Lu AnLing Has Married First

"Okay, so now that that's all over and done with, how about we continue with the family meeting?" Lu AnLing said as she took back her marriage cirtificate.

Many members around the table were speechless and even if they wanted to say something they began to feel too afraid about what Kang Jun would do to them if they overstepped their boundaries.

One of the only ones who did not care about this was Lu Jiayi.

As soon as Lu Jiayi heard Lu AnLing's suggestion, the girl slammed her hand on the table and practically screamed.

"No, no, no!" Lu Jiayi started in a manic kind of way as she shook her head. Seeing this, her husband tried to calm her down but all he got out of his efforts was Lu Jiayi brushing him off. "How in the hell did you end up marrying Kang Jun?"

Lu AnLing shrugged as she caressed Kang Jun's hand. She then looked straight into Lu Jiayi's eyes. "You know, boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with the girl. Boy chases girl and girl falls in love with the boy... Courting, Romance and of course, good old sexual tension."

Lu Jiayi's mouth widened slightly as she sighed in disbelief. "He went after you?..."

Lu AnLing laughed slightly.

"Of course he was chasing me." Lu AnLing smiled arrogantly as she said this, she then turned to her husband and leaned into him slightly. "Isn't that right Hubby?"

Hearing this, Kang Jun smiled. He had never heard Lu AnLing utter such a thing.

Kang Jun: "Mmm."

Kang Jun did not mind being a prop for his wife to play off of, in fact, he quite liked when his wife took the lead.

Despite her seemingly victim-like appearance, Lu AnLing was quite the feisty woman. She did not like when people were unjust and hated being walked all over but over the years she had held herself back. All these years of passivity had created a persona which was not completely her own.

From the sidelines, seeing the way Kang Jun allowed himself to be lower than Lu AnLing, many people in the room did not know how to react.

Xu Shen, Lu Xia, Grandma Lu and Lu Duyi, on the other hand, felt incredibly touched by Kang Jun's actions.

He trusted Lu AnLing enough, believing that she could deal with her own problems. He didn't want to fix her life for her but, instead, he wanted to be around her as a support system as she does it herself.

Kang Jun was allowing her the freedom to make her own decisions about what was best for her...

Looking at Lu AnLing, they believed that she had found a good man.

Lu AnLing smirked at Lu Jiayi. "Now, I guess you aren't the first to marry. Aren't you going to congratulate me?"

Lu Jiayi's face paled.

Seeing her sisters face, Lu Xinya frowned hard. "Congratulate you? How shameless... didn't you even congratulate my sister on her marriage?"

Lu AnLing shrugged and did just that. Hearing this, Lu Xinya frowned.

To Lu Xinya, Lu AnLing was doing the same thing she always did. Act all perfect just to bring others down. It was what Lu Xinya believed Lu AnLing had done to beat her in the singing competition when they were kids. At least that was what Lu Xinya believed...

Seeing that everything was just going to turn into a fight again, Grandpa Lu cleared his throat.

"Let's just get on with the family meeting, please." Grandpa Lu grumbled but there was nothing that could be done about the situation.

As soon as the old man had said this, a man in a suit was escorted inside by Mr Jing.

As Mr Jing walked in, his eyes immediately landed on Lu AnLing and a look of disgust appeared in them.

Kang Jun immediately saw this and it made him cock his head. He then looked at Lu AnLing who waved the situation off.

Grandpa Lu: "This is Lawyer Yu, he will be reading the will for us."

"Hello everyone, I'm Lawyer Yu and I will be presenting you with the latest will and testament of Mr and Mrs Lu. Since the last reading, certain things have changed, so please pay attention. " Lawyer Yu started.

Neither Lu Xia nor Lu AnLing had been a participant at the last reading. At the time they had both believed that they could not step foot into the Lu house due to their own separate circumstances, so they did not know what they had been given, not like it mattered to the two, though.

Looking at the people in the room, Lawyer Yu sighed. "This will is meant to settle things between the youngest generation but also, since Lu Xing, Lu Yimo, Lu Jian and Lu Xiaoling all have their own incomes that are completely detached from the Lu estate, they will not be receiving any part of the estate or shares and this had been agreed upon by all parties involved."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing frowned slightly.

Lu Xiaoling had always worked herself to the bone for the company and now the woman did not receive a single thing in connection to the estate or company?

Lu AnLing felt like this was a kind of divine retribution of sorts but then, seeing how unaffected her mother was about the news, Lu AnLing felt a bit hurt.

Even if the woman's lifelong dedication and hard work turned to be all for nothing, Lu Xiaoling was not disturbed.

"Since Miss Lu AnLing has married first, she gets the Lu family mansion, including two properties in France and the United States of America."

Lu AnLing nodded, as Lu Jiayi, Lu Yimo and Lu Xinya glared at her.

Little by little the Will was read and the decisions were made and finalized. And for the first time, Lu AnLing realized her family was more well off than she had thought.

They had many houses. They were working in many markets, and the family was nowhere near in debt.

Everyone was happy with what they had gotten but then, it came to reading the part of the Will concerning the company shares.

All eyes and ears were on Lawyer Yu.

Lawyer Yu cleared his throat as if to create a dramatic effect and then he said, "The combined amount of shares to be divided is worth 54% of the company. The way Mr and Mrs Lu have decided to divide it is, 13% Lu Jiayi, 13% Lu AnLing, 10% Lu Duyi, 6% Lu Shuya, Lu Xinya, 6%, and Lu Xia, 6%."

Hearing this, many relatives gasped.