
Meanwhile, at the Tang house, Elder Tang was sitting down in the kitchen when suddenly, Tang Luoyi walked in, eating an apple.

At first, the elder ignored the boy, but then, Tang Luoyi leaned on his grandfather's shoulder and said, "Why do you like the girls better than me? First, you give the company to Bingyi and then you let Yiling do anything she wants!"

Hearing such nonsense, Elder Tang frowned. "What is this about, Luoyi."

As soon as Elder Tang said this, Tang Luoyi found something on his phone and then he put it down on the table.

At first, Elder Tang had no interest in looking at it but since Tang Luoyi was approaching him so obviously, Elder Tang allowed his curiosity to take over.

What Tang Luoyi had put in front of him was an article which revealed two things.

One. Tang Yiling was revealed to be TYL.

Two. The tiebreaker for Trailblazers was being held at Elder Tang's birthday party.

Reading over this, Elder Tang's face darkened.

Pouting slightly, Tang Luoyi taunted, "Don't tell me you didn't know?"

Tang Luoyi might have liked Tang Yiling but he was not on anyone's side but his own.

He knew that Tang Bingyi was Elder Tang's favourite but he didn't want to be behind Tang Yiling also when it came to likeability. And judging by the old man's face, Tang Luoyi had pushed him off the deep end.

Without saying a word, Elder Tang stood up taking Tang Luoyi's phone with him, as the man just watched his grandfather as he left.

Before this had happened, the old man was home all day calmly enjoying his time. The colder season were finally disintegrating and turning into a warmer season but now, Tang Yiling and possibly, Tang Yian had crossed him!

The old man walked upstairs as quickly as his body would allow him.

At the moment, Tang Yian was not home so he could not scold the man but Tang Yiling was definitely home... and this thought made the old man frown.

Meanwhile, in her room, Tang Yiling smiled as she spoke on the phone, "Thank you very much... yes... I'm sure he won't be mad at you. Don't worry about it."

She was speaking to one of the judges of the competition. For the rules of the competition to be changed so quickly, the majority of the judges had to agree to the change, and this included the venue and time change...

Elder Tang's party was one of the most high profile parties of the year. Not many people could get in but this year, because of Tang Yiling, the judges of the competition and several 'impartial audience members' would also attend.

To get what she wanted, Tang Yiling only had to give people calls and tell them that they could attend the old man's party.

It was genius.

At first, she had asked Tang Yian to help her enact what she wanted but the man did not want anything to do with it. It was unfair in his opinions, so he wouldn't participate in this. But he was not going to stop her either, in his mind, he remembered that his daughter would stop at nothing to do what she wanted.

But the person who resided in that memory was not Tang Yiling but Lu AnLing. If he had tried hard enough, he could have stopped Tang Yiling, the girl only wanted his full attention, after all. However, the man did not know this.

As she continued to speak on the phone, Tang Yiling wore a huge smile.

"I can't wait for the competition. Remember to be impartial!" Tang Yiling laughed.

Hearing her words, the judge laughed. "Of course! But to tell you the truth, I don't think anyone can win against you. You're so talented."

Tang Yiling agreed. There was no doubt in her mind that she would win and prove to everyone that she was better to Lu AnLing and hearing the man's words, the woman felt very proud but still, the image on Lu AnLing haunted her mind slightly.

Truly, Tang Yiling was not fully sure why she felt so insecure because of Lu AnLing, but instead of thinking about it, she wanted to act on what she felt...

After a few moments of speaking on the phone, Tang Yiling hung up and then she laid on her bed. She was tired of all the scheming she had done and so, she believed she needed a rest, but just as she began to close her eyes, Elder Tang slammed the door open.

"What have you done!" The old man screamed angrily.

Hearing this, Tang Yiling cocked her head and asked. "What do you mean?"

The elder, who had been holding Tang Luoyi's phone in his hand the whole time, threw it to Tang Yiling.

The girl had just barely enough time to catch it but once she did, she gazed upon the phone. The contents on the screen flashed across her eyes. She now completely understood the situation.

Realizing who's phone it was, Tang Yiling wanted to frown.

This was Tang Luoyi's doing.

Elder Tang: "Trailblazers is meant to be impartial. By revealing your identity and making it so the audience can vote too, Do you understand what you just did?!"

"I had nothing to—" Tang Yiling was about to lie, but then, Elder Tang sneered.

"Don't lie!"

"Fine... I had something to do with it but it isn't what you think..." Tang Yiling acted innocently. " I just wanted to make everything fair. If everyone knows that I am TYL, then dad will not be tempted to vote for me, and make me win... since he's my dad the pressure of the audience will make sure he will make an impartial decision."

Her logic was completely flawed. Both Tang Yiling and Elder Tang knew this due to the fact that Tang Yian would never compromise his respect for music but Tang Yiling was going to continue acting innocent until the end.

Seeing Tang Yiling's look of ignorance, Elder Tang frowned.

Elder Tang: "what do you want me to say? Congratulations, you're such a kind person? Do you really think you're a saint? I won't fall for it. You're a spoiled brat. Because of what you revealed, do you even know what it has cost Tang Entertainment?!"

Hearing his angry words, Tang Yiling could not say a thing. She was dumbfounded. She did not think that Elder Tang would have been so angry but this was what happened when someone acted without honour in Elder Tang's presence.

It disgusted the old man.

Looking at how Tang Yiling did not drop her look of innocence, Elder Tang was even angrier.

Elder Tang: "Have you ever thought about the consequences? You stupid child..."

Elder Tang felt a headache coming on but before he acknowledged it, he pointed a finger at Tang Yiling.

"Understand this, I kicked your father out of the house once before, don't think I won't do the same to you." Elder Tang threatened.

Hearing this, Tang Yiling felt her whole body grow cold. She loved the life she was living now. It was what she always dreamed of. And despite the fact that she could barely remember her past, in her heart, she knew she didn't want to return to being poor. Anything but that.

Tang Yiling: "Grandfather, I'm sorry... I just wanted to..."

"Enough!" Elder Tang screamed angrily. "We will talk about this when your father comes back from the hospital."

After saying this, Elder Tang stormed out of the room.

Elder Tang didn't believe Tang Yiling for a second but sadly, what was done was already done. Because of Tang Yiling, the news had already spread throughout T City and there was no way to take it back.

Walking into his office, Elder Tang sad down on his desk tiredly before he looked at the photo of his wife. Suddenly, his eyes began to water up and his head began to hurt as he said,

"My love, give me a sign. Am I doing what's wrong or what's right?"

Just as he finished saying this, Elder Tang received a phone call from Elder Kang.