
Yun carefully checked out the duo that appeared with White Lotus, the guy was decently handsome; she had seen better though. The little girl beside him she was more attracted to, she had a noble air around her, but most importantly... she was cute, ridiculously cute. Lucy had long black hair that had gone down all the way to her waist, but her hair was not that long compared to others since she was also very short around 150 cm, what was most striking about her was her facial features, on her small oval face everything was practically small and cute. However, her eyes stood out from all of that, her pupils were bright firey red, Yun honestly guessed that if enhancements from the real world do not show up in the game that Lucy had her pupils color changed.

Yun completely forgot that she was just extremely shocked a moment ago and ran up to Lucy and started to examine Lucy.

"Wait! Wait! What are you doing?!" Lucy pouted at the sudden intrusion of her space.

"Hehe..." Yun was amused about how cute Lucy looked when she pouted, Yun continued to touch and probe everywhere on Lucy's body. An Cheng, who was watching, did not mind this, he did not feel any harmful intentions from her.

"Who is she?" An Cheng asked White Lotus, it seemed like she knew this person.

"An acquaintance." White Lotus said coldly.

"Your sister! We are friends!" Yun looked back and yelled at White Lotus, White Lotus just pretended that she did not hear that. Yun expected that and went back to Lucy.

"Ok..." An Cheng replied a little weirdly. It seemed like they had a... 'different' relationship. "So is this it?" He expected more people to join in, from what he had researched in the interwebs, it was usually 5 to 10 people for a small dungeon, for a large one it usually scaled from 20 to 100.

"There will be some of my people meeting with us at the dungeon." She said. It was quite a hassle for her and Yun to come here already, for the other people... they did not have enough speed to keep up with them.

"Oh ok. Let's go then." An Cheng did not think much much of it, they also had to somewhat rush, it was only 2 days before they had to get to the dungeon and it was still a good distance away.

The group set off with An Cheng and White Lotus in front looking somewhat like a couple... An Cheng was more casual while White Lotus was terrifyingly cold. Yun and Lucy were in the back and they behaved like actual sisters even though they had just met, they got to know each other during the travel with An Cheng pitching in once every while. As for White Lotus... she was more used to quiet and peacefulness but she was getting used to it and even after a while, she started to melt a little.

During the travel, they ran into a couple monsters, it was nothing that An Cheng could not handle with a couple of slashes though. Yun was very impressed at the man that looked harmless at first, he killed without blinking an eye and then acted as nothing happened, most people would usually be somewhat disgusted at the blood, even after a while. She was even more impressed with his swordplay, it probably had been the best she had ever seen.

White Lotus, however, was not so impressed, she had seen what he did back when they were fighting in the spiritstone mine, she did get a little surprised when she had seen that he had improved on his swordplay even more.

After a day of travel, they had arrived at the place where the system said that the dungeon would be. The place was on a cliff 700 meters tall that had a massive waterfall gushing clear water, it was a shade of amazing blue. Below the cliff was a large lake, the reason it was not 'massive' was that the excess water would flow from the lake to a river leading west.

The group gawed at the sight when they first saw it, this was the first time they had seen anything so beautiful made from nature. There were many games before that had better scenes but none felt so realistic.

Lucy had her small mouth open. "Wow!! It's so beautiful..."

While they were enjoying the sight other people were also starting to approach the waterfall, there were also some people that were already there but the number of people that were there was not so noticeable.

An Cheng and the group had to get a spot to settle until the dungeon opened, they picked a prime spot near the lake, it had a beautiful view and it was also near the lake so they could get water easily.

Just as they were going to settle down a male voice rang out.

"Oi Oi Look at who it is! Isn't this Frozen Tundra's Guild Master? What are you doing here with so few members? Are you not afraid that you would be attacked?" A lewd looking young man teased White Lotus.