Being Lied To

By Kang Juns orders, Lu AnLing went straight inside, up the elevator and towards the meeting room. The only stop she made was at the desk of one of Mo Yichen's secretaries in order to announce her arrival.

When the secretary saw Lu AnLing, she looked over the woman and then she smiled. Mo Yichen had informed his secretaries about their special guests and he had given the woman pictures to remember them by and a basic character chart of sorts.

Mo Yichen liked to be prepared and civil. Even when it came to accompanying people who he already knew quite intimately.

"Is Mr Kang not with you?" The Secretary asked.

Lu AnLing: "No, I'm afraid something has come up so he won't be able to join us today."

After saying this, an obvious look of disappointment washed over the woman's face. Seeing this, Lu AnLing frowned slightly. Now she was a bit glad that Kang Jun didn't come.

Lu AnLing was going to ask the secretary if she could just leave and go to the meeting room but suddenly she heard the sound of the elevator.

Turning her head swiftly, Lu AnLing's body stiffened at the hopes that this was the mysterious final partner who she would finally be able to lay her eyes on but seeing the familiar figure of Tang Bingyi walk out of the elevator, Lu AnLing felt her body relax completely as slight disappointment arose in her.

On the other hand, as soon as Tang Bingyi saw her cousin, she smiled and walked over to the girl, accidentally ignoring the secretary.

Not seeing Kang Jun around, Tang Bingyi was about to say something but, already noticing her look, Lu AnLing said, "My husband has some problems to deal with at the company so he won't be able to come today,"

Tang Bingyi nodded at Lu AnLing sentence, albeit a bit reluctantly. Half because she was confused why Lu AnLing had referered to Kanh Jun as 'my husband' and half because Tang Bingyi was annoyed that Kang Jun would leave Lu AnLing alone at such a time.

However, Kang Jun didn't. Due to the attempt on her life, he had assigned several people to watch her from the shadows and he had also sent both Tang Bingyi and Mo Yichen a message specifying them to protect Lu AnLing and take her home safely.

At this point, everyone knew about an attempt on her life except Lu AnLing herself.

When Mo Ruyi had called Kang Jun a few days ago, she had revealed to the man everything he needed to know, but best of all, it had given Rong Xin a job to do.

It was obvious why there was no movement in the underworld. Rong Yue Wan and Feng Zhengyi's connections were purely above ground. Both women had gained their connections within social circles and they did well to keep those on the lower end in their pockets just in case they needed them one day. This was perfect, because these connection would almost always be untraceable.


Kang Jun knew that there was a small window to finding out who the driver was going to be. He had hoped he could figure it out before this window ended but sadly for him it was too late since the day Qiao Lan had heard the conversation between Rong Yue Wan and Feng Zhengyi. Now, all there was left to do was wait for the attack to happen, prevent Lu AnLing from being hurt and killing everyone involved.

There was a serious aura around all those who knew about this. And so, Lu AnLing, who had easily noticed this, felt a bit uneasy but she didn't ask anything. If everyone was keeping something from her, Lu AnLing had convinced herself that it was for the best this time.

After being lied to almost all her life about the Tang's, her father, the location of her child, Lu AnLing was a bit weary. And if it was the her from the past, she would have surely had a paranoid breakdown, but what had changed was that Lu AnLing trusted Kang Jun. He had boundless love for her and she trusted that, even if he wasn't telling her something because Lu AnLing knew that sooner or later he would explain to her what was going on. Be it in a few days, a few months or in a few years, Lu AnLing knew he would.

Lu AnLing's expression was unchanged since Tang Bingyi had come into sight but just for a second, it lightened exponentially and she said,

"Jun asked you to take me home after this. Is that okay? Or are you busy?"

Tang Bingyi smiled brightly. "Of course it's okay! I'm never busy for you. I'd do anything, just ask."

Hearing this, Lu AnLing wanted to laugh. She felt as if Tang Bingyi was accidentally learning strange things from how Kang Jun treated Lu AnLing.

After that was said, Tang Bingyi and Lu AnLing walked to the meeting room.

As Lu AnLing walked to the meeting room with Tang Bingyi, the girl twiddled her thumbs. She was a bit nervous about today...

In technical terms, Lu AnLing was not suppose to be at this meeting. Unlike Kang Jun, Tang Bingyi and Mo Yichen, she was not a partner, but a mere contract worker. But for some reason, Kang Jun wanted her by his side, Tang Bingyi enjoyed her presence, Mo Yichen didn't mind as long as she was useful and the mysterious partner wanted to meet her.

By what she had heard about this mysterious partner, Lu AnLing was curious about who it was.

A part of her hoped the partner would be waiting in the meeting room but to her disappointment, only Mo Yichen was in the room looking over some documents.

Seeing the girls, Mo Yichen greeted them warmly. Though, when he didn't see his brother anywhere in the proximity, Mo Yichen looked at Lu AnLing questioningly.