Some Important Information

Thinking about it, Rong Yue Wan was not completely sure. To the woman's ears this sounded right but still unsure, Rong Yue Wan headed to the front desk.

"Is Doctor Chong here?" Rong Yue Wan asked the receptionist.

"Yes, he is. Would you like me to call for him?" The woman asked nicely.

Rong Yue Wan: "Yes, please."

The woman did just that. In a matter of seconds, the woman had broadcasted the call.

Waiting, Rong Yue Wan tapped her nails on the front desk. If she wasn't wrong, she had discovered something that would change everything.

The thought excited Rong Yue Wan but first, she wanted to see if what she believed was true.

As Rong Yue Wan thought this, a middle-aged woman walked by and leaned over the desk. Rong Yue Wan did not pay attention to the woman at first, but then she heard her speak.

"Chong Feng went out for lunch. He'll be back in an hour." Doctor Su said nicely.

Rong Yue Wan turned with a grimace and said, "Chong Feng? No. I'm looking for Chong Wei."

Hearing this, Doctor Su frowned. She hated Chong Wei with a passion. After what he had done in the past, concerning Lu AnLing's children, Doctor Su had found the man disgusting and unfit to be practising in the medical field.

Turning around, Doctor Su frowned and then said, "Well, I'm sorry but he doesn't work here anymore."

Seeing the woman's face, Rong Yue Wan's eyes widened. "Nurse Su?"

"Yue Wan? What are you doing here?" Doctor Su said as she leaned in to give Rong Yue Wan a hug.

Reciprocating, Rong Yue Wan furrowed her eyebrows. "I was going to ask the same thing. I thought you stopped being a nurse."

Doctor Su laughed. "I'm not a nurse. I'm actually a doctor now."

"Wow... that's great! Congratulations." Rong Yue Wan said with excitement.

Hearing this, Doctor Su could not help but laugh bashfully.

The two had not seen each other in years so Rong Yue Wan and Doctor Su moved to another area to sit and talk.

For Rong Yue Wan, this was ideal because she had almost called upon the wrong Doctor and, she certainly didn't want that nosy Chong Feng asking why Rong Yue Wan was looking for his father. So this was the best circumstance.

Not wanting to waste time, Rong Yue Wan went straight to the point.

"What was the name of that pregnant woman that we helped deliver the baby? It was Lu something right?" Rong Yue Wan asked curiously, without trying to mask her question with a reason.

Doctor Su found Rong Yue Wan's question strange but it did cause her to question the girl. Doctor Su knew that Chong Wei had been involved in some conspiracy involving Lu AnLing's children, but never would she had ever expected such a young girl like Rong Yue Wan to be involved.

"You have a good memory," Doctor Su said smiling. "Her name is Lu AnLing."

Hearing this, Rong Yue Wan's eyes darkened and yet she smiled a bit sinisterly.

Rong Yue Wan: "Thank you so much, Nurse Su!"

"It's Doctor Su now" Doctor Su reminded. "And it's no problem. Anyways, I need to go now, I can't leave Doctor Zhao by himself in paediatrics,"

Hearing this, Rong Yue Wan nodded. The woman then watched as Doctor Su left with a smile still plastered squarely on her face.

Then, when Doctor Su was gone, without a second thought, Rong Yue Wan took her phone and called Feng Zhengyi.

Rong Yue Wan: "Madame Kang? Yes. I have some important information for you."

On the other end of the phone, Feng Zhengyi said curiously, "What is it?"

Rong Yue Wan: "It's about Lu AnLing."

Hearing Lu AnLing's name, Feng Zhengyi clicked her tongue. Without truly knowing who Lu AnLing was, in Feng Zhengyi's mind, Lu AnLing was a little vixen who had seduced her prodigious grandson into being tied down...

Feng Zhengyi: "Okay, come meet me. I'm living in my sons home for the time being. I heard you were close to Qiao Lan. If so, you must know where that is, right?"

"Yes. I do. I'll be right there." Rong Yue Wan answered before she hung up.

At first, the woman had planned on going to see Elder Qiao but seeing as Feng Zhengyi, who held the key to her future was waiting, Rong Yue Wan quickly left the hospital.

It was not like the old man's condition would change anyways...

But just as Rong Yue Wan thought this. In his hospital room, Elder Qiao's fingers suddenly moved.


At Kang Mu and Mo Ruyi's home, Feng Zhengyi had already made herself at home.

Now, it was like the house was her own and no one, including Mo Ruyi, would point out otherwise.

Kang Mu loved his mother a lot. She was the only mother he had, after all, and so, he spoiled her to no end. Whatever she did, was accepted.

Because the man did not work, he was usually always home but once Feng Zhengyi knew that Rong Yue Wan was coming over, the woman went to find her son.

Kang Mu was usually in the living room but ever since Feng Zhengyi had made it her own, the man spent more time in the gardens.

Walking straight there, Feng Zhengyi was not shocked to see Kang Mu staring at the peonies.

Immediately, the woman went up to him.

"My darling son, would you do me a favour?" Feng Zhengyi said sweetly.

Hearing his mother, Kang Mu turned to face her. He didn't acknowledge her question, but just how he stood alert in front of her made it obvious that he was waiting for her to speak.

"It's been so long since I've been in T City and I've been craving some Longjing tea. You know, the one that Chong Wei always prepares?" Feng Zhengyi said simply, dragging on her words. "I was wondering if you would be kind enough to go get me some."

Kang Mu found his mother's way of speaking strange but he did not want to ask her why she was being so strange.

As he had learned growing up, it was best not to ask Feng Zhengyi questions, so Kang Mu quickly left to get the tea.