Some Soul Searching

"Is there something you want from me?" Lu Shuya asked with slight annoyance in her voice.

Hearing this, Kang Liang froze.

Kang Liang had not noticed that he had been starring so much until he had heard Lu Shuya's voice.

"I was just wondering what you were doing drinking so early in the afternoon?" Kang Liang said teasingly.

Lu Shuya frowned before she turned to look at Kang Liang in the eyes.

"It's six pm." Lu Shuya said matter of factly before she looked at Kang Liang's hand which contained a glass of whisky. "And how can someone who's drinking hard liquor judge me? Hypocrite much?"

"What can I say, I've been up all night and all day so I needed a drink," Kang Liang said, and right after he had said this, he winked at the female bartender who then refilled his glass.

This was an innocent act but as soon as she saw this, Lu Shuya looked between Kang Liang and the bartender, before she rolled her eyes, obviously insinuating something and then she turned back to her wine, completely ignoring him.

Kang Liang was not used to girls ignoring him, the only other time that someone had completely resisted his charm was when he had met Lu AnLing and Lu Xia but he understood that those two had already found the love of their lives in his two brothers so it was obvious that they would be attracted to someone who lacked seriousness in romantic relationships like him. But he could not understand why Lu Shuya did not fall for him in the slightest.

"So, what a pretty lady like you doing here at 6? Isn't it a bit early? Most people go home to relax or..." Kang Liang asked sweetly, but then he looked over her once more. Seeing how young she looked, Kang Liang raised an eyebrow. "Study?"

Lu Shuya didn't feel like explaining anything but for some reason she felt like Kang Liang wouldn't leave her alone.

"Before you start prying into my life, my name is not 'a pretty lady' or 'you'." Lu Shuya huffed. Seeing her cute reaction, Kang Liang smiled.

"Okay, then what's your name?" Kang Liang said.

Pouting, Lu Shuya scoffed. "You should probably introduce yourself first, right?"

Hearing this, Kang Liang laughed out loud.

"You're really something, aren't you? No wonder you're AnLing's friend." Hearing this, Lu Shuya's face paled slightly but Kang Liang didn't see this, instead, he continued and said, "as for my name, you can call me Liang."

"Is that your surname or your first name?" Lu Shuya asked curiously.

Kang Liang: "That's unimportant. Now, what about your name?"

Lu Shuya rolled her eyes and then she suddenly began to feel a bit awkward. "My name is Lu Shuya."

"Lu?" Kang Liang's eyes narrowed.

"Yes. I'm AnLing's younger sister." L Shuya said.

At first, Lu Shuya had not planned on telling the boy her full name or her relation to Lu AnLing.

She had refused to call Lu AnLing her sister for so long now, that it had pretty much become a habit but this was a habit that she had now decided to let go of.

Lu Shuya was done letting her pride control her. After what Grandma Lu had said, it was clear that it brought her nothing but trouble...

Either way, Lu Shuya was tired of acting the way she did towards Lu AnLing. She had been forcing it this whole time, either way.

Truly, Lu Shuya cared for her sister but she wanted to be loved by her mother more.

Lu Shuya believed that if she was more like her mother, the woman would love her. And if there was one thing she knew, it was that her mother was prideful. And so, Lu Shuya decided to be prideful too.

But even after acting the way she did, Lu Shuya had finally acknowledged, at the family meeting, that it was Lu AnLing, despite how much she messed up or how shameful she seemed, who was the closest to breaking through Lu Xiaoling's wall...

What was worse was that that morning, Lu Shuya had witnessed Lu Xiaoling worry. Worry about whether or not Lu AnLing would be angry at her concerning the decision she had made in the past.

A decision she made out of love and care...

Lu Shuya understood more than anyone the way her mother loved. It was selfish and twisted but it was truly like her.

Lu Shuya sighed and then brought herself back to reality.

"And to answer your question from before," Lu Shuya said as she looked at Kang Liang in the eyes. "I didn't go to work today. I work in HR for my families business but I couldn't take working there anymore. I needed a break..."

Looking at her expression, Kang Liang's heart stopped. Kang Liang wasn't sure if Lu Shuya knew or understood what she was feeling but he understood it well.

In the Kang family, unlike his brothers, he was not very good with business. In fact, he was pretty bad at it so he always felt like he didn't fit in. And he had always felt like something was missing inside but he never knew what...

It was when Kang Liang disconnected himself from his family and their business where Kang Liang finally began to understand himself.

And at this moment, Lu Shuya was feeling that same way he had long ago.

"What do you plan on doing during this break?" Kang Liang asked with interest.

Lu Shuya shrugged. "Maybe some soul searching. I'm young and free after all..."

"Well if you ever want to join the entertainment industry." Kang Liang said as he handed her his number on a napkin.

Seeing this, Lu Shuya frowned at the corny gesture. She then pushed the napkin back towards him. "Impossible. I'm not talented in music."

Kang Liang frowned and took back his number back. He had never met a girl who rejected his number so easily...

Kang Liang: "With a sister like AnLing, I'm sure you'll be amazing."

Hearing this, Lu Shuya, who began feeling the effects of her wine, laughed. "I think she gets that from her father's side, whoever he is... And before you ask, no. We don't have the same father. "

With that said, Kang Liang paused. "What a coincidence, my brothers and I don't have the same mothers either..."

After this, Lu Shuya and Kang Liang spoke for a while. Before they knew it, they had both drunk past their limits and it was late. So Lu Shuya decided to head home.

Kang Liang didn't feel right about letting a girl go home by herself so he wanted to accompany Lu Shuya but the girl didn't want him to accompany her home. Even if he was Lu AnLing's friend Lu Shuya herself was not close to him so she didn't know if he was trustworthy or not.