Kang Jun Didn’t Argue With His Wife

"Congratulation," the woman had said before she began telling Lu AnLing and Kang Jun basic information about their pregnancy.

"Have you been pregnant before?" The doctor asked simply.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing nodded.

"Once. I had twins." Lu AnLing said as she looked up to Kang Jun and then, remembering her father, Lu AnLing smiled. "I think it runs in the family."

Hearing this, the doctor nodded, "If that's so, you might end up having twins again, are you two okay with this?"

Lu AnLing and Kang Jun nodded without looking at one another.

The doctor smiled, "Then that's good. Anyways, I'm sure you've heard this before but I'll be recommending you to take some supplements and watch your diet a bit. Also, make sure you control your stress."

Hearing these things, Lu AnLing nodded and Kang Jun listened carefully so that however he could help or whatever he could do for Lu AnLing would.

Once the doctor got down to the last few things she had to say, there was a sudden knock at the door.

Hearing this, the doctor frowned but she still went to check.

It was quiet for a few moments, but then Lu AnLing heard the familiar voice of Lu Xia.

Lu AnLing hadn't told Lu Xia that she was at her hospital, or that she was possibly pregnant and so when she saw Lu Xia pop her head into the room, Lu AnLing couldn't help but cock her head.

"What are you—" Lu AnLing started to say with confusion but just then, Lu Xia interrupted her.

"You're pregnant?!" Lu Xia said with full-on excitement as she entered the room.

Hearing this, Lu AnLing had some questions she wanted to be answered. First, how the hell did Lu Xia know she was there?! But before she spoke, the doctor who had been talking to her previously frowned hard.

"Doctor Lu, how many times have I told you that what you and Nurse Tian are doing is breaking the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement!" The woman almost screamed as she massaged her temple.

Lu Xia pouted slightly. "It's just for my family members... it's no big deal..."

Hearing this, the doctor crossed her arms over her chest, "Not a big deal? Just because you're a surgeon and barely have the need to know such an agreement doesn't mean you can intrude on other peoples professions. Doing this is wrong because if anyone finds out how you and your friends are doing things, the hospital's reputation will suffer."

Lu Xia rolled her eyes.

"I didn't break any agreement, though! I just get told if my family members are in the hospital and then I just guess the rest depending on which department they went to." Lu Xia said logically. She was right. It's not like the other doctors or her friends ever told her what her family members came to the hospital for.

Listening to this, Lu AnLing knew Lu Xia had the upper hand and so, she just sighed and then she said,

"Yes Xia, I'm pregnant but don't tell anyone, okay?"

Hearing this, Lu Xia ignored the doctor and went up to her cousin. "Of course! Your secret is safe with me!"

Lu AnLing: "Good."

"We should go out with Bingyi some time, to celebrate." Lu Xia said as she took out her phone.

Seeing this, Lu AnLing's eyes widened.

"Xia!" Lu AnLing said with slight annoyance.

Lu Xia looked at Lu AnLing innocently. "I never said to celebrate your pregnancy! I meant maybe just a girls night!"

"If it's anything like the last time, I'd like to pass," Lu AnLing said with a dry laugh as she looked at Kang Jun.

Looking at Kang Jun herself, Lu Xia frowned slightly. "No... not like the last time."

"Good. I'll tell you when I'm free then, for now, I'm a bit busy." Lu AnLing said as she bit her lip. Thinking about all she had to do should have been stressful, but she actually enjoyed being busy when it was for something interesting. So she smiled and then she said, "Now, go back to work. You shouldn't be wasting your time with me!"

Lu Xia was going to argue but then, she caught sight of Kang Jun right beside Lu AnLing who looked at her coldly.

Seeing this, Lu Xia gulped and said, "Yeah... I gotta go..."

After saying this, Lu Xia just left.

Truly, Kang Jun wasn't glaring at her, he was just thinking about how he would need to baby proof the house before his child was born. He had never fully taken charge of taking care of a child before so he had a lot to research and a lot of things to do...

When Lu Xia had left, Lu AnLing, who had realized that Lu Xia had been looking at Kang Jun, laughed slightly.

Hearing this, Kang Jun snapped out of it and said, "What's so funny?"

Lu AnLing then got up to put her arms around Kang Jun's waist and nuzzle his chest. "Nothing my darling, you're just so amazing."


After Kang Jun and Lu AnLing had finished at the hospital, the couple headed to the Lu family home to meet up with Lu Shuya and Kang Liang before they went to go meet with Lu Xing.

Kang Jun had told Lu AnLing about what Kang Liang and Lu Shuya had found not even a day after Lu AnLing had gotten her father to remember her.

"Uncle Xing is Shuya's contact? Oh..." Lu AnLing said as she had laid in bed with the man.

Hearing how she didn't seem too shocked, Kang Jun had frowned and then looked down to the girl who laid on his chest, "Aren't you a bit too calm about this?"

Looking up at Kang Jun blankly, Lu AnLing spoke.

"Letting Shuya drink while she's underage? Hanging out with the wrong crowd? Illegal gambling? Nope. That sounds exactly like Uncle Xing to me." Lu AnLing said simply. She had no doubt in her mind that her Uncle Xing would do that and there was no one and nothing that could change her mind.

After this, Lu AnLing had told Kang Jun many things about her Uncle Xing. Despite her not seeing him much, she had been around him enough to know him well. Lu Xing did not know how to hide anything. He was always himself, even when a person wanted him to be someone else.

"Your Uncle is quite a character." Kang Jun had said after hearing what Lu AnLing had to say.

And even now, as he parked the car in front of the Lu family home, Kang Jun still thought this.

Frankly, he didn't want to bring his wife to see her uncle. He still worried that the man was not what he seemed, but Lu AnLing had wanted to see her uncle because it had been so long.

Just like Lu Shuya had done, Lu AnLing protected the man.

Lu AnLing: "Uncle Xing isn't a bad man. He's just a bit strange..."

With that said, Kang Jun didn't argue with his wife. He just kissed her and agreed.