I Don’t Want To Hurt You

Chong Feng had no work today. Actually, he had requested leave because he felt as if he needed a break.

As he drank beer, despite it being early in the morning, Chong Feng wondered where he should go.


The Maldives?


Chong Feng wasn't sure where to go but he wanted to go somewhere he could forget about his responsibilities and have fun. He only had fun on the mind, but then, he suddenly received a call from Lu AnLing.

Seeing this, Chong Feng answered immediately. He knew that Kang Jun had tortured his father because of what the old man had done to his precious wife in the past, but Chong Feng bore no grudges against neither Kang Jun nor, indirectly, Lu AnLing.

"What's up?" Chong Feng answered nonchalantly as he drank his beer.

Lu AnLing: "Hey! I was just calling because I was wondering, is it okay to have sex while pregnant?"

Not expecting such a question, Chong Feng chocked on his beer. Spitting some leftover beer out on the floor and coughing due to the rest that was stuck in his windpipe, Chong Feng tried to gather his thoughts.

"Are you?..." Chong Feng asked awkwardly.

Lu AnLing didn't confirm nor deny anything, instead, she said, "I know a girl who's pregnant and she's afraid of telling her husband something so I was wondering if makeup sex would be possible if she's pregnant."

Lu AnLing didn't like to lie. So she had to find ways in which she wasn't lying. At the moment, she actually wondered if this was possible for Wang Tingting... Saying it this way, to Chong Feng, just meant that Lu AnLing wasn't lying to the man.

Chong Feng cleared his throat awkwardly on the other end of the phone. "Uhhhh... yeah. She can have sex with him as long as she isn't in her third trimester..."'

Hearing this, Lu AnLing smiled. "Okay! Perfect then! Thank you!"

After saying this, Lu AnLing hung up.

"We can do it!" Lu AnLing said as she wrapped her arms around Kang Jun's neck.

Lu AnLing glowed as she said this with a smile that seemed so beautiful that Kang Jun felt like he was in the presence of a celestial being.

Touching her body gently, the man felt his heart beat quicken. He wanted to take her, but he wanted to be gentle with her also.

Feeling his slight hesitation, Lu AnLing wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "What's wrong darling, don't you want to do it?"

With his forehead pressed up against hers, Kang Jun nodded and said,

"Of course I do, I just don't want to hurt you." And then the man touched her stomach with the lightest of touches Lu AnLing had ever felt, as he gazed into her big fox-like eyes. "Either of you."

Lu AnLing didn't know why but, hearing this, she felt her whole core shake in a way it had never before... She had always known how much Kang Jun loved her. She had always known that he would climb the highest mountains, and cross the roughest of seas for her, and she saw it in everything he would do for her. Lu AnLing knew she was very lucky to have such a man in her life.

But thinking back, Lu AnLing easily realized that prior to meeting Kang Jun, her life was like an abyss of emptiness.

Lu AnLing had been happy during her pregnancy. Happy only because she had believed that her child —children— were some kind of reset button. That she would birth them and then move somewhere far far away from her problems; somewhere she could raise them in seclusion. But during her pregnancy, due to how no one knew or tried to help her, Lu AnLing had felt alone. So much so that there were moments when she felt as if there was a literal noose wrapped around her neck and that, if she wanted to, she could die and no one would care, because she didn't matter...

But that was wrong...

Lu AnLing did matter.

Back then. Now. And in the future.

Touching Kang Jun's face with love, Lu AnLing gave him another smile but this one was different because she tried her hardest to hold in the tears which were about to cascade down her cheeks.

"You could never hurt us..." Lu AnLing said simply.

These words caused a rush of emotions within Kang Jun and so, his eyes began to glaze over.

Feeling such emotions at their cores, Kang Jun and Lu AnLing embraced tightly, as if trying to melt into one another.

As she did this, a special kind of thought appeared in her mind.

She mattered to Kang Jun. and it was not only her; but the products of love they had created together. So Lu AnLing promised herself something...

After the few months left here, to tie up lose ends, there would be no more extreme sadness and no more consuming hate. Just family and love.

Even if her father didn't remember her or even if the man remembered her but revealed that he didn't love her or preferred Tang Yiling...

If she failed she promised herself that none of that would matter because even if she lost one family member, she had a kinder and more loving family who would give Lu AnLing all the unconditional love and care in the world.

Pulling away from Kang Jun, Lu AnLing said, "Thank you."

Hearing this, Kang Jun cocked his head and then he said, "For what?"

"For being my husband, for holding me, for being there for me when no one was, for accepting my past without judgement, for not restricting my movements or decisions..." as Lu AnLing spoke, the inability to control her tears from pouring out became obvious. The more she tried, the more she began to choke up. "And for blessing me with so many beautiful children..."

Lu AnLing was not quite done listing all that she was thankful for but she could no longer say anything. Instead, the tears just began to fall. They fell and fell and seeing this, Kang Jun felt like crying too. He was so happy. He felt as if his world was completely whole.

Finally, Kang Jun had a chance to be there for his wife in a way that he couldn't be when she had been pregnant the first time.

There was no way Kang Jun would allow Lu AnLing to experience a shred of unhappiness during her pregnancy.