Plundering remains and a little snake

Shell stayed for a while observing the group that disappeared into the dense forest while on the horizon the sun was beginning to descend and Shell was still in the middle of the forest but now he had a map that he copied with his scanner when observing The marked map of the adventurer Shakia now the last thing left to do was decide what to do with the corpses, Shell ordered Seraph to wake up.

"Seraph activate, tell me those armor and weapons are processable as usable materials?" (Shell)

the shell helmet was active covering his head and he began scanning the surroundings and answered Shell's question.

"The scan will take a few moments but in the meantime, you could take away the armor and weapons and all the valuable objects they have" (Seraph)

After a long time waiting for Seraph to finish his scan, Shell had already removed the 19 full-body armor along with the soldiers' weapons. The only unrecoverable ones were those of the two assassins which one of them was blown to pieces with a fist covered in mana and the other was crushed with a tree completely destroying their weapons and armor and the voice of seraph was heard in Shell's helmet.

"Sir, the armor is made of very poor quality metal and poorly processed at this time use these armor, melt and reuse the materials would be a waste of time and effort, perhaps these armors are worth something in the currency of this world"(Seraph)

Shell lifted a bag with 19 bottles with a purple liquid of viscous consistency at the time that Shell saw the texture of the liquid immediately came to his head the image of a regurgitator vomiting in the bottles to fill them and Seraph spoke again.

"A very active imagination sir, my sensors indicate that this liquid contains mild healing properties but these do not compare with its [Regeneration] e [Pill impulse] so my calculations indicate that these healing potions were extremely bad in quality and the task of healing wounds "

Seraph continued to scan the bodies and other things but found nothing really useful apart from the potions, weapons, and armor until the scans of Seraph were abruptly interrupted and a new scan of the surroundings recommenced.

Shell began to feel slightly hungry and decided to approach one of the dead soldiers by bending over and taking one of his arms and tearing him from the body and proceeded to bring him closer to his face causing the helmet to be removed from his head and from a bite he tore off a piece of Arm meat although any human would go crazy seeing another human eating another of their own species Shell's behavior was purely survival no matter what the given option was and since Shell was constantly on the battlefield and it was common to find dead bodies feeling hungry resorted to cannibalism to stay strong and well fed, although this behavior only applied in situations of extreme hunger or when there were no provisions and the current situation of Shell was not good, he was without provisions for survival, he only had the millions of ammunition that he accumulated in his life on earth which would classify him as an "Accumulator".

"Sir, my sensors indicate a very low nutritional value in that meat and also my scanner and radar indicate the presence of a creature of at least 148 meters long and at least 2000 kilograms approaching toward this position the estimated distance is 25 meters before its arrival at our position. "(Seraph)

Shell looked around eating the soldier's arm waiting for the creature even if he looked where he looked there was nothing, not even the heat scanner could detect something and again Seraph spoke.

"Sir, 15 meters and approaching, according to my knowledge the creature is waiting for you to get distracted and lower your guard so I advise you to be totally alert." (Seraph)

Shell asked Seraph where the creature came from and Seraph


"My sensors indicate that the creature is on top of you sir"

Shell was completely confused around it there was nothing and still, the Seraph scanner indicated that the creature was on Shell at that time a slight transparency moving around Shell began to be noticed causing Shell to realize why the creature was not noticeable.

"Damned creature with camouflage" (Shell)

Shell's helmet closed on his head preparing to fight but as soon as it closed almost immediately a voice that did not belong to Seraph was heard inside the helmet.

" tell me...shameless and cannibal human?" (Mysterious voice)

The voice sounded somewhat irritated and at the same time curious and shell responded to the exclamation.

"It's just survival, nothing more nothing less I do not feel shame or embarrassment in what I do and you do not seem to be ashamed to approach without introducing yourself" (Shell)

The creature spoke dreaming irritated but with a sympathetic tone.

"I suppose you have to be right, human, I apologize my name is Makara, the great serpent of the abyss"

Shell ducked his head with respect and said his name introducing herself.

"My name is Shell, only Shell its a pleasure to meet you" (Shell)

The creature became visible finally revealing a massive body that rose to great heights but still his voice was really clear and the scales of his body were dark in color with a slight purple hue and his stomach was red, a color Very beautiful in Shell's eyes that stretched her hand caressing the body of the creature.

The great creature observed the human with curiosity and confusion in his eyes, although at the moment when the human's hand made contact with the body of the creature, his blood began to warm quickly causing it to move away and scream in pain exclaiming.


The giant creature began to writhe in pain and felt the blood of his body slowly return to its normal temperature relieving the pain and the voice of Seraph shield inside Shell's helmet and that somehow Makara also heard it.

"The body of Mr. Makara is unable to tolerate the mana that is shared in physical contact with Mr. Shell, which explains the intense pain in the part that Mr. Shell put his hand on." (Seraph)

Again the eyes of Makara were filled with anger, the great and powerful serpent of the abyss was unable to resist the mana of someone else but this was due to a very different factor Makara is known for his great physical and physical skills of poor handling of magic which makes him a weak receiver of mana and also a vulnerable opponent against Shell.

Makara upon receiving this information decided to remain respectful and avoid causing problems to someone who with only the slightest touch made his blood become lava inside his own body and speak again.

"You are a rare human, without a doubt, it is the first time I see a human being sharing mana without even asking the receiver's permission, according to the current religion, sharing mana is a taboo since this is a way of corrupting the recipient's body. that what the gods say hehe corruption makes more fun to any living being."(Makara)

Shell was about to speak when he was interrupted by the voice of Seraph

"[Contract] confirmed [Recipient] Makara has been confirmed as a recipient" (Seraph)

Shell was just flooded with questions again and once again Seraph did something that neither Shell understood it to be.