Tang Yian's Heart (3)

Before he had spoken, Tang Yian wasn't sure what was going on anymore. It was like his whole mind was jumbled but after his eyes landed on Lu AnLing, all seemed to become clear.

But as the storm cleared over his eyes, his mind felt a rush. Right then, he felt dizziness and an intense pain emerge from his chest and throat and, as if it was being crushed, he could not breathe anymore but this was different from his headaches because unlike when he experienced those, he knew the cause of his suffocation.

Tang Yian backed away into his chair causing it to fall onto the floor with a loud smacking sound.

Hearing this, everyone else, who was frozen in place could not believe what had just happened.


Lu AnLing had called Tang Yian dad and he had stopped and called out to her with such gentle love that everyone would feel.

Hearing this, even Lu AnLing was a bit shocked. Her father had always been a much more hard-boiled character. At some time, too much so, but right then, when she had finally broken through to him, it was as if she had even broken through the barriers he had set up when she was a child; when Lu Xiaoling had left him.

Seeing her big eyes stare into him now, Tang Yian gulped slightly. Her eyes looked innocent, yet accusing. They were the eyes he had always seen her have, even as a baby. The eyes which always blamed him for Lu Xiaoling leaving them...

Lu AnLing hated him! He believed this completely now. Why else would she compliment Xu Shen so much in front of him?

Tang Yian felt a familiar feelings crawl up from the darkest places in his heart but then, suddenly, they subsided when he hear Lu AnLing speak.

D-dad?" Lu AnLing said a bit awkwardly this time but obvious emotions of hope and fear remained.

Hearing this, many turned to Lu AnLing who stared straight at Tang Yian.

Seeing her expression, like a little fawn who walked over to its parents for the first time, Tang Yian felt his heart fill but break at the same time.

He was an idiot!

Tang Yian was ashamed of himself. How could he have believed that she hated him. What was he thinking? What was going on? He didn't know... Until he suddenly realized... He was just trying to make himself feel like the victim, but he was not. Lu AnLing was the one who had to suffer in a world without him, believing that he had died, while he lived in subtle happiness with a fake daughter.

A fake...

Thinking about this, Tang Yian unconsciously looked at Tang Yiling and then back to Lu AnLing. Physically seeing the two, at that moment, caused Tang Yian's throat to contract. Feeling this, animal instincts kicked in and Tang Yian hurriedly made his way out of the room.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing sighed.

"If you'll excuse me." Lu AnLing said as she pushed herself away from the table and followed Tang Yian, to the living room, leaving all the others in complete shock.

"Dad!" Lu AnLing screamed once she was in the other room. This stopped the man dead in his tracks but he didn't turn to face her. Then Lu AnLing said, "D-do you remember me?"

Of course, he did! But how stupid he had been for not remembering her before... His own daughter!? He made her go through such a painful ordeal...

"My little siren... I'm so sorry... your father is... a complete disgrace." Tang Yian said without turning around. He couldn't. For what he had done, he couldn't even apologize enough. Deep down, Tang Yian knew that what had happened wasn't his fault. He didn't choose to lose his memory but still... not remembering his daughter and then having her replaced was the most atrocious crime he could have unknowingly committed.

Tang Yian could not forgive himself and if he couldn't... how could he expect Lu AnLing to forgive him.

He half expected Lu AnLing to tell him that he was right. That he was trash and that she hated him and a part of Lu AnLing did. She really did. But all that hate, turned to nothingness the moment her father had called her by the nickname he had given her.

And so, when she saw Tang Yian running away, Lu AnLing couldn't help but run after him.

Lu AnLing could only assume how the man felt. Mostly considering how she had felt when she had first found out about her father's situation. Lu AnLing was angry and that was normal, and if Tang Yian was the same father that he was before he would see fault with the one responsible, and so, right now, he found himself the most responsible and Lu AnLing had to stop these seeds of destruction from growing within him.

Lu AnLing went up to her father and she took his hand, forcing him to turn to face her and then when he was turned around, Lu AnLing, who felt tears stinging her eyes, said,

"No, dad. Don't say that! This isn't your fault."

It wasn't the right moment to talk about who was really at fault for this situation, in Lu AnLing's heart she knew that this would ruin her reunion with her dad with extreme hate towards Tang Huian, so instead, Lu AnLing said,

"If we didn't argue that day... if I didn't say that I hated you and I wanted to leave.. we would have noticed the car speeding towards us. We would have avoided all of this."

Saying this, Lu AnLing herself was shocked. She had blamed herself back then, but she had thought she had gotten over it... but it seemed that wasn't so.

Hearing this, Tang Yian's eyes grew wide and he put his hands on her shoulder and bent down slightly to look at her in the eyes.

"What are you talking about!? How could that possibly be your fault? Where you the driver? No! Don't say such stupid things." Her father scolded.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing felt herself about to laugh. It had been a long time since she'd been scolded by the man. This was one of the many things that she had missed... but just when she was about to laugh, tears flowed from her eyes like a waterfall.

