These Fools

Hearing this, the woman's eyes widened, "Oh my god! I knew it. Your style of music is so beautiful and recognizable"

Mo Sheng smiled, "So your a fan?"

The woman nodded. "I was abroad for a couple of years and I first encountered your music in LA. A friend of mine introduced me to it and I've been obsessed ever since. I can't believe you're participating in competitions in T City though. Not many would appreciate your kind of music."

Lu AnLing laughed a bit and then she nodded and then she said, "Yeah, we know. We have our reasons for entering though..."

The woman smiled.

"Don't take what happened too personally. Most of these fools don't follow indie artists and so they wouldn't know how amazing you guys are. Also, there is no need to explain your motives. It's fine. I'm just glad a got to see your one and only live performance! Though thank god someone other than me recognized your talents! Unlike most of these old fools in the industry, Tang Yian has a good ear, he and I were in complete agreement concerning how good the song and your voices where! Especially, yours Alina, your voice was so beautiful, Tang Yian couldn't help but compliment you. " the woman said with excitement.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't believe her ears!

Her father had voted for and had complimented her?! If Tang Yiling had heard this she would have puked three litres of blood and died of rage!

Lu AnLing wanted to smile wide.

Frankly, in her heart, she had hoped that her dad would vote for her, even if he didn't remember quite yet. And just like that, she had found out that her wish had come true.

After this, Lu AnLing and Mo Sheng spoke with the woman until she needed to leave. When she left, Rong Xin who had been standing a few steps away from them came and said,

"What's this Alina the V business you guys were talking about?" Rong Xin asked curiously. At first, Lu AnLing was a bit hesitant so Mo Sheng ended up speaking instead.

Mo Sheng: "It's a stage name used for the music AnLing and I used to create. Pretty much she was Aline and I was the V."

Lifting his eyebrows slightly, Rong Xin said, "And the V means?"

Without Rong Xin needed to ask him a second time, Mo Sheng was going to answer but before he could, Lu AnLing interrupted him,

"The Virgin." Lu AnLing said as she tried to hold back her laughter "That's what it means."

Truly, the V part actually meant the visionary, considering the fact that creating indie music readily available online was Mo Sheng's ideas, but Lu AnLing wanted to cause Mo Sheng a bit of strife.

Hearing this, Mo Sheng immediately looked horrified and almost screamed, "No it does not!"

Hearing this, Lu AnLing laughed as Rong Xin couldn't help but give the blushing Mo Sheng a sympathetic look. Mo Sheng was always the funniest to tease. After teasing him the first time, Lu AnLing wanted to tease the boy more but just then he received a text from his parents informing him that they were leaving.

Feeling a bit tired, Mo Sheng decided to say his goodbyes and go with them.

Now, left alone with Rong Xin, Lu AnLing sighed.

"Sorry..." Lu AnLing said.

Frowning, Rong Xin said, "For what?"

Lu AnLing: "Using the name Alina... I know it's your moms name..."

Hearing this, Rong Xin shrugged.

"It's just a name. My mom wasn't the only Alina in the world and she won't be the only one in the future either. Just because you used her name doesn't mean that you did anything wrong," Rong Xin said simply and then a small smile appeared on his lips freezing Ku AnLing in place. "On the contrary, you used her name and made your music known for its beautiful lyrics, right? I'm pretty sure my mother would have loved that."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing smiled genuinly.


As Lu AnLing was talking to Rong Xin, Tang Yian hadn't been feeling well. His head had been pounding ever since Lu AnLing had sung and he didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Tang Huian hurriedly ran to him to make sure he was okay and It didn't take long for her to determine that the man was not alright at all.

"We need to get you home..." Tang Huian said with slight worry.

From the sidelines, Xu Shen and Lu Xiaoling watched as Tang Yian clutched his head in pain. Seeing this, Lu Xiaoling's heart ached but she didn't do anything...On the contrary, it was Xu Shen who actively went up to Tang Huian and said, "Should we take him to the hospital?"

Tang Huian shook her head. In her opinion, it wasn't necessary. The pain itself was not real... it was just Tang Yian's mind fighting itself. A part of the man was trying to remember...

Because Tang Huian did not know how to drive and Tang Bingyi was going to stay with her friends for a while, Xu Shen was forced to drive them to Tang manor. And in the front seat, Tang Huian, who had to give directions, sat with the man. This left Lu Xiaoling and Tang Yian in the back seat.

Due to his painful headache, Tang Yian held his head in his hands but due to the bumpy roads, he was in more pain than ever before.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaoling sighed.

"Put you her like this," Lu Xiaoling said as she moved his head into a better position. Feeling her touch, Tang Yian felt his heartbeat quicken. At first, he was hesitant to take the woman's advice, but in a matter of seconds, due to Lu Xiaoling, the man felt better.

Looking over to her, Tang Yian said, "...Thanks..."

It was a bit awkward talking to Lu Xiaoling. Mostly considering how they would always fight when they saw each other and how his heart would beat against his will, but after hearing Lu AnLing sing, Tang Yian felt a lot calmer than before. It was as if a misunderstanding had been cleared in his mind and he was now on a much better path...

As he thought this, Tang Yian looked a bit at Lu Xiaoling who, so she wouldn't feel something towards Tang Yian, tried to keep her eyes focused on the road ahead of them. Lu Xiaoling was Xu Shen's wife, and so, she would act as such, no matter how she felt for Tang Yian; at least, until she and Xu Shen had the chance to talk, but then, Tang Yian suddenly pushed himself up from his comfortable position and turned his body towards Lu Xiaoling.

This movement caused Lu Xiaoling's heart to skip and beat, but it wasnt over...

"Did you cry?" Tang Yian said softly as he reached to touch Lu Xiaoling's round face.

He was so gentle and kind that Lu Xiaoling had almost cried again. However, knowing these feelings were wrong and unfair to her current husband, Lu Xiaoling moved away from Tang Yian.

"I didn't cry." Lu Xiaoling said calmly.

Hearing her voice, Tang Yian's heart raced. At that very moment, he was lost but when he realized what he had been doing, he immediately moved away from her.

"I'm sorry..." He said softly as he internally scolded himself internally.

What the hell did he think he was doing to a married woman?...