The last human without infecting? (P3)

Shell continued walking down the long corridor leading to the room of the portal, he had to avoid at all costs that the virus was filtered to the other world, human ambition brought the annihilation of his species in this world could not allow it to happen the same in another.

Shell simply could no longer worry about anyone on the base it was way too late for that, the virus had already spread by 70% of the base and the survivors would surely be in isolated areas of the base, although he wanted to save some of them it would be impossible to defend until them until they reached the portal.

Most of the base was separated into sections to give efficiency to the use of space but there was also the problem of security, the superior command ordered to uninstall all the 63 automatic turrets since they are still inactive they continued to consume electricity which the base could not afford to do so for better or for worse, the base was left without security while the superior command thought and the still active humans would be enough to keep any threat at bay

While Shell walked still found bullet casings, broken weapons, helmets bloodied walls filled with blood and corpses of soldiers everywhere for this was as normal as he was in combat constantly he felt nothing but pity for the young soldiers who had died perhaps trying to flee or defend the base until Shell's voice was heard in the corridor.

"Seraph use the scanner and tell me if there is any infected nearby and tell me also the approximate distance of the portal room, also in the active inventory bombs I cannot allow anything to pass through the portal, put it to 30 seconds and release them."(Shell)

Seraph proceeded to confirm the order and the remaining distance to the final target in addition to the state of the infection.

"distance calculated 112 meters to reach the target status of the infection in the base 89% confirmed infection."(Seraph)

Shell simply shook his head in disappointment, a fortified base with turrets at the entrance and corridors easily fell to the infection at that moment. In the head of Shell was full of questions to which he could not find answers.

(¡¿How the hell did all this happen?! the base was fine two hours ago and now it's a damn chaos that the superior command was thinking about when deactivating the turrets, ¡¿what the hell happened here two fucking hours before!?) (Shell's mind)

As much as Shell did thousands of questions to himself he was unable to formulate any response and the more he thought about it, the more doubts accumulated in his head, at that moment he had already lost the focus of his main mission defending the portal Seraph send an electric shock in shell's body to bring him back to reality and Seraph's voice was heard inside the helmet.

"Sir, I advise you to concentrate, we have reached the goal you want to activate the portal, my scanners of the base indicate that the infection is currently 97% and there is no way to save anyone the best would be to destroy the corridor and also abandon the base."(Seraph)

Seraph spoke logically as always, the base was already 97% infected was almost impossible for someone to reach the portal without being infected and he could not go out looking for survivors Shell decided to give the order to Seraph.

"Seraph, detonate the bomb in the armament room and activate the portal we're going from here also give me explosives C4 with [Application] I can not allow the portal to remain open after we leave." (Shell)

Seraph preceded to confirm the order and delivered to Shell 5 explosives C4 these glimmered faintly by the magic that covered them to improve the radius of the explosion.

"Confirmed sir, the main explosive was already detonated preparing the main explosives." (Seraph)


At the moment that Seraph confirmed the order, the base was shaken violently by the main explosive and proceeded to prepare the other explosives while activating the portal hacking the main terminal.

Meanwhile, Shell was preparing the explosives with manual control since their idea was to detonate them before going through the portal and be able to destroy everything to prevent the virus from following him and ask seraph if everything was ready.

"Seraph confirm me when the portal is ready" (Shell)

At the same time that Shell asked the portal began to open and also at the same time I heard how the doors of the room were being hit by hundreds of hands and moans were heard and the voice of seraph was heard again in the shell of Shell.

"Sir, I am afraid that the infected detected our presence and these are directed towards this direction, I suggest the action of turrets to be able to give a little more time to the portal, the current state of the portal is 57% estimated time for completely open portal 23 seconds."(Seraph)

Seraph released from its inventory 4 cubes of about 60cm they were disassembled and assembled themselves as two turrets and these started to spin on 360 grades.

"assembled and activated turrets sir" (Seraph)

the turrets were 1 meter high with a barrel of 40 centimeters long and a charger of about 500 rounds the paint was green and it was also worn out by the antiquity of the turret or by the situations in which it was Used these began to turn to look for objectives until the main door was heard as it broke in the distance and the turrets began to detect movements

At the moment in which the infected entered the firing radius of the turret, it was totally destroyed by the two turrets as well as all the infected ones that passed through the door.

Shell was nervous since the portal still required 11 seconds to fully open and the turrets had already started firing, the situation had already become unstable since he should calculate perfectly when confirming the order for the explosives to be detonated and what happened if When entering the portal the signal will not reach the explosives, between Shell but he thought it would be more nervous until Seraph sent an electric pulse into Shell's body and spoke to him again.

"Sir, the portal is now open and the turrets are keeping the infected at bay. You do not have to worry much, go to the portal and detonate the explosive."(Seraph)

When seraph confirmed that the portal was already open, Shell activated the explosives and ran towards the portal by jumping into the portal and entering it while confirming the detonation of the explosives.

"Seraph, detonate the explosives NOW!" (Shell)

at the same time that Shell gave the order the place was completely engulfed in flames by the explosion almost at the same time that Shell entered the portal on the road to the other world and leaving behind the old and the voice of seraph was heard for the last time before Shell lost consciousness for the mana emitted by the portal's tunnel.

"Detonation of explosives confirmed sir the portal has been permanently closed"(Seraph)

A smile crossed Shell's face before he fainted.