"I'm.... sorry..." Lu AnLing said as she accidentally choked on her own sobs. She hadn't planned on crying, actually, if she could have remained calm this whole time, she would have been happier. She didn't know if this was the pregnancy causing her to be emotional, or the sudden happiness that her father had finally come back to her, but all she could say to the man was, "I'm sorry..."

Hearing this, and seeing his little girl cry, Tang Yian rushed to immediately try to wipe away the tears but they wouldn't stop falling. Seeing this, Tang Yian clenched his teeth. Seeing his daughter cry, for the first time in almost forever, caused his whole body to shake and so, he took her into an embrace.

"You have nothing to apologize for..." Tang Yian said as he coaxed her and patted her head. "Rather, I should be apologizing to you."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing laughed as she cried and said, "You sure as hell should!"

Now, it was Tang Yian's turn to laugh. "Little siren, mind your language..."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing pushed away slightly and then she looked up at her father and frowned, "Hell isn't a swear word. And you realize I'm an adult now, right?"

Tang Yian frowned back, "It is and, adult or not, swearing is unbecoming!"

Realizing they were already having a small little argument, both Lu AnLing and Tang Yian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the familiarity filled their hearts with extreme joy.

In the dozen or so years that he hadn't seen his daughter, Tang Yian had almost forgotten everything. He had forgotten her face, he had forgotten some moments he had had with her, he had even forgotten her voice but one thing Tang Yian could never forget was the way Lu AnLing infuriated him and the way she made him proud of her. And whether he felt happy or mad at her, there was never a moment he didn't love her.

After feeling the love in his heart expand from his core to his fingertips, Tang Yian hugged Lu AnLing harder and then, he said, "I'm so glad to see you... to be able to hold you and remember you... it feels like I've been frozen in place for a thousand years."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing felt the urge to cry once more, but instead, she hugged her dad and said, "Me too. I missed you so much."

With that said, Tang Yian looked down at his daughter, and then, he was going to ask about the life she had been living while he'd been dead, but suddenly, the door of the dining room slammed open.

Slightly shocked, both Tang Yian and Lu AnLing slightly distanced themselves from one another.

Lu AnLing felt her heart palpitating hard as if she had been committing a crime. As she continued to feel as such, Lu AnLing looked towards the door where Tang Yiling stood with her eyebrows furrowed and her hands tightly twisted into fists.

Behind her, she saw the group of people who seemed to have obviously been listening in.

She wanted to laugh slightly, but Lu AnLing didn't have the time, because Tang Yiling quickly rushed towards her.

"Lu AnLing you bitch! Why are you trying to steal everything away from me!?" Tang Yiling screamed as she lifted her hand swiftly up.

Lu AnLing, feeling her belly contract and clenched her stomach hard.

She was going to get hit... or so she thought!

Suddenly, her father wrapped his arms around her to protect her and Kang Jun stopped Tang Yiling's hand mid-air.

In a split second, piercing pain shot down Tang Yiling's arm as she cried out.

"Shut up." Kang Jun said, utilizing his deathly cold aura.

Unconsciously, Tang Yiling did as told but Kang Jun didn't let go of her arm.

For a moment, Kang Jun needed to check if his wife was alright. She was his world and if something happened to her, he would find a way to wipe out the whole Tang family, if necessary. There were residue tears on her face but seeing that Lu AnLing had just been emotional over her father remembering her, the man felt his whole body relax.

Lu AnLing and Kang Jun then exchanged looks which resulted in a warm aura to emerge but right after this, Kang Jun looked back to Tang Yiling and so, the frigidity came back.

Kang Jun did need to voice it, but considering Tang Yiling was too stupid to realize she had lost, Kang Jun tightened his grip on her hand and as she shrieked, he said, "If you so much as touch her, I will make you experience the pain to the point where you'll wish you were dead."

After saying this, Tang Yiling began to cry. In her fear, the girl ran outside into the cold night.

Tang Yiling felt broken and completely in pain. She had thought she had won her fight with Lu AnLing before but now, everything was stolen from her. She wanted someone to comfort her. Anyone would do. Just one person...

But whoever it was wouldn't be someone from the Tang family... because when Tang Yiling ran away, no one went after her as the girl had hoped. Instead, they all remained in the living room.

By then, everyone was listening in and so, the ones who didn't know anything about the situation now knew the gist of what had happened but the Elders couldn't help but be in complete and utter shock but they didn't speak just yet.

Seeing the group of people enter the room, Tang Yian let go of his daughter gently and wiped away to small bits of tears that remained at the corner of her eyes. After this, he looked at the group but his eyes landed squarely on Lu Xiaoling.

"Xiaoling, I..." Tang Yian started.

"Don't..." Lu Xiaoling said as she held herself. At first, her gaze was on the floor but then she looked up to Tang Yian and said, "Back then, we both did and said things that we didn't completely mean... and I was mostly at fault. So if you're willing to forgive me, we're even."