Old Monster Ye’s Bad Luck

-Old Monster Ye's Bad Luck-

Never in his life does Old Monster Ye had thought that there would come a day where he would be like this. Right now he was kneeling in front of the same brat whom he had disdainfully ignored earlier.

He couldn't even fathom what happened as all he knew that he was trashed like a mortal before he could even realize. Him, a Domain Lord getting trashed by a kid! Although it looked ridiculous. Actually, it was the truth. He couldn't even retaliate as his powers were somehow sealed by the boy.

It made him afraid. He didn't know such a monster existed in a place he pegged as a weak world. If he knew earlier, even if he had an infinite amount of courage he wouldn't have come here. But now, no use of regret, all he could do was face this monster and hope that he would spare his life.

Seeing the pathetic figure of this old man, Jiang Jie couldn't help but be guilty. But when he thought about that disdain filled look earlier, his anger flared again and he kicked his sides, sending him flying.

It hurts. It really does. Old Monster Ye could only cry in his heart as he received another kick from this monster. Now he was blaming his bad luck to encounter this unreasonable monster the moment he stepped foot in this unfamiliar world.

He thought he would be king here. He thought he would be using this place to breakthrough to the Creation Realm and return to his world as a true king. But all those fantasies remained a fantasy in his heart. He encountered this monster instead in reality.

Finally feeling that he had punished the old man enough, Jiang Jie stopped beating him and instead sat down near where the old man laid like a dead dog.

"So! Who are you?" Jiang Jie asked in his mother tongue.

"!3@^%#%%$" the old man told some gibberish in reply.

"Oh I forgot!" saying so, Jiang Jie put his hand on the old man's head, and after a few seconds, he withdrew. During that time, he scanned his head of the language he spoke and learned it. As an ESPer, his brain function was very high than normal humans. It was so high that he could freely access a Domain Lord's brain. In the Divine Wind Continent, Domain Lords were considered diety like existences. They are at the top of the food chain. But Jiang Jie could thrash one of them like it was nothing.

Currently, Old Monster Ye was also thinking along those lines.

"Now speak. Who are you?" Jiang Jie wasn't polite at all. He ordered the man as if ordering a servant.

Hearing the kid's tone, all Old monster Ye could do was to smile bitterly. He, who had never bowed his head anyone was now treated as an ordinary servant in another world where he thought he would be the king. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him.

"Common speak. Huh! What you don't want to speak? Ah!" like a delinquent, Jiang Jie interrogated the old monster.

"Yes, I will speak. This one named Ye Chang. I am from Divine Wind Continent. Can I know monarch's name?" mustering all the politeness that he had in his bones, Old monster Ye spoke out while having a smile on his face. Right now, if anyone from Divine Wind continent had to see him, they won't believe that this person was that ruthless and arrogant Ye.

"Huh! Divine Wind Continent? Where is it?" now it got Jiang Jie interested. He clearly knew this man was not from this world. As an ESPer capable of dimensional manipulation, he could clearly feel the spatial rift through which he came through. And from his investigation, this rift wasn't connected to anywhere in this dimension.

"It is in another place far away from here." Ye Chang or Old Monster Ye said while wiping away his sweat from his brows. He wasn't lying, that place was too far from here, even as a Domain Lord, it still took away nearly 80% of his total qi.

"That world! is it exciting?" this time Jiang Jie's tone was somber.

"Eh!" Old Monster Ye could only mutter this after listening to this monstrous boy's serious question. Is it exciting? What kind of question was it? Exciting? But he understood that his survival today heavily depends on his answer. If he answers correctly, then this monster might spare him today.

Gulping his saliva heavily, old monster Ye looked at the boy. Assuming an overly enthusiastic happy face, he nodded.

"Of course that place is fascinating. There is all kind of areas that are mystical and myriad of animals that couldn't be found here. There are even dangerous places where creatures such as dragons roam. What's more, there are also beautiful girls all over the place." With each sentence Ye Chang spoke, Jiang Jie's excitement levels rose by a considerable margin. Finally, when he talked about beautiful women, Jiang Jie was literally on fire.

"That's it. Don't give any more spoilers. That world seemed to be very interesting, I gonna check that out. In the meantime, you stay here and don't cause any trouble. Okay?" suddenly a heavy aura emanated from JJ and pressed down on Ye Chang.

"Absolutely. I won't dare." Like a child, Ye Chang nodded repeatedly.

"Umu. Here, this is the key to my home. You can use it for your dwelling." Saying so, JJ handed him a key. Just when Ye Chang touched it, suddenly he was assaulted by a huge headache. A large amount of information poured into his brain as he slowly processed them.

"Those are all the common and uncommon knowledge about this world. There are also some do's and don't's. you are free to do whatever you want, just don't be a megalomaniac and try to conquer this world or else you will regret, understand?"

"Absolutely. This tiny one wouldn't even leave his home. I will only cultivate day and night."


After saying so, JJ slashed his right hand down opening a rift similar to Ye's. As he stepped inside it, the rift closed behind his back.

Seeing that JJ was no longer there, Ye Chang took a deep breath as he looked towards the setting sun. A transparent tear flowed from his eyes.

'In this thousand years, I have never thought that I would encounter a monster like this one. Sigh, thank the heavens that they sent away that monster.' Thinking so, Ye Chang grabbed the metallic key given by Jiang Jie and walked towards his home. Earlier he had also sent him the location of his house via memories.

On the other hand, Jiang Jie finally stepped out of the spatial rift into open grasslands. But there was a problem, he was currently surrounded by a group of wolves as big as cars back on earth while a boy was laying on the pool of his own blood below his feet.

The astonishing thing was that this boy looks similar to him. It was as if looking at himself through a mirror.

'What's happening here?'