No Blood Relation

Mo Ruyi wanted to speak to Kang Jun and tell him that she was sorry for hurting him. That she had never meant for him to be unhappy. Most parents want the best for their child and she was no different. She thought that marrying into the Kang's was the best she could do for her sons.

Mo Ruyi wanted to say this to him but before she could, Kang Jun spoke.

"Does anyone else know?" Kang Jun asked as he remained deep in thought.

Mo Ruyi shook her head.

"Mu made sure to keep this secret. Even from Zhengyi. To your grandparents, you were just born a bit premature..." as she said this, Mo Ruyi was calm but then she spoke again, with a little more emotion. "If they knew you weren't a Kang, I would have had to send you to a boarding school as I did for Yichen. But since Mu decided to keep this secret for me, you were safe by my side, and in return, I decided to give my all to make sure I was good to him and to his future children..."

Mo Ruyi wasn't stupid. She knew she had to have a real heir but thankfully, Kang Mu never forced that on her. Instead, he slept with other women and as much as this was not something a wife would be thankful for, Mo Ruyi was glad because this meant that she didn't need to feel trapped by the obligations of being Kang Mu's wife.

"Do you not love him, then?" Kang Jun suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Mo Ruyi shrugged.

Mo Ruyi had not loved Kang Mu at the beginning of their marriage. And she wasn't sure if she even loved him now but one thing was for sure. My Ruyi would never divorce him.

Kang Mu had married her, he had allowed her son, even if he wasn't his own, to be part of the family and treated as an equal. He even gave her money to allow Mo Yichen to thrive. Kang Mu supported her financially but he also showed her care. He had no suffocating expectations of her and he didn't force her to do anything. He even allowed himself to be dominated by her.

He was a strange man and as the years went by, Mo Ruyi had noticed that she did not want to live without him...

"I'm not sure. All I can tell you is that I owe him my life. I will stay with him until death does us part." Mo Ruyi said softly. " but enough about me and Mu, If I didn't have a reason, I would have never revealed this to you..."

Hearing this, Kang Jun looked at her deeply and then he said, "Speak."

"If Mei Xue is truly your child with AnLing then it should be easier to get her back from Zhengyi. There should be no blood relation between them and so, the courts will agree that it would be ridiculous to keep a child away from their parents and have them be in the custody of someone who isn't even family." No Ruyi spoke simple, but then, Mo Ruyi paused for a second. "The only problem that this poses is that I heard your grandmother talking about taking Mingyu away from you. Since you have no blood relation to him, you might lose him..."

Kang Jun paused for a second as he thought about what his mother had said and then he spoke himself.

Kang Jun: "I'll find a way..."

After hearing this, Mo Ruyi nodded but still, there was something she hadn't told Kang Jun yet.

"There's one more thing... I'm not sure what do do with this information but..." As Mo Ruyi said this, Kang Jun could clearly hear and see the hesitation. This made Kang Jun feel strange. His mother never seemed to fear anything but the piece of information she held seemed to make her blood run cold. Mo Ruyi suddenly calmed and then she said, "Zhi was killed by Qiao Jianhong..."

Hearing this, Kang Jun's eyes widened.

Mo Ruyi: "From what I understand, Zhi cheated on Lan, and so the old man wanted revenge for her..."

Kang Jun frowned. "Does Qiao Lan know about this?"

Mo Ruyi shrugged. "I don't know but considering how obsessed she was with Zhi, I doubt she would have been okay with anything done to hard him."

Hearing this, Kang Jun nodded calmly but he couldn't help but feel immensely angry.

That old bastard had told him once that Kang Jun was a bastard who killed his own brother.

Kang Jun had always felt, deep down, that it was his fault Kang Zhi had died. The wars within the Kang family made it obvious that someone who wanted Kang Jun to be heir could have killed the man but in the end, the Kang family did not kill their kin... no matter how much they hated each other.

Now Kang Jun understood that the matter involving Kang Zhi had nothing to do with him. He was just a patsy for Qiao Jianhong...

This angered Kang Jun beyond belief.

He would get revenge on the man before he left T City. He promised this.

Looking at Kang Jun as his face turned dark, Mo Ruyi didn't know what to do, but she knew that the only thing which could get Kang Jun to calm down was Lu AnLing so she said,

"Where is your wife today?"

"She's with her mother. We think we found our second child. Why?" Kang Jun said dryly. At this point, his mother was no longer as cold as she usually was and she didn't seem to be an enemy either, so Kang Jun felt free to talk to her without a care.

"Yes... I heard about a second child..." Mo Ruyi said with interest. "Where did you find them?"

Hearing this, Kang Jun frowned. "No mother. You don't get to ask me questions anymore. Now, it's my turn."

Walking over to his mother, Kang Jun stared down at her like he was interrogating her, before he said, "Tell me how you found out about this stuff."

Mo Ruyi nodded but before she spoke she took a sip of tea. By now it had gone cold, but her throat was so dry that she didn't mind at all.

Mo Ruyi: "Your Grandmother is planning something against you."

"Planning against me? What—" Kang Jun began, but then Mo Ruyi frowned and stopped him by saying,

"Before you question me, let me finish!"

With that said, Kang Jun took on a more passive role in the conversation but he still allowed his aura to intimidate her as if she was a stranger.

Seeing that Kang Jun was all ears, Mo Ruyi spoke again.

"Rong Yue Wan came home to speak with your grandmother about your wife. Apparently, Rong Yue Wan hasn't given up on you so you and AnLing should be careful..." Mo Ruyi started. After this, she explained everything she had heard. She had not really heard much, she had only come when they were discussing Lu AnLing and her children, but this was more than enough.

Hearing all this, Kang Jun frowned hard. Feng Zhengyi was a very black heated and conniving woman...

The woman had hate for Kang Zhi and because of this, Kang Jun's family was being affected in the present. Thinking of this, Kang Jun could not hold back his anger.

'If that old woman thinks that she will lay a finger on either AnLing, Mingyu or Mei Xue, she's gravely mistaken.' Kang Jun said in his mind as he clenched his teeth.

Today had been a frustrating afternoon for him, and he hoped with all his heart that Lu AnLing had had a better one. But just as he thought this, Lu AnLing encountered a disaster of her own.