Second Chances

Lu AnLing sighed. "It's okay if you did. When I first saw how happy you were with my dad, I hated the both of you, so much I wished that you would both die."

As Lu AnLing said this, she touched the palm of her hands lightly. The wounds were still there, they were almost healed but still, they still hurt, mostly when she thought about that time.

Looking at Lu AnLing, Tang Yiling clutched her arms and then she looked away, as she said, "Maybe a little bit... but it was a momentary lapse of judgement...I was just really really angry. And I'm sorry for what I did."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing who had a slightly smug face, turned to the elders and then she said, "What do you think Grandfather Tang?"

Hearing Lu AnLing say this, Elder Tang sighed and said, "I believe in second chances..."

Truly, he did, but if it was anyone else, he would have told Lu AnLing to kick them to the curb. He disliked Tang Yiling a lot, mostly her attitude, but at the same time, he still felt guilt towards his sons, and in turn their daughters.

Tang Huian had said that Tang Yiling was, in fact, Tang Lang's daughter and so, Elder Tang could not help but feel as if he was the one who had caused everyone this strife.

Due to Elder Tang's kindness, Tang Yiling wanted to cry, but she couldn't help but speak her mind now, "Why are you still kind to me...?"

Hearing this, Elder Tang looked at the girl, who's demeanour had changed exponentially and said, "You're family. I made the mistake of treating family like I would treat my employees and that just caused strife. I just don't want to make the same mistake again."

As the old man said this, Tang Yian looked at his father sadly.

Not noticing this, Tang Yiling continued to speak, but this time, her face had twisted, "What family...? I'm not even a Tang. You don't need to concern yourself with me anymore if you don't want to."

Hearing this, Elder Tang frowned and shook his head.

"Don't ever doubt that you are a Tang." Elder Tang said as he gave a small bitter smiled. Memories surrounded his mind as he let out a dry laugh. "Truly, you remind me of my younger self, and of my eldest son, your late father, Lang. We're brats by nature but you must fight this. Being a brat will bring you nothing but much suffering. And I know you're strong enough to fight it."

Because of the old man's words, Tang Yiling's eyes began to water. It was partially in happiness, but partially in sadness.

The sadness was because as soon as Elder Tang had mentioned Tang Lang's name, Tang Yiling could not remember anything about him... about her life before she had woken up in the hospital. Her life from before was a total blur and because of this, she felt like she no longer knew who she was anymore. She had completely forgotten that what she had learned about her past were because of small bits of memories that Tang Yian had remembered but that wasn't even of her!

Who was she before? Tang Yiling craved for that knowledge but considering her father was dead, would Tang Yiling ever know?

Tang Yiling was about to get lost within herself but Lu AnLing wouldn't allow it, so she spoke.

"I do agree with grandfather, I will forgive you..." Lu AnLing said simply. Hearing this, Tang Yiling was going to let out a sigh of relief but then Lu AnLing said, "but you have to let me hit you once."

Hearing this, many people reacted, at least, ever so slightly. But it was Tang Luoyi's face that paled.

At that moment, the boy had realized how easy he'd gotten off with Lu AnLing...

As he thought this, his eyes darted to Tang Yiling who shivered slightly.

Seeing this, Tang Yian and Elder Tang felt a bit bad but none of them was going to overtly stop Lu AnLing. However, this didn't mean Tang Yian would not show his displeasure.

"Little siren... you haven't grown out of your violent ways?" Tang Yian said with a frown. He remembered how Lu AnLing was as a child. Always hanging out with the boys. Always getting into fights. Such a wild child that sometimes, he couldn't handle her. But he had assumed that with time this would disappear...

It seemed like he was wrong.

Ignoring her father, Lu AnLing focused her gaze on Tang Yiling.

"I'm sorry Yiling, but as far as I'm concerned, you're a stranger. I don't know much about you, we're not friends, and you did try to destroy me and my image. That just means that I can't let all my resentments out without hitting you... so what do you say?" Lu AnLing was very nonchalant with the way she was saying that. It was like violence was nothing to her. Deep down, Elder Tang who watched the scene wondered if it was an influence she had received from Kang Jun, but remembering what Tang Yian had said, Elder Tang knew that that wasn't right.

Meanwhile, Tang Yiling was at a loss for words. It hadn't been a long time since she had gotten slapped by Tang Yian and her cheeks were a bit sore. The thought of being slapped again made her chest compress and her mind race, but this was something she couldn't run away from...

"O-okay..." Tang Yiling said slowly.

Tang Yiling was not intelligent, but if there was one thing she recognized it was that Lu AnLing could have killed her if she wanted to. By just saying one word, Kang Jun could destroy her, but instead, she wanted just one slap... if Tang Yiling couldn't suck it up, it would be obvious that she didn't want to mend her relationships and so, she decided to take her punishment.

Hearing Tang Yiling's words, Lu AnLing smiled wide. "Seriously?"

Seeing her sickeningly sweet smile, Tang Yiling felt chills go down her spine.

"I'm going to do it now." Lu AnLing said childishly as she lifted her hand up in the air. "Close your eyes and clench your teeth. It'll hurt less that way."

Hearing this, Tang Yiling, who slightly shook, did as Lu AnLing had said.

With her eyes closed, Tang Yiling felt more anxious than she could ever have imagined. Her hands shook, her heartbeat was all she heard and Tang Yiling could not help but fear the anticipated hit. The thought of it replayed in her head continuously as she waited.

Waiting felt like an eternity, but slowly but surely, Tang Yiling felt a light tap on her face which made her whole body jolt.

This caused her to open her eyes and when she did, Lu AnLing just stood smiling in front of her.

"I-is t-that's all...?" Tang Yiling asked

Lu AnLing nodded.

"W-why?" Tang Yiling said as she still shook slightly, blinking away stray tears. She couldn't quite understand what was going on.

Hearing Tang Yiling's question, Lu AnLing smiled.

Lu AnLing: "Have you ever read the bible story about Abraham who was told by god to kill his son Isaac?"

Tang Yiling cocked her head and gave Lu AnLing a look of pure confusion.

"Well Abraham was going to do it but then before he could, God suddenly stopped him. What does this teach us?" Lu AnLing said like a teacher quizzing her student.

And like a student who didn't study, Tang Yiling looked at Lu AnLing blankly.

Seeing this look, Lu AnLing put her hands on her hips, sighed and then she said, "It means the fact that you would allow me to hit you without any fighting back makes me feel like you mean what you said before so I don't actually need to hit you. So... I forgive you."

As she said this, Lu AnLing felt a weight lift off her shoulders. Maybe it was because she was pregnant but she was sick of fights and sick of tension. She just wanted a big happy family, and if she and Tang Yiling could put away their differences, Lu AnLing would be happier because she wouldn't have been the reason why Elder Tang would lose a granddaughter.

Maybe this was the beginning of a calmer era for not only she, Kang Jun and her family but the Tang's also...

Thinking this, Lu AnLing's eyes landed on Kang Jun who, as he sat on the couch, looked at his wife calmly.

He could already tell by the look in her eyes what Lu AnLing wanted, and her wish was his command.