
The night passed after Nathan met with that man. It was the middle of March, Nathan was putting an X on yesterday's date on the calendar in his room. Almost two months had gone and left since he had the accident. Eventually he heard the news report that the driver had been arrested after fleeing the scene.

Nathan had just finished lunch and given his nurse his food tray as another nurse came into his room.

"Nathan, you have visitors. Would you like to see them?" She asked. They watched Nathan close his eyes, the two thought he was thinking. Instead Nathan was using a more discreet sensory ability to see throughout the hospital. It relied on his aura, subtly feeling out the building and the people around them, sensing the faint auras projected by them. He found the man from last night along with a woman also dressed in business attire next to him waiting by the front desk. 

The nurse almost turned to walk away thinking he didnt wish to be disturbed when he called out to her.

"I'll see them. Sorry I was just thinking was all." Nathan said. He adjusted himself to a new position to get comfortable.

"Alright then." The nurse left after his response, the door closing behind her.

Nathan waited around thirty minutes before when there was finally a knock on his door.

The two figures outside waited patiently after they knocked. After the servant met returned to his Madam and retold the events they agreed in choosing a more polite and respectful approach. Luckily they didn't have to wait long as they heard a voice from inside.

"Come in."

Entering the room, both parties now officially met. Nathan took a good look at the two people in front of him. The man from yesterday dressed in a slightly different suit than before. He looked to be in his lates fifties, small patches of dark brown hair topped his head. The other was younger, a woman possibly in her early thirties. They both had white skin. While the man's was more pale and faded. The woman's looked smooth and meticulously cared for. Also dressed formally she wore a light colored business suit for women. Between her free flowing light brown hair, blue eyes locked onto his when they made eye contact.

Natha could sense the man was at least at the level of a Apprentice Adept. As for the woman while she had not shown any level of progress in that field she did seem to have 'Awakened'.

As he observed them, they also observed him. Nathan looked like just another young man in his twenties, black hair and dark brown eyes. When they had first arrived at the front desk the woman was still skeptical whether he would see them or not. After all the decision made yesterday can always change in a heartbeat. The woman was surprised at first, as Nathan did not seem as intimidating as her butler had spoken.

Her eyes flickered to the side toward her butler giving him a confused glance before looking back at Nathan.

"As we can call this our first 'official' meeting, how may I address the two of you?" Nathan began the conversation. 

"Valentina Cassano, one of the many children of a branch family from the Cassano family. Although you may have heard of the group Brass, of which I am the Head of. We mainly deal in technological advances in machinery, and study of certain unique metals and their properties." Valentina explained.  "As for him, he is Glenn my butler and secretary if you will."

"Call me Nathan, as I'm sure you did some kind of background check on me already. The real question is what do you need my help for and why?" Nathan cut to the chase. He looked at the two as they made eye contact with each other again. 

"We heard from someone that you were capable of something no one else has before. It made you different. Almost inhumane." Valentina began. "You are right in that we did do a background check. And you are clean. Atleast in terms of a normal life you passed. As for what we want I'll ask bluntly. Can you help us with creating a rift to another Planar World?" She asked calmly. They watched Nathan look at them with an incredulous expression, and could assume he knew what they meant. Afterall the phrase Planar World and the research on it was something Valentina and her company researched under the guise of Brass's metal studies, their front. No outsiders should know of it and its meaning besides them.

"A Planar World huh." Nathan spoke quietly. He looked out the window to his left as the two waited for his next words. And after a few minutes he looked back at them with an even more serious look than before. "Do you understand what you are asking for? The risks? The consequences?"

"Only I have access to the coordinates, and our research team theorizes that other Planar Worlds exist, but without a method of transportation, will only remain a theory." Valentina explained. 

"But it seems you know more than us sir Nathan." Glenn added.

"Just Nathan. No need for honorifics. And yes I do." Nathan sighed. "First and foremost, we are not the only intelligent species. If you venture into another Planar World and it backfires, well you just created a portal to our doom. Let me tell you the firearms we have now mean nothing in the face of the stronger races, but knowing that information won't get you anywhere. Do you have any idea where you are going exactly?" Nathan propped his head with his hand. He wondered how crazy these people had to be to go head first into danger.

"We don't and how can we if we don't send someone to the other side. If you could help us send someone or even a small group over that's all we are asking." A sense of restlessness and panic was found in her voice.

"Why? Whats the reason?" He asked.

"For the sake of humanity." Valentina said.

"Nope, lies...humanity is doing fine right now. They have no need to go through an existential crisis such as Planar Worlds." Nathan replied. "You must have another motive."

Valentina looked surprised at how fast he refuted her. Nathan was right she was indeed more desperate than she let on. This was more than just for humanity and progress. It had to deal with her ideology, values and morals.

With her family being extremely cutthroat in multiple industries her views clashed against their's. Albeit being related, her siblings and relatives were vying for better positions in the family even resorting to using underhanded methods at times. Valentina was from a side branch of the family. She had run a small business and developed it into the Brass Company that it is today. Her goal in name was to develop humanity, striving to push it into a new era. Her true desire was to prove herself to her family, and then become independent. 

Nathan was her chance. Her only shot at proving herself and her ideals.

Nathan laughed lightly and smiled a little. Suddenly he vanished from her sight.

Valentina's eyes went wide and she panicked, but her body refused to move. She could feel a heavy pressure placed on her, only allowed to stand like a statue. Her eyes looked towards Glenn only to see him in the same predicament.

Then she heard a voice next to her. Nathan was between her and Glenn in a blink of an eye. His hand clad in a constant flickering of lightning aiming for her throat. In a moment they went from a polite discussion to a near assassination.

"Only a show of force. I dont know how prepared you think you are, but if I can get this close to killing you then think again." Nathan spoke.

He then slowly lowered his hand as the lightning faded away. The pressure Valentina felt had left as quickly as it appeared leaving her gasping for breath. Glenn on the other hand went pale with fear. Compared to last night, Nathan's strength was like the tip of an iceberg. As Nathan walked back to his bed the two were stunned still, unsure on how to proceed.

They may have been a bit over their heads this time. After settling back in bed Nathan turned to look at Valentina. 

"I suggest you do more research on that Planar World and tell Raeva, she needs to keep her mouth shut." Nathan crossed his arms while looking at Valentina.