The Biggest Shame

It did not take long for the Lu family to gather.

One by one the family members entered the house until, to Lu Xiaoling's knowledge, only Lu AnLing and Xu Shen were missing, but there was more than two chair left to be filled.

Lu Xiaoling looked at her mother curiously from across the table. She really wanted to know who would take up the rest of the seats. So much so that her face was covered with interest.

Seeing Lu Xiaoling's expression, Grandma Lu did not react. Even if she wanted to explain, it would have been too much of a hassle. And either way, Grandma Lu believed that seeing the new members of their family, rather than being told of them would be for the best.

This was what Grandma Lu had decided to do but Lu Xiaoling wasn't the only one who was confused.

Looking at the seats, Lu Jiayi, who was smugly sitting beside her husband, cocked her head and said,

"Aren't there too many seats?"

Hearing this, Grandpa Lu nodded. He then turned to a maid and gestured for her to remove some chairs.

Seeing this, Grandma Lu frowned.

Looking at the little maid, who was unsure about what to do, considering that she was the one who had placed the seats, to begin with, Grandma Lu said, "No. these are the right amount."

Hearing this, the little maid nodded and then she ran out of the room leaving the Lu's to speak amongst themselves.

Lu Jiayi frowned. "These are seats for Xia and AnLing, I'm guessing?"

Lu Jiayi noticed that there were more seats than two so the woman immediately though of Lu AnLing and Lu Xia having spouses. Thinking about this, Lu Jiayi worried slightly but thinking back, there was no way that Lu AnLing or Lu Xia to have married before her, so she kept her calm demeanor. However, little did Lu Jiayi know that her worse fears had already come true.

Seeing a dark expression come over Lu Jiayi's face, Lu Xinya, who had been sitting quietly the whole time, looked sadly towards Grandpa Lu and said,

"Yes... I heard our two cousins are back..." Lu Xinya threw her voice so she sounded a bit afraid and everyone knew why.

After the incident with Lu AnLing, Lu Xinya always showed fear when speaking of Lu AnLing, though truly, the girl was not afraid. She was just using the fact that Lu AnLing was an outsider against her.

Grandpa Lu: "Yes... this is a family meeting after all..."

The old man's voice contained slight disappointment which caused Lu Xinya to feel relieved, however, Lu Xiaoling and Grandma Lu frowned hard.

Hearing this, Lu Duyi's face turned grim, also. He wanted to stand up for his sister but before the boy could say anything Lu Xinya's mother spoke,

"That lose cannon is actually coming to this? Why?!"

Lu Duyi frowned harder but since Lu Yimo was his aunt, Lu Duyi bit his tongue before he said something completely disrespectful.

The young boy tried to calm himself down but suddenly he heard Lu Yimo say, "She's not even our actual family member and, either way, that girl has already been given enough. Does she seriously need inheritance that doesn't belong to her also?"

This sentence caused fire to burn at the pit of Lu Duyi's stomach and even Lu Shuya reacted unfavourably.

"Don't you think—" Lu Duyi had begun to say but before he could finish his sentence, Lu Xiaoling spoke. Her voice lined with ice.

Lu Xiaoling: "AnLing, like Xinya, Jiayi, Duyi and Shuya, has every right to be here. She is my daughter and your niece."

Hearing this, Lu Yimo scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "I've never had such a shameful and ungrateful niece. And how dare you compare her to my daughters. That girl has no manners, no class... She's nothing like us Lu's, I don't understand why you even took her in Xiaoling."

Now it was Lu Xiaoling's turn to scoff. "Lu Yimo!"

Lu Xiaoling was about to explode but before she could, Lu Xia pushed through the doors, without a care in the world.

"Aren't you being a bit rude auntie?" Lu Xia said as she walked into the room as if she owned the place.

Lu Yimo was about to retort but then, seeing her, Grandpa Lu frowned. "What are you doing here?"

Grandpa Lu's wholes demeanor changed in an instant.

Seeing this, Lu Xia smirked shamelessly.

"Hello all," she said sweetly, as her gaze swept across her relatives, and then, she turned to her grandfather who glared her way before she lifted her head up arrogantly, "Hello grandfather."

Grandpa Lu scoffed.

To the old man, Lu Xia was even more of a shame to the family than Lu AnLing was. He remembered when Lu Xia had come back from being abroad for so many years. He had been so glad to see her but then, the first thing the girl had done was jump into bed with a business partners son and breaking his heart.

This had not only ruined their business deal but it had created a rumour about how easy Lu Xia was to sleep with.

This was the biggest shame the man had ever suffered and right then he had disowned the girl.

He blamed the education she had received abroad and while this wasn't completely wrong, it was not right either. Lu Xia was a free spirit, even if she had been raised in T City it would have ended up the same.

Either way though, Lu Xia couldn't care less about what Grandpa Lu thought of her. A family member was just that. Only a family member. They had no control over the lifestyle she chose to live. Not then, not now and not ever.

Seeing his daughter antagonize his father, Lu Jian sighed. "Xia Xia, come here."

Hearing her father orders, Lu Xia smiled but she did not do as he wished, instead she asked, "Where is Jie Jie sitting?"

Hearing this, no one answered at first, but then Lu Xinya spoke.

"You're still calling her that? She's barely any older than you."

Lu Xia looked at Lu Xinya and frowned. "Don't you know what respect even means?"

Lu Xinya frowned, "Respect? Since when have you ever respected anyone?"

Looking at her sister whose eyes began to flare up, Lu Jiayi put her hand on the girl's shoulder, and then she turned to Lu Xia and said, "Xia, what Xinya was trying to say is that you were just rude to grandfather and our mother, and now you're talking about respect. Don't you think you're being hypocritical."

Hearing this, Lu Xia wanted to roll her eyes but instead she held herself back.

"I only respect those who deserve respect." Lu Xia said as she flipped her hair.

With that said, Lu Xinya said as she pushed herself off her seat and practically screamed, "What's that suppose to mean?!"