

"Jiang Kun, hand over the treasure pill." The lady seemed to have believed the old fox's lies and looked even more frostily at Jiang Kun, who could only sigh at her naiveness. He couldn't believe that such a powerful and talented disciple of a high ranking sect would be foolish enough to fall for the lie of a man like that. Jiang Kun really wished that he could slap her thrice and send her to her mama.

"Lady, please don't fall for his lies. I do not have any such treasured pill, my breakthrough is purely coincidental. That is the truth." Jiang Kun weakly retorted, but he didn't have much hope on persuading this foolish lady.

"You! Alright. If you hand it over politely, I will take it from your corpse!" with this said, Yun LingLing extended her right arm as she conjured a red colored sword qi. She then sent it flying at Jiang Kun's direction. The sword qi traveled faster than light as if tearing a hole in space, it arrived in a flash in front of Jiang Kun. That later had just recently broken through to Core formation realm, how can he endure a full-fledged attack of a peak initial level Core formation realm? Not to mention he had yet to even stabilize his cultivation realm.

The sword qi flashed past him, Jiang Kun used every ounce of strength in his body to avoid that deadly sword. But still, he was left with a deep gash on his right shoulder. Blood spurted out like a fountain, painting the wall nearest to him in red. He was also thrown back like a kicked ball by the force of sword qi and fell into the ground.

With just one attack, Yun LingLing injured Jiang Kun severely. Just as she was about to conjure another sword qi and attack her opponent, suddenly the roof of the room was blasted open as a huge source of Intent locked on her, causing her to panic. This intent was so malevolent that it caused her blood and qi to become restless. Looking at the half-destroyed roof, she swallowed down her fear and shouted "Who is there? show yourself!"

"When I heard that someone from Misty Pearl Pavillion is here, I came thinking to meet an acquaintance. But I would have never thought to meet a wet-behind-the-ears girl who liked to bully the weak and show off her powers in such a desolate place…really!" a very arrogant voice that seemed distorted, making it hard for the listener to guess the gender sounded. Soon enough a man wearing a full body cloak came down from the sky with his arms behind his back.

"Who are you?" although Yun LingLing was afraid, she still showed a brave front. She had immense confidence in her background as an Elder's daughter and a core disciple of a 6-star sect.

Not only her, even the others who were fighting all stopped and silently observed the newest arrival. After seeing the previously arrogant little girl behaving like a frightened deer, many already made a guess of what would happen now.

"Who am I? You don't need to know. I just want to ask, what is your relation with Yun Ju Fen?" the man asked calmly as he descended like an overlord that stepping on a conquered land.

Yun Ling Ling suddenly faced with a dilemma. The motive of this newest arrival was still a mystery to her. Before knowing if he was an old enemy of her mother or a friend, she couldn't carelessly give away her identity. While she was thinking on her next course of action, Fang Tu jumped up with incomparable courage as he shouted pointing at the newest arrival "She is the daughter of the respected elder. Are you sir, perhaps a friend of her mother?"

Hearing this old man giving away her identity like its nothing, Yun Ling Ling paled in fright, then angrily she gave the shameless old man a kick, sending him flying across the hallway. Looking at him, she coldly shouted "Shut up weakling. When we are talking, how dare you to interfere?" That time she hoped she could kill this old man with one sword stroke before opened his big mouth.

Her action, not only surprised Jiang Family, but also the Fang elders who were watching the debacle. They had never thought that this young lady who seemed to have been talking with them normally until a few minutes ago, would suddenly attack their patriarch. They moved their eyes towards Zhi Ling, trying to gauge her reaction. But cold face didn't have a single fluctuation of emotion when she saw her grandfather beaten like a dog, on the contrary, she had a mocking gaze plastered on the fallen old man who was coughing out a mouthful of blood. Seeing this, everyone from the Fang family suddenly felt like they were fallen from heaven to a scorching hell.

The one on whose shoulders they had pinned all their hopes of a revival, had not only disdained them, but also her own grandfather. On the contrary, Jiang Kun didn't find it puzzling, as he had already once at the receiving end of such stare and mock once. It's the nature of powerful people to disregard those who were weaker than them, even if they happen to be their own family. Very few would remain filial after they surpassed their elders. Clearly, this ZhiLing girl didn't fit that bill.

Jiang Kun didn't say anything and calmly sat on the ground near fallen Fang Tu, as he recovered his strength and heal his injuries. Nonetheless, currently, the old man was on a too much shock to even care about Jiang Kun.

"Ho! So you are that woman's daughter! Haha! Such luck!! A child must carry her parent's sins. Since you have come, you have to die in place of your mother." As he said so, the cloaked man vanished and appeared in front of LingLing in a flash with his hand poised for a punch to her gut.

This cloaked man was none other than Qianjin, whom Jiang Jie sent to disrupt the whole situation and bit the shit out of this girl while at it. But, he had exclusively warned him to not disfigure her face, so Qianjin only attacked her stomach and anywhere below her face.

Qianjin was actually a peak level Core formation realm expert who was halfway condensing his Nascent soul. A mere peak first stage Core formation realm expert like Yun LingLing, how can she hope to endure his attacks. Like a kite with broken strings, she flew off and embedded herself in opposite walls, creating cracks, and fissures around her.

With just one attack, she coughed a copious amount of blood. But she was still a disciple of a 6-star sect, from birth her mother had used mountains worth of pills, medicines and natural treasures to grooming her. Even if she was wounded, she could still endure it fight. But how can Qianjin give her time for that?

Kenshin had instructed him to beat her up to a bloody pulp and then throw around his weight a little, kill a few Fang family members to prove his point and vanish like a plume of smoke. And he would do exactly that. Just as she was about to stand up, Qianjin appeared in a flash and threw another punch to her stomach, making her puke another mouthful of blood. This time though, she didn't stand up anymore. She was just too much in pain to do anything. All myriad of techniques, many weapons, martial moves…all became useless in front of the absolute power of Qianjin.

Standing up after beating her up, Qianjin looked around and found the old man who just gave away her status. Walking towards him, he put his leg on his chest and pressed it, caving the old man into the ground.

"You know, I have a grudge against her mom. Of course, considering her background, the most I can do is bully her a little. But it's a fair game against their allies. You know, allies of your enemy are also your enemy. If you are some powerful bunch, I wouldn't have dared, but you are just a little trash in a remote place. Even if I exterminate you here, nobody will bat an eye…huh!!" as he said so, Qianjin lifted his leg and then crushed the chest of him, killing him in a flash.

Then looking at everyone standing, he shouted loudly "If anyone here wants to ally with that woman…wash your necks and wait for my retaliation." With that said, Qianjin vanished into the sky, bringing an end to this marriage meeting that went out of hand.