
"Lu Xia, why would you say that? Your cousin wouldn't hurt anyone for no reason." Lu Xiaoling said with conviction.

Lu Xiaoling did not believe her daughter to be a violent person. The only time that she had heard of Lu AnLing doing something to hurt someone else was when Lu Xinya had broken her leg and blamed it on Lu AnLing but Lu Xiaoling knew this was a lie. She believed that with her heart and soul without a single doubt in mind.

Though, on the other hand, Tang Yian, who didn't remember much about Lu AnLing, felt a shiver travel down his spine. In his heart, he knew Lu AnLing could hurt Tang Yiling. He could practically see the scene flash across his eyes but for some reason, he didn't know who he was afraid for... this caused a strange contradiction within him.

Looking between Lu Xiaoling and Tang Yian, who stood fairly close to one another, Tang Bingyi decided to explain the situation to the group of adults who anticipated an answer.

Tang Bingyi: "I don't know whether AnLing will teach Yiling a lesson but if she does, Yiling will deserve it. She just slapped the event coordinator out of nowhere."

Hearing this, Elder Tang's face darkened. "That stupid child!"

The old man was about to rush to Tang Yiling and discipline her but Tang Bingyi immediately stopped him.

"It's okay, AnLing will handle everything" Tang Bingyi said.

"You seem to trust her a lot." Elder Tang said with shock.

Tang Bingyi smiled, catching everybody off guard and then she said, "I do."

Elder Tang was frozen in time by his granddaughter's smile. It made his heart grow warm but before he could fully appreciate the moment, Mo Sheng spoke.

"Either way... I think Madame Lu is right, I don't think AnLing will do anything... she's not... ugh... too violent." Mo Sheng said with slight hesitation as Rong Xin, who stood by him gave him a look. By now, they both knew Lu AnLing well. Rong Xin had seen Mo Sheng and Lu AnLing play fight a lot and so, they knew that she could be tremendously violent but that wasn't how she was in public. So they thought that everything would be fine... they thought.

Mo Sheng was just about sure of his assessment but then he suddenly heard a voice say, "She isn't violent until someone pushes her too far..."

Turning to the voice, the group saw Wang Tingting accompanied by Kang Nianxi, who held her tightly to his side, like a guard.

Pulling away from the man, Wang Tingting, who had been quiet for a while, as she had looked at Lu AnLing with slight shock and then she touched her nose, walked over to Mo Sheng, Rong Xin, Lu Xia, Kang Liu Ran, Kang Jun, the kids and Tang Bingyi.

"By how AnLing's expression is, I feel a punch coming along." Wang Tingting said with a low voice.

"Speaking from experience I see." Mo Sheng accidentally let slip. After saying that he immediately put his hand to his mouth and said, "Oops."

Hearing this, many people in the group looked at Wang Tingting with shock.

"Back then, I was young and stupid... I mean, I can't believe I used to have a crush on you, of all people, when we were in high school." Wang Tingting said casually, which caused Lu Xia to snort.

Meanwhile, Kang Nianxi glared at Mo Sheng. Seeing this, in a matter of seconds, Mo Shen raised his hands up in defeat. Wang Tingting had done that to him on purpose but he couldn't say he didn't deserve it.

Mo Sheng then cleared his throat.

"I guess you're right... She's usually calm in these situations and doesn't have many times when she hits people, it's usually when people piss her off..." Mo Sheng said as he accidentally shared eye contact with Wang Tingting.

The way the two described Lu AnLing, she sounded a bit like a pit bull. Hearing this, the elders perspective of Lu AnLing became like one from legends.

Emotionlessly, Tang Bingyi sighed.

"We will have to wait and see..." Tang Bingyi asked.

After saying this, everyone just looked at Lu AnLing who had finally reached Tang Yiling.


At the Lu house, Kang Liang was in the living room reflecting on how he had stupidly entered Lu Shuya's room without actually being allowed in.

Thinking back, he felt horrible and yet, he couldn't help but remember her body in the back of his mind. This made it hard for him to feel bad because he was feeling aroused.

Once Lu Shuya had finished changing and she had come downstairs, Kang Liang lifted his head up to look at her. When he saw her face, he realized that she had a blank expression.

"Let's go." Lu Shuya said calmly as she began to walk to the door.

For a moment, the man was mesmerized as he looked at her outfit. He was used to seeing Lu Shuya in dresses not jeans, but considering the fact that they were going to the wrong side of town, it made sense.

After thinking this, Kang Liang lifted himself from up the couch but once they came close to the door the man spoke.

"Look... Shuya, I'm sorry about... you know..." Kang Liang said awkwardly. He was going to say more but then Lu Shuya interrupted him.

"Stop!" Lu Shuya said with a slight flush on her face.

"But!" Kang Liang said as he prepared himself to apologize again.

But Lu Shuya wasn't having it. She just put her finger out to stop the man and then she said, "No. Seriously. Don't say a word! I don't want to hear it. "

"But I really think we should talk about it... I didn't mean to--" Kang Liang began once more.

"Yes, I obviously know that you didn't mean to but I don't want to think about it!" Lu Shuya said as she glared at Kang Liang, "So let's just go!"

After saying this, Lu Shuya and Kang Liang exited the house.

Once outside, Lu Shuya took out her phone in order to call a taxi but once she turned to look at Kang Liang she had seen the boy get on his bike.

Looking at her, Kang Liang hollered, "Come on, get on!"

Hearing this, Lu Shuya hesitates for a bit but seeing his flaming red motorcycle, Lu Shuya couldn't help but want to ride it so she just made her way to it and got on.

"Hold on tight." Kang Liang said as he revved his engine.

Lu Shuya frowned. "Is me holding you actually necessary...?"

Kang Liang shrugged.

"No, I just want to feel your boobs on my back." Kang Luang said jokingly.

Hearing this, Lu Shuya pinched him before she grabbed onto him.

Lu Shuya: "Shut up and drive."