At the front door, Kang Liang saw Mo Sheng entering the house, with Rong Xin opening the door for him.
Kang Liang was a bit shocked that Mo Sheng knew where Kang Jun lived but then, thinking back on it, the boy understood that it was because Lu AnLing had probably told him. They were best friends and Kang Liang knew that Kang Jun would not stop her from telling him.
Going up to the door which had just close, Kang Liang knocked.
It didn't even take a second for Rong Xin to open the door.
The man had an annoyed expression plastered all over his face.
"I'm here to see my brother...Jun..." Kang Liang said as Rong Xin looked at him robotically.
Hearing this, Rong Xin frowned. "Like I told your nephew, I don't know where he is..."
Looking at Rong Xin's groggy expression, Kang Liang frowned.
Rong Xin had actually just come home. For a few days now he had been dealing with a secret mission which Kang Jun had given him and, due to a lead, he had spent a couple of days away. He had no idea where Kang Jun or Lu AnLing was but it was a weekday so he assumed that Kang Jun was at work. Lu AnLing, on the other hand, could be home or could not be home.
Kang Liang knew his brother well. He had gone to search for him at Kang Corporations first, and Mr Long had told him that Kang Jun had requested leave. And so, it was easy to deduce he was at either the manor or here.
Kang Liang knew that if his brother and Lu AnLing had come to his private home, he doubted that his brother would've left her alone. So Kang Liang said, "Trust me, he's here."
Hearing this, Rong Xin allowed him inside with no complaints.
"Speaking of nephews, where's Sheng?" Kang Liang asked curiously.
Rong Xin pointed to the stairs. "He went to go find AnLing."
Hearing this, Kang Liang was about to nod but then, suddenly he realized something... due to this sudden realization, the only thought that appeared in his mind was,
'Oh no!'
Meanwhile upstairs, Mo Sheng walked around trying to find Lu AnLing and admiring the house.
For moments, the whole house seemed quiet but then, he heard sounds. It sounded like a struggled; with a lot of grunts and pants.
The sounds were coming from a door down the hall, which was Kang Jun and Lu AnLing's bedroom door, but Mo Sheng wouldn't have known this so, this caused Mo Sheng's blood to run cold.
It was obvious what the couple was doing but a virgin like him, did not know what the sweet sounds of lovemaking were and so, he had assumed that Kang Jun was out working so he couldn't help but worry for the girl.
With his hand on the door, Mo Sheng was about to call out to Lu AnLing but then, he heard Kang Liang scream,
"Mo Sheng, don't you dare open that door!"
Mo Sheng froze. "Why?"
Sometimes the boy was intelligent but most of the time he was extremely dense. Looking at him, both Kang Liang and Rong Xin, who had followed the man, couldn't help but shake their heads in disbelief.
Walking over and putting his hand on Mo Sheng's shoulder, Kang Liang tried to hold back his laughter. Mostly when he saw the confusion, which had spread across the boy's face.
Kang Liang: "We really need to get you laid."
"What does that have to—" Mo Sheng started to say but then he looked at the door that had suddenly gone deathly quiet and then his face twisted slightly. "Oh..."
Without another word, Mo Sheng, who had a guilty expression, followed Rong Xin downstairs while Kang Liang approached the door.
Knocking on the door, Kang Liang cleared his throat, and then he said, "Whenever you guys are done... come downstairs please."
Kang Liang's voice was much more formal than he usually spoke. He knew he was interrupting their couple time but, whether they liked it or not, they now had guests.
After speaking, Kang Liang went down and then, after a couple of moments, Lu AnLing and Kang Jun came down, practically joined at the hip. Kang Jun's arm was placed around his wife as she half buried her head in his chest.
Lu AnLing's face was completely flushed. After hearing the knock at her door, when she and Kang Jun were in mid-intercourse, Lu AnLing was absolutely mortified, but this was not the face she wanted to show so, despite the redness, she frowned slightly as she gazed upon the three men who sat in the living room.
Mo Sheng gave her an apologetic look but she did not react to it. Instead, Lu AnLing said, "Why are you both here?"
Mo Sheng and Kang Liang exchanged looks. As if they were having an internal argument, the boys mentally tried to decide who would speak first, but then, Kang Liang gestured for Mo Sheng to speak.
Kang Liang did not have much to lose because he knew that his information was important enough for both his brother and sister in law to forgive him but he didn't want to get screamed at first. So he insisted on Mo Sheng Speaking first.
Seeing this, Mo Sheng's eyes grew a bit wide but then, without wasting any time, Mo Sheng spoke.
"There's been a change with Trailblazers..." Mo Sheng said awkwardly. Looking at Lu AnLing who waited for him to get to the point, Mo Sheng scratched his arm "Apparently, They've decided to change the judging system, so we won't just be performing in front of the judges..."
Hearing this, Lu AnLing wanted to nod, though she was not about to say that it was most likely because Elder Tang and Tang Yian finally understood that judging Tang Yiling was a conflict of interest, but she didn't say this. Instead, Lu AnLing, crossed her arms over her chest,
"Okay, where is the performance going to be?" Lu AnLing asked calmly.
Mo Sheng: "At Elder Trang's birthday party..."
Hearing this, Lu AnLing's eyes widened. "Wait... what?!"
"Yeah... I don't know what happened but apparently the judges will vote and then the audience, as in everyone at the party, will also vote." Mo Sheng continued to say awkwardly. He was not sure about what Lu AnLing's reaction would be but this was close to what he assumed would happen. "But that's not what's worse..."
Hearing this, Lu AnLing frowned. "What could be worse than fighting on an uneven playing field?"
Mo Sheng: "When the playing field is completely rigged against you..."
Lu AnLing cocked her head.
Seeing this, Mo Sheng hesitated. He was a bit afraid of what the news would make Lu AnLing feel. He knew her past. He didn't want her to relapse.
Mo Sheng: "TYL is Tang Yiling."
Hearing this, Lu AnLing barely reacted. The girl just leaned against her husband and folded her arms across her chest.
Seeing this, Mo Sheng was a bit confused but he did not say anything else.
Meanwhile, beside him, Kang Liang's face twisted with disgust.
"This is going to happen at Elder Tang's birthday party?"Kang Liang said as he frowned. Seeing Mo Sheng nod, Kang Liang frowned even more. "Well... so much for Trailblazers being a fair competition...This is obviously rigged!"
As he thought about what this meant for Lu AnLing and Mo Sheng, Kang Liang had the sudden urge to go back into the entertainment industry, seduce Tang Yiling and when she had fallen in love with him, to drop her on her ass! He hated when people used their status to win something. This was one of the many reasons why Kang Liang had created the persona Liang Ke. Talent should speak for a person, not status.
Looking at Kang Liang who fumed, Lu AnLing couldn't help but frown herself. Tang Yiling was causing an uproar but she wouldn't get away with it.
Lu AnLing: "It doesn't matter."
Hearing this, Kang Liang turned to her and said, "How is this okay? She's cheating. You won't be able to win..."
Even if the man was being pessimistic, a part of him thought that Lu AnLing was going to say that she had some trick up her sleeve and that would make sure that she would definitely beat Tang Yiling but instead Lu AnLing said,
"Even If she wins, I couldn't care less."
Kang Liang was completely confused but before he could question her, Lu AnLing spoke calmly.
"One of the judges is my father."