "The only thing I have in my corner is that I got married first. No matter what anyone has to say, I get the house... My cousin is going to hate me for this, but I couldn't care less."

Thinking about how she would see all the family members she hated and who hated her in the same room, Lu AnLing felt sick. But then, thinking about how she was so blessed in her present life, a strange feeling passed through her. It was like the discomfort and happiness merged together to create something Lu AnLing could barely identify. It was uncomfortable. Lu AnLing wished she could just feel happy.

But would her 'family' allow that?

Thinking about her father suddenly, Lu AnLing wondered what else could be hidden from her. The thought caused her stomach to ache.

Lu AnLing rolled her eyes. "Family matters are literally the worst."

As she said this, she remembered a scene from years ago. One of a man who had told her the exact same thing she had just uttered...

He was the only Lu of the older generation that she had ever gotten along with.

Suddenly, Lu AnLing began to miss him but she believed that there would be no way that she would see that person again...