Our Wives

Grandma Lu, Grandpa Lu and Lu Jian had expected that all the relatives would have left already, but when they stepped out of the room after their little meeting was done, there was a small crowd still around.

Seeing that Kang Jun and Lu AnLing we're still here, Grandma Lu was a bit confused. She had expected that they would have left after how things had turned out. She was a bit confused but this thought did not stick around, because, right then she laid her eyes on a man she had not seen before.

Looking at him, examining his features, Grandma Lu frowned slightly.

Kang Jun did not resemble Elder Kang in the slightest. He actually resembled his mother, almost completely and that was one of the reasons Grandma Lu was easily able to accept him but Kang Liu Ran was different. He looked almost completely like how the elder had looked in his younger days and this made Grandma Lu slightly uncomfortable.

'Is he a Kang?' The woman wondered.

Walking over to the crown, Grandma Lu's face grew darker and darker unconsciously and once she, her husband and Lu Jian were in earshot of the crowd, Grandma Lu heard something which confirmed her thoughts.

Kang Jun: "Did you come here only to introduce yourself to the elders?"

Kang Liu Ran nodded. He then looked at Lu Xia and he put his hand around her waist. "Of course, brother. The sooner the better. I don't have plans to hide our relationship."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Even Grandma Lu, who had internally questioned why another one of her granddaughters had fallen in love with a Kang was shocked to know that her thoughts had been true. The woman wanted to question things but it was Lu Jian who spoke first.

"W-what? You're married?" Lu Jian said with complete shock on his face.

Seeing this, Lu Xia frowned. "Wow dad, you don't need to celebrate too hard..."

Hearing this, Lu Jian shook his head. "No, I'm happy for you. I am, it's just, isn't it too sudden? Who was the one who told me that they didn't want to be tied down? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Well he's smart, handsome and loaded, what else could a girl want?" Lu Xia joked.

Lu Jian frowned. "Xia be serious."

When asked such questions Lu Xia could not answer as honestly as Lu AnLing could, she had to keep up appearances as the cheerful, smart and reckless woman she was, after all.

If she didn't, people would begin to see how she was inside.

Truly, Lu Xia had always wanted to be loved deeply and without restraint but every relationship she had, the men would always complain about how the girl was too dedicated to her studies or work. They would want her attention always and complain when Lu Xia was busy and this was problematic.

She loved her lovers with all her heart but she also loved her work and she did not want to be forced to chose between one or the other. But sadly for her, her lovers had always wanted to be chosen as her favourite so, after a long while of indecisiveness, she had always ended up getting dumped.

When she had first met Kang Liu Ran, it was when she was working in a hospital in LA. He was on a business trip overseas and he had suddenly collapsed and needed an emergency appendectomy.

After the surgery, Kang Liu Ran wanted to go to work quickly but since he was a bit malnourished and sleep deprived, Lu Xia and other doctors insisted to keep him for observation.

In the middle of the night, hours after his surgery, Lu Xia had passed by his room and she had seen him overlooking some documents. Seeing this, Lu Xia frowned hard.

She walked into the room and put her hands on her hips before she said, "Excuse me, Mr Kang but you should seriously sleep or else, you won't get better."

Without getting his eyes off his documents, Kang Liu Ran said, "You're one to talk, Miss Bags-under-her-eyes. I heard some doctors work 24hours and only sleep 30 mins."

Lu Xia touched under her eyes and then she laughed.

"Your seem to have a smart mouth. " Lu Xia said with a smile playing on her lips. She then pulled the papers away from Kang Liu Ran and said, "What do you do for a living?"

Forced to look at her, Kang Liu Ran frowned and then took his papers back. "I'm in Business."

Lu Xia nodded.

"Business? Then it's not necessary for you to work your health into the ground. If a doctor isn't found to help people, someone might die but if your health is ruined, your employees might be forced to work more..." Lu Xia said with a slight frown on her face before she walked closer to Kang Liu Ran. Leaning over to stare at him eye to eye, Lu Xia continued. "You have the chance to sleep. Just take it, or else you'll die an early death or become the reason why some other doctor can't get his or her 30 minutes of sleep."

After saying this, Lu Xia smiled and left, leaving Kang Liu Ran speechless.

Kang Liu Ran and Lu Xia became close after that. They exchanged numbers and they often texted each other and when they were free they would meet up. Neither of them had many expectations of the other and if for some reason the other was late or had to cancel their date they never felt angry because they understood what both their jobs entailed and how important it was to the other.

Lu Xia could not explain this in words... so she just didn't.

"I married him. That should tell you all you need to know dad." Lu Xia said.

Not knowing what else to say, Lu Jian nodded and then he and Kang Liu Ran shook hands.

From the sidelines Grandma Lu and Grandpa Lu watched.

Suddenly, Kang Liu Ran turned his attentions to them.

"Hello, Im Kang Liu Ran," Kang Liu Ran shook Grandma Lu's hand. The woman had slightly hesitated but when thinking it over, Kang Liu Ran, despite looking so much like Kang Guanting, was himself and not anyone else.

Kang Liu Ran then went to shake Grandpa Lu's hand, the old man did not close the distance between hands.

Seeing this, Kang Jun sighed.

"Don't mind the old man, little brother," Kang Jun said without a care. "He doesn't seem to like either of our wives so it doesn't seem like he will try to like us either."

Hearing this, Kang Liu Ran frowned but then he shrugged. "So be it, then."

Due to this, Grandpa Lu's face became red.

Kang Jun and Kang Liu Ran had just written him off as a nonentity, and this really hurt the man's pride.