Jiang Jie Intervenes

JJ didn't interfere on matters happening below, just like a silent observer he observed the scene from his spot on the skies.

The four old men pursued the girl without sparing any effort. As for the girl, JJ could tell that she was out of juice and was running on fumes. It was his first time seeing superpowered people fight, back on earth nobody dared to fight with him. And he had also never seen any other ESPer fight with each other. Although he could guess the reason why!

Finally, the girl could no longer run or fly in this case and fell down like a kite whose string had been cut. Seeing this the four old men's eyes brightened as they also descended down.

"Haha! Fairy Wang, I see you no longer have any strength left to run. Now hand over the treasure, or else…" one of the four old men threatened as he also landed softly on the ground.

"Haha, Old one, the gods seemed to be helping us. This universally proud woman is now as weak as an ant in front of us. Let's teach her a lesson." Another old man laughed while stroking his white beard.

"Hmm! I heard the women of Blue Winter Sect are very charming in bed. Let's find out if its true or not." The last one said with a lecherous look.

The complexion of the girl named fairy Wantg paled as she heard the last one's statement. She wasn't afraid of getting beaten but to be trampled by these old men, she would rather die. The look on her eye sharpened as she glared at the four old men.

"You four old men, don't think that my sect would leave you alone if you do anything to me!" As she had no strength left in her body, she could only resort to her background in the end.

"Haha! Who's afraid of your Blue Winter Sect? It was on the verge of facing annihilation anyway. Now don't waste our time, hand over the treasure and spend a few days with us or else we will force ourselves upon you." The last old man with lecherous look threatened again.

Fairy Wang's constitution couldn't be any paler after hearing these humiliating words. In her heart, she started cursing these old men's eighteen generations.

"Hurry Up and decide!" the one named old one threatened again.

"Hmph! I would rather die!" saying so, she started to furiously circulate her cultivation base in reverse. It was a well-known method used by desperate cultivators who couldn't defeat their enemies to self-destruct with them. By circulating the cultivation base in reverse, the energy would flow in reverse pattern, that would slowly overload the dantian, the core of all cultivators. In the end when the energy overloads, the dantian could no longer sustain it and would destruct itself from pressure.

This process was called self-destruct by cultivators. The strength of the blast depends upon the cultivation of a person. Higher the cultivation, the more violent would be the explosion. Fairy Wang was at least a core formation stage expert, if she self-destructs her dantian, then the explosion would sure kill these four old men.

"Old four, she was about self-destruct! Stop her!" the one who hadn't spoken till now suddenly shouted in alarm. He was silently observing the girl from the beginning, trying to keep track of her movements. That why he was able to tell that she was about to self-destruct.

"Bitch! You dare?" old one shouted and ran towards the girl with his palm facing toward's her dantian, intending to cripple her cultivation.

Seeing this Fairy Wang's face couldn't be any uglier. She was just a few microseconds away from succeeding, but this old man would surely reach her faster. A look desolateness flashed in her eyes.

"Hmm! Looks like my time to shine has come" JJ muttered as he looked through everything, he was waiting for a perfect time to intervene. Not because of any noble reason but because the girl was very beautiful. He wanted to save her at the nick of the time and have her fall for him.

Lifting his right hand, a rainbow-colored light enveloped his body, he clicked his fingers. A ray of light originated from his fingers before spreading everywhere. After that, he descended down like a god.

Below where the scene was taking place, everything had stopped moving as if they are paralyzed. Even the leaves of the trees stilled, without a movement. The old men were all stagnated at their place like statues, same for the girl too. They were all stilled in time.

That's right, JJ had stopped time.

JJ's power was very different from other ESPers. Although he had his own Psionic source, his power allows him to perceive everything from a higher dimensional point of view, no matter which dimension he was in.

For example, back on earth, he was in a four-dimensional world, that's why his powers would tend to make him comprehend everything from fifth dimension point of view. Because of this exact reason, he was nigh-omnipotent and all powerful.

This new world he came to, JJ could tell that it was also a 4-dimensional world. That's why he was able to harness the power of the fifth dimension easily. To him, something like stopping time here was very easy.

After all his powers were heavily dependent on dimensions, and parallel dimension theory.

As he descended down, he noticed that the old man's palm was just an inch away from the girl's navel. There was also a purple aura coated his palm, probably his so-called qi, JJ concluded.

He leaned down and grabbed the girl by her underarms and moved a few steps back, enough to avoid the old man's strike zone. Then he kicked old man's face. Although he didn't move, his face bent in a weird angle. He also didn't stop there, using Telekinesis, he lifted the other three old men and made their heads bang together.

Seeing that everything in place now, he again lifted his hand and clicked his fingers.

As the time continued to run normally; First, the old man who was kicked by him sent flying like a rocket. Then the other three also banged their heads together hard and fell down on their assess.

As for the girl, she looked like a deer caught in headlights. Everything happened so fast that she didn't get time to see what happened. One moment the old man was about to hit her, but then suddenly he was thrown to the side while making a weird face. The other thee also suddenly decided to bang their heads as hard as they could as if trying to see whose head was the hardest.

She couldn't make head or tail of the situation. Finally, her eyes landed on the man standing not too far from him with his hands behind his back like an expert. As if realizing something, her eyes shined in excitement. She was no fool, seeing these old men flying around she realized that it might be the work of the man standing in front of her. But with realization came fear.

What if he also wanted my flower? What if he was after the treasure? What if… all kind of what if's surrounded her head as she looked silently towards the man, not daring to make a sound. She also couldn't see through his cultivation, probably because he was too much powerful than her.

At that time, JJ suddenly turned around and looked towards the girl.

"Are you okay, young lady?" with a very gentle tone he asked